Partner Manager: Payload Storage API implementation with external UI
Partner Manager: Payload Storage API implementation with external UI
This template provides guideline to implement of payload storage API to be used in Anypoint Partner Manager, and is based on the specifications outlined here.
This example uses MySQL database to store B2B transaction payload, and also includes the implementation to render the payload view in a separate URL, to be used as the Payload view URL in the Payload storage API configuration in Partner Manager. You can replace the Database Connector step with any other storage solution such as AWS S3, No-SQL database or any other storage medium of your choice.
- Create a MySQL database table using the DDL statements in the file APM-Table-Definition.ddl
- Update file with the database connection information
- Update the property with a desired API key to be used for authentication.
- Deploy the application to a Mule runtime
- In Partner Manager's Payload storage configuration page, update the URL of the API implementation.