Accelerator B2B Common Resources - Source

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This asset is a component of the MuleSoft Accelerator for Salesforce OMS, which accelerates the implementation of use cases involving the Salesforce Order Management System.

Project contents

The accel-b2b-common-resources project provides scripts, Postman collections, and other resources that can be used to set up and test environments required for one or more B2B use cases. To obtain the source for this project, download the asset and extract the contents into the desired folder.

Configuration files

The settings-accelerators.xml file is a Maven configuration template that should be used as the basis for building and deploying assets related to MuleSoft Accelerators. Copy or merge the content of this file to one on your local workstation (the default location is $HOME/.m2/settings.xml on Linux/MacOS, or %USERPROFILE%\.m2\settings.xml on Windows) and customize the following sections as per your organization's target Anypoint instance:

  • The global-settings-org global profile properties
  • The CloudHub-DEV or CloudHub2-DEV deployment profile properties
  • Credentials for the anypoint-exchange, anypoint-exchange-v2, anypoint-exchange-v3, accelerator-exchange, and mule-enterprise server entries

Once configured correctly, you will be able to build and deploy any implementation template to your own Anypoint instance using Maven.

Postman collections

The following Postman collections can be found under the collections folder:

  • Anypoint-MQ-Configuration - create the Anypoint MQ destinations and client application required by B2B use cases
  • B2B Solution Testing - perform functional tests for different scenarios, such as submitting a new purchase order or publishing a shipment notice
  • Partner Manager Setup - create the Partner Manager message flows and dependent components required by B2B use cases
  • Salesforce OMS - perform various tests against the High Scale Orders API provided by Salesforce OMS

In addition to configurable variables defined within each collection, these also rely on certain environment variables for authentication and organization identification - import the dev.postman_environment.json template as a new environment and supply the appropriate values.

Partner Manager

The partnermanager folder contains a number of valuable resources, including sample messages, DataWeave mapping files, and message schema definitions. These can be used to manually configure and test the Partner Manager message flows created by the Postman collection.


The following resources can be found under the Salesforce folder:

  • CleanupOrders.txt - Apex snippets to delete records from OMS objects, used for development and test purposes only
  • - an unmanaged package that can be imported into a Salesforce OMS instance to provision all the configuration elements required for B2B use cases, including fields, objects, and flows

The Salesforce Developer Workbench can be used run the Apex scripts and to import the package.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onApr 18, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions