Accelerator B2B Common Library

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The B2B Common Library defines a set of resources that are commonly used in API specifications designed for MuleSoft Accelerator for Salesforce OMS. This accelerator enables customers to extend and integrate Salesforce OMS with external business partners and application ecosystems by leveraging Anypoint platform and B2B Integration capabilities. The solution provides customers with an accelerated jump start to implement EDI messaging and other application integrations around Salesforce OMS.

Data types

This library defines a number of data types related to Order management and B2B order processing, which form a canonical model used in most Process and System API specifications.


To use one or more of these resources in your API definition, first add this library as an Exchange dependency to your Design Center project and then import it into your main RAML file as follows:

  CommonTypes: ./exchange_modules/<groupid>/accel-b2b-common-library/1.0.10/accel-b2b-common-library.raml

You can then reference the exposed data types in your endpoints. For example:

  description: Base resource for all outbound Order notices, which are used to simulate ERP processes.
    is: [ GlobalResources.ErrorResponses, GlobalResources.Trackable ]
    description: Receive an outbound Order notice.
        type: CommonTypes.OrderNotice


When you update the version of the Exchange dependency, you will need to manually update all file path references.


TypeAPI Spec Fragment
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onApr 18, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions