Accelerator Products Process API - Implementation Template

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Each Accelerator implementation template in Exchange includes Bash and Windows scripts for building and deploying the APIs to CloudHub. These scripts depend on repositories, global settings, deployment profiles, and associated properties configured in the Maven settings.xml file.

Most applications can also be run in Anypoint Studio without having to create custom Run Configuration profiles.

Required property overrides

At a minimum, the following properties must be customized to reflect the target deployment environment.

Property NameDescription
api.autodiscovery-idRequired if using API Manager to secure this API
products-prc-api.http-client.client-idClient Id provided for Products Process API to interact with all System API's
products-prc-api.http-client.client-secretClient Secret provided for Customer Process API to interact with all System API's
mdm-sys.hostMDM System API Instance Hostname
mdm-sys.portMDM System API Instance Port
mdm-sys.base-pathMDM System API Instance base path
salesforce-b2b-products-sys.hostSalesforce System API Instance Hostname
salesforce-b2b-products.portSalesforce System API Instance Port
salesforce-b2b-products.base-pathSalesforce System API Instance base path
sap-hana-sys-sys.hostSAP S/4 HANA System API Instance Hostname
sap-hana-sys.portSAP S/4 HANA System API Instance Port
sap-hana-sys.base-pathSAP S/4 HANA System API Instance base path
b2c-commerce-sys.hostB2C Commerce System API Instance Hostname
b2c-commerce-sys.portB2C Commerce System API Instance Port
b2c-commerce-sys.base-pathB2C Commerce System API Instance base path
ofbiz-products-sys.hostOFBIZ Products System API Instance Hostname
ofbiz-products-sys.portOFBIZ Products System API Instance Port
ofbiz-products-sys.base-pathB2C Commerce System API Instance base path
pim-products-sys.hostPIM System API Instance Hostname
pim-products-sys.portPIM System API Instance Port
pim-products-sys.base-pathPIM System API Instance Base path
anypoint-mq.server-urlAnypoint MQ URL where the message Exchange, Topics, queues have been created
anypoint-mq.client-idAnypoint MQ Client Id to access messages from MQ
anypoint-mq.client-secretAnypoint MQ Client Secret to access messages from MQ

Please refer to the file in the asset for detailed instructions on how to download and deploy the template.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 23, 2021
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.2.x

Asset versions