Accelerator Salesforce Customers System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

create-contact-requestSalesforce Contact create mapping
lookup-contacts-responseSalesforce Contact to CIM Individual mapping response
retrieve-contact-by-id-responseSalesforce Contact to CIM Individual format mapping
update-contact-request-for-sfSalesforce Contact update mapping
create-account-contact-relationSalesforce Create AccountContactRelation mapping
CommonToolsThis module provides utility functions and mappings for Customer transformations
retrieve-customer-by-id-responseSalesforce Person Account to CIM Customer format mapping
retrieve-related-contacts-by-customerid-responseSalesforce AccountContactRelation mapping to CIM PartyRelatedParty
search-customers-responseSalesforce Account to CIM Customer format mapping response
update-account-contact-relationSalesforce Update AccountContactRelation mapping
update-customers-request-for-sfSalesforce Person Account update mapping
create-organization-account-requestSalesforce Organization Account create mapping
update-organization-account-request-for-sfSalesforce Organization Account update mapping
create-household-requestSalesforce Create Household mapping
lookup-households-responseSalesforce Look up Household mapping
retrieve-household-by-id-responseSalesforce Retrieve Household mapping
update-household-request-for-sfSalesforce Update Household mapping
create-lead-requestSalesforce Create Lead mapping
lookup-leads-responseSalesforce Look up Leads mapping
retrieve-lead-by-id-responseSalesforce Retrieve Lead mapping
update-lead-request-for-sfSalesforce Update Lead mapping
lookup-sf-responseSalesforce Search Opportunity mapping
retrieve-opportunity-by-id-responseSalesforce Retrieve Opportunity mapping
update-opportunity-request-for-sfSalesforce Update Opportunity mapping


Salesforce Contact create mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contacts/create-contact-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Individual format to Salesforce Contact Object

Salesforce ContactCIMDescription
Salutationparty.salutationThe salutation of the contact
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the contact
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the contact
BirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the contact
AccountIdprimaryAccountThe ID of the Account which the Contact is associated with
Global_Individual_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the contact in MDM system
Global_MailingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointAddress in MDM system
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointEmail in MDM system
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointPhone in MDM system
MailingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the contact
MailingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the contact
MailingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the contact
MailingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe contact mailing state
MailingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe contact mailing country
MailingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe contact geo lattitude location
MailingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe contact geo logitude location
Emailparty.ContactPointEmail.emailAddressThe contact email
Phoneparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe contact phone Number

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Salesforce Contact to CIM Individual mapping response

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contacts/lookup-contacts-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Contact to CIM Individual format

CIMSalesforce ContactDescription
ididThe identifier of the contact in Salesforce
salutationSalutationThe salutation of the contact
personNameNameThe name of the contact
firstNameFirstNameThe first name of the contact
lastNameLastNameThe Last name of the contact
birthDateBirthdateThe birth date of the contact
primaryAccountAccountIdThe ID of the Account which the Contact is associated with
partyTypeIndividualThe contact party set as "Individual"
contactPointTypeContactPointAddresscontactPointType set as "ContactPointAddress"
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_MailingAddress_Id__cThe postalAddress Global ID to ContactPointAddress
idnullThe contactPointAddress id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
addressLine1MailingStreetThe mailing address of the contact
cityNameMailingCityThe mailing city of the contact
postalCodeTextMailingPostalCodeThe contact mailing postal code
stateProvinceNameMailingStateThe contact state province name
countryNameMailingCountryThe country name of the contact
geoLatitudeMailingLatitudeThe geo-latitude code of the contact
geoLongitudeMailingLongitudeThe geo-longitude code of the contact
geoAccuracyMailingGeocodeAccuracyThe geo-code accurate location of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailcontactPointType set as "ContactPointEmail"
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_EmailAddress_Id__cThe Email Address Global ID to ContactPointEmail
idnullThe contactpoint id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
emailAddressEmailThe email address of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointPhonecontactPointType - set as "ContactPointPhone"
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_PhoneNumber_Id__cThe Phone Number Global ID to ContactPointPhone
contactPointTypeContactIdThe contactpoint id - set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
telephoneNumberPhoneThe phone number of the contact
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Individual_Id__cThe Global ID of the contact in MDM system
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe externalId Type set as "MDM"
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe externalId status is set as VALID
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the contact was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the contact
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the contact was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the contact
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the contact has been soft-deleted

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Salesforce Contact to CIM Individual format mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contacts/retrieve-contact-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Contact to CIM Individual format

CIMSalesforce ContactDescription
ididThe identifier of the contact in Salesforce
salutationSalutationThe salutation of the contact
personNameNameThe name of the contact
firstNameFirstNameThe first name of the contact
lastNameLastNameThe Last name of the contact
birthDateBirthdateThe birth date of the contact
primaryAccountAccountIdThe ID of the Account which the Contact is associated with
partyTypeIndividualThe contact party set as Individual
contactPointTypeContactPointAddresscontactPointType set as ContactPointAddress
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_MailingAddress_Id__cThe postalAddress Global ID to ContactPointAddress
idnullThe contactPointAddress id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
addressLine1MailingStreetThe mailing address of the contact
cityNameMailingCityThe mailing city of the contact
postalCodeTextMailingPostalCodeThe contact mailing postal code
stateProvinceNameMailingStateThe contact state province name
countryNameMailingCountryThe country name of the contact
geoLatitudeMailingLatitudeThe geo-latitude code of the contact
geoLongitudeMailingLongitudeThe geo-longitude code of the contact
geoAccuracyMailingGeocodeAccuracyThe geo-code accurate location of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailcontactPointType set as ContactPointEmail
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_EmailAddress_Id__cThe Email Address Global ID to ContactPointEmail
idnullThe contactpoint id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
emailAddressEmailThe email address of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointPhonecontactPointType - set as ContactPointPhone
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_PhoneNumber_Id__cThe Phone Number Global ID to ContactPointPhone
contactPointTypeContactIdThe contactpoint id - set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
telephoneNumberPhoneThe phone number of the contact
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Individual_Id__cThe Global ID of the contact in MDM system
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe externalId Type set as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date
externalIds.statusVALIDThe externalId status is set as VALID
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the contact was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the contact
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the contact was last updated to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the contact
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the contact has been soft-deleted

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Salesforce Contact update mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/contacts/update-contact-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Individual format to Salesforce Contact Object

Salesforce ContactCIMDescription
IdcontactIdThe identifier of the contact in Salesforce
Salutationparty.salutationThe salutation of the contact
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the contact
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the contact
BirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the contact
AccountIdprimaryAccountThe ID of the Account which the Contact is associated with
Global_Individual_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the contact in MDM system
Global_MailingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointAddress in MDM system
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointEmail in MDM system
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the ContactPointPhone in MDM system
MailingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the contact
MailingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the contact
MailingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the contact
MailingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe contact mailing state
MailingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe contact mailing country
MailingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe contact geo lattitude location
MailingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe contact geo logitude location
Emailparty.ContactPointEmail.emailAddressThe contact email
Phoneparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe contact phone Number

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Salesforce Create AccountContactRelation mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/create-account-contact-relation.dwl


var sfRolesMap

Roles in Salesforce to define relationship type between Account and Contact

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM PartyRelatedParty to Salesforce AccountContactRelation

IdidThe identifier of the AccountContactRelation record in Salesforce
AccountIdparty.idThe identifier of the associated Account
ContactIdrelatedParty.idThe identifier of the associated contact
RolespartyRelationshipTypeThe Relationship type of Account and Contact
StartDaterelatedFromDateThe date from which Account and Contact are related
EndDaterelatedEndDateThe date till which Account and Contact are related

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This module provides utility functions and mappings for Customer transformations

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/CommonTools.dwl


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

fun getGlobalId (externalIdsArr)

This function filters ExternalIds with ExternalId Type as MDM and returns the first one

return Global ExternalID

fun updateIndividualAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function sets default value for isUsedForBilling and isUsedForShipping flag in the ContactPointAddress array and returns the updated array

fun getMailingAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function filters addresses with isUsedForBilling flag as false

fun getIndividualMailingAddress (contactPoints)

This function gets the MailingAddress from Addresses array

fun getIndividualBillingAddress (contactPoints)

Filter Address with isUsedForBilling as true and return the first record

fun getIndividualShippingAddress (contactPoints)

Filter Address with isUsedForShipping as true and return the first record

fun updateIndividualPhonesArr (contactPoints)

This function sets default value for isSMSCapable flag in the ContactPointPhone array and returns the updated array

fun getPhonesArr (contactPoints)

This function filters phone numbers with isSMSCapable flag as false

fun getIndividualPhoneInfo (contactPoints)

This function gets the Phone Info from Phones array

fun getMobilePhoneInfo (contactPoints)

Filter Phone Numbers with isSMSCapable as true and return the first record

fun getEmailAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function gets the EmailAddress from ContactPoint Array

fun getPrimaryEmailAddress (contactPoints)

This function returns the Primary EmailAddress

fun getCustomerStatus (status)

Function to return appropriate Status that matches to status in Salesforce

param status Status as in MDM
return status equivalent in Salesforce

fun updateOrganizationAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function sets default value for isUsedForBilling and isUsedForShipping flag in the ContactPointAddress array and returns the updated array

fun getOrgBillingAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function filters addresses with isUsedForBilling as true or both isUsedForBilling and isUsedForShipping flags as false

fun getOrgBillingAddress (contactPoints)

This function gets the BillingAddress from Addresses array

fun getOrgShippingAddress (contactPoints)

Filter Address with isUsedForShipping as true and return the first record

fun updateOrganizationPhonesArr (contactPoints)

This function sets default value for isFaxCapable flag in the ContactPointPhone array and returns the updated array

fun getOrgPhonesArr (contactPoints)

This function filters phone numbers with isFaxCapable flag as false

fun getOrgPhoneInfo (contactPoints)

This function gets the Phone Info from Phones array

fun getFaxPhoneInfo (contactPoints)

Filter Phone Numbers with isFaxCapable as true and return the first one record

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/create-customer-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM format to Salesforce Account Object

Salesforce Person AccountCIMDescription
IdcustomerIdThe customer Id from the Uriparams
Salutationparty.salutationThe salutation of the customer
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the customer
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the customer
PersonBirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the customer
AccountNumbercustomerNumberThe customer Account Number
Global_Customer_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_Party_Id__cparty[0].externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the party associated with customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_BillingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has isUsedForBilling flag set to true
Global_MailingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has primaryFlag flag set to true
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointEmail when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_MobileNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM and isSMSCapable flag set to true
Customer_Status__ccustomerStatusStatus of customer
PersonEmailemailAddressEmail Address of the customer
PhonephoneTelephoneNumber of the customer
BillingStreetbillingAddress.addressLine1Address Line1 of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingCitybillingAddress.cityNameCity Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingPostalCodebillingAddress.postalCodeTextPostal Code Text of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingStatebillingAddress.stateProvinceNameState Province Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingCountrybillingAddress.countryNameCountryName of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingLatitudebillingAddress.geoLatitudeGeo Latitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingLongitudebillingAddress.geoLongitudeGeo Longitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
PersonMailingStreetmailingAddress.addressLine1Address Line1 of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingCitymailingAddress.cityNameCity Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingPostalCodemailingAddress.postalCodeTextPostal Code Text of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingStatemailingAddress.stateProvinceNameState Province Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingCountrymailingAddress.countryNameCountry Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingLatitudemailingAddress.geoLatitudeGeo Latitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingLongitudemailingAddress.geoLongitudeGeo Longitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMobilePhonetelephoneNumberTelephone Number of ContactPointPhone in MDM that has isSMSCapable flag set true

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Salesforce Person Account to CIM Customer format mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/retrieve-customer-by-id-response.dwl


var isOrgAccount

Validate if the account is organization account

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account to CIM Customer format The CIM Customer (PartyRole) can have either Individual or Organization as Party. The Salesforce PersonAccount is mapped as a Customer with Party as Individual in CIM. The Salesforce Account is mapped as a Customer with Party as Organization in CIM.

CIMSalesforce Person AccountDescription
partyRoleTypeCustomerHardcoded partyrole to customer
idcustomerIdThe customer Id
party.ididThe party Id is hardcoded to null
party.salutationSalutationThe customer salutation
party.personNameFirstName ++ LastNameThe customer personal name (concatenate FistName + LastName)
party.firstNameFirstNameThe customer first name
party.lastNameLastNameThe customer Last name
party.birthDatePersonBirthdateThe customer birth date
party.partyTypeRecord TypeThe customer party type returned as Individual or Organization or Household
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointAddress
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_MailingAddress_Id__cThe postalAddress Global ID to ContactPointAddress
idPersonContactIdThe customer Id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to Todays date
addressLine1PersonMailingStreetThe customers mailing address
cityNamePersonMailingCityThe customers mailing city
postalCodeTextPersonMailingPostalCodeThe customer mailing postal code
stateProvinceNamePersonMailingStateThe customer state province name
countryNamePersonMailingCountryThe customer country name
geoLatitudePersonMailingLatitudeThe customer geo-latitude code
geoLongitudePersonMailingLongitudeThe customer geo-longitude code
geoAccuracyPersonMailingGeocodeAccuracyThe customer geo-code accurate location
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointEmail
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_EmailAddress_Id__cThe Email Address Global ID to ContactPointEmail
idPersonContactIdThe customer id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to todays date
emailAddressPersonEmailThe customer contact email address
contactPointTypeContactPointPhoneHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointPhone
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_PhoneNumber_Id__cThe Phone Number Global ID to ContactPointPhone
contactPointTypePersonContactIdThe customer id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to todays date
telephoneNumberPhoneThe customer phone number
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Customer_Id__cThe customer Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe customer is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe customer status is hardcoded as VALID
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateThe customer created date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameThe last created by user name
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateThe last updated date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameThe last modified user name
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedreturns true if user deleted else false
customerNumberAccountNumberThe customer Account Number
customerStatusACTIVEHardcoded as ACTIVE

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Salesforce AccountContactRelation mapping to CIM PartyRelatedParty

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/retrieve-related-contacts-by-customerid-response.dwl


var cimRelationshipTypesMap

Array to hold Relationship types between Account and Contact

var s

Maps Salesforce AccountContactRelation to CIM PartyRelatedParty

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce AccountContactRelation to CIM PartyRelatedParty

idIdThe identifier of the AccountContactRelation record in Salesforce
partyRelationshipTypeRolesThe Relationship type of Account and Contact
relatedParty.idContactIdThe identifier of the associated contact
partyType"Individual"The type of Party set as Individual
party.idAccountIdThe identifier of the associated Account
partyType"Organization"The type of Party set as Organization
relatedFromDateStartDateThe date from which Account and Contact are related
relatedEndDateEndDateThe date till which Account and Contact are related

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Salesforce Account to CIM Customer format mapping response

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/search-customers-response.dwl


fun isOrgAccount (isPersonAccount)

Function to confirm if the is organization account by checking if its not person account.

param isPersonAccount flag to confirm person account or not
return flag to confirm the account is organization account or not

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account to CIM Customer format The CIM Customer (PartyRole) can have either Individual or Organization as Party. The Salesforce PersonAccount is mapped as a Customer with Party as Individual in CIM. The Salesforce Account is mapped as a Customer with Party as Organization in CIM.

CIMSalesforce Person AccountDescription
partyRoleTypeCustomerHardcoded partyrole to customer
idcustomerIdThe customer Id
party.ididThe party Id is hardcoded to null
party.salutationSalutationThe customer salutation
party.personNameFirstName ++ LastNameThe customer personal name (concatenate FistName + LastName)
party.firstNameFirstNameThe customer first name
party.lastNameLastNameThe customer Last name
party.birthDatePersonBirthdateThe customer birth date
party.partyTypeIndividualThe customer party type hardcoded as Individual or Organization
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointAddress
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_MailingAddress_Id__cThe Postal Address Global ID to ContactPointAddress
idPersonContactIdThe customer Id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to Todays date
addressLine1PersonMailingStreetThe customers mailing address
cityNamePersonMailingCityThe customers mailing city
postalCodeTextPersonMailingPostalCodeThe customer mailing postal code
stateProvinceNamePersonMailingStateThe customer state province name
countryNamePersonMailingCountryThe customer country name
geoLatitudePersonMailingLatitudeThe customer geo-latitude code
geoLongitudePersonMailingLongitudeThe customer geo-longitude code
geoAccuracyPersonMailingGeocodeAccuracyThe customer geo-code accurate location
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointEmail
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_EmailAddress_Id__cThe Email Address Global ID to ContactPointEmail
idPersonContactIdThe customer id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to todays date
emailAddressPersonEmailThe customer contact email address
contactPointTypeContactPointPhoneHardcoded customer contact type to ContactPointPhone
contactPoints.externalIds.externalIdGlobal_PhoneNumber_Id__cThe Phone Number Global ID to ContactPointPhone
contactPointTypePersonContactIdThe customer id
activeFromDatetodays dateThe customer Active from date is hardcoded to todays date
telephoneNumberPhoneThe customer phone number
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Customer_Id__cThe customer Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe customer is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe customer status is hardcoded as VALID
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateThe customer created date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameThe last created by user name
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateThe last updated date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameThe last modified user name
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedreturns true if user deleted else false
customerNumberAccountNumberThe customer Account Number
customerStatusACTIVEHardcoded as ACTIVE

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Salesforce Update AccountContactRelation mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/update-account-contact-relation.dwl


var sfRolesMap

Array to hold Relationship types between Account and Contact used for mapping

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM PartyRelatedParty to Salesforce AccountContactRelation

IdidThe identifier of the AccountContactRelation record in Salesforce
RolespartyRelationshipTypeThe Relationship type of Account and Contact
StartDaterelatedFromDateThe date from which Account and Contact are related
EndDaterelatedEndDateThe date till which Account and Contact are related

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Salesforce Person Account update mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/update-customers-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM format to Salesforce Account Object

Salesforce Person AccountCIMDescription
IdcustomerIdThe customer Id from the Uriparams
Salutationparty.salutationThe salutation of the customer
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the customer
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the customer
PersonBirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the customer
AccountNumbercustomerNumberThe customer Account Number
Global_Customer_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_Party_Id__cparty[0].externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the party associated with customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_BillingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has isUsedForBilling flag set to true
Global_MailingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has primaryFlag flag set to true
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointEmail when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_MobileNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM and isSMSCapable flag set to true
Customer_Status__ccustomerStatusStatus of customer
PersonEmailemailAddressEmail Address of the customer
PhonephoneTelephoneNumber of the customer
BillingStreetbillingAddress.addressLine1Address Line1 of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingCitybillingAddress.cityNameCity Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingPostalCodebillingAddress.postalCodeTextPostal Code Text of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingStatebillingAddress.stateProvinceNameState Province Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingCountrybillingAddress.countryNameCountryName of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingLatitudebillingAddress.geoLatitudeGeo Latitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
BillingLongitudebillingAddress.geoLongitudeGeo Longitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that isUsedForBilling flag set to true
PersonMailingStreetmailingAddress.addressLine1Address Line1 of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingCitymailingAddress.cityNameCity Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingPostalCodemailingAddress.postalCodeTextPostal Code Text of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingStatemailingAddress.stateProvinceNameState Province Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingCountrymailingAddress.countryNameCountry Name of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingLatitudemailingAddress.geoLatitudeGeo Latitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMailingLongitudemailingAddress.geoLongitudeGeo Longitude of ContactPointAddress in MDM that has primaryFlag flag set true
PersonMobilePhonetelephoneNumberTelephone Number of ContactPointPhone in MDM that has isSMSCapable flag set true

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Salesforce Organization Account create mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/create-organization-account-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer format to Salesforce Person Account Object

Salesforce Person AccountCIMDescription
Nameparty.nameThe Name of the Organization
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the customer
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the customer
PersonBirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the customer
Global_Customer_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_BillingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has isUsedForBilling flag set to true
Global_ShippingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM and has isUsedForShipping flag set to true
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointEmail when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_FaxNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM and has isFaxCapable flag set to true
RecordTypeIdrecordTypeIdThe Salesforce record Id for creating a customer
AccountNumbercustomerNumberThe customer Account Number
BillingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe customer mailing state where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe customer mailing country where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe customer geo latitude location where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe customer geo longitude location where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe customer mailing state where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe customer mailing country where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe customer geo latitude location where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe customer geo longitude location where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
Faxparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe customer contact phone Number that has isFaxCapable flag set to true
Phoneparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe customer contact phone Number

(back to top)


Salesforce Organization Account update mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customers/update-organization-account-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM format to Salesforce Account Object

Salesforce Person AccountCIMDescription
IdcustomerIdThe customer Id from the Uriparams
Salutationparty.salutationThe salutation of the customer
FirstNameparty.firstNameThe First Name of the customer
lastNameparty.LastNameThe Last Name of the customer
PersonBirthDateparty.birthDateThe birth date of the customer
AccountNumbercustomerNumberThe customer Account Number
Global_Customer_Id__cexternalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of the customer when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_MailingAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointAddress when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_EmailAddress_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointEmail when externalIdType matches MDM
Global_PhoneNumber_Id__ccontactPoints.externalIds.externalIdThe Global ID of ContactPointPhone when externalIdType matches MDM
BillingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the customer where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe customer mailing state where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe customer mailing country where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe customer geo latitude location where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
BillingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe customer geo longitude location where isUsedForBilling is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingStreetparty.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingCityparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingPostalCodeparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe mailing postal code of the customer where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingStateparty.contactPointAddress.stateProvinceNameThe customer mailing state where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingCountryparty.contactPointAddress.countryNameThe customer mailing country where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingLatitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLatitudeThe customer geo latitude location where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
ShippingLongitudeparty.contactPointAddress.geoLongitudeThe customer geo longitude location where isUsedForShipping is set to true for the contact point address
Faxparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe customer contact phone Number that has isFaxCapable flag set to true
Phoneparty.ContactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe customer contact phone Number

(back to top)


Salesforce Create Household mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/households/create-household-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account object to CIM Household format

Salesforce AccountCIMDescription
RecordTypeIdHouseholdThe Id of RecordType Household in Salesforce
NamenameThe Name of the household in Salesforce
Global_Party_Id__cexternalIdTypeThe global party identifier in MDM

(back to top)


Salesforce Look up Household mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/households/lookup-households-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account to CIM Household format

CIM - HouseholdSalesforce - AccountDescription
ididThe identifier of the household in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the household in Salesforce
householdFormedDateCreatedDateThe name of the household in Salesforce
householdDissolvedDateLastModifiedDateThe name of the household in Salesforce when Status is 'Closed'
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Party_Id__cThe party Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe type is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe household status is hardcoded as VALID

(back to top)


Salesforce Retrieve Household mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/households/retrieve-household-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account to CIM Household format

CIM - HouseholdSalesforce - AccountDescription
ididThe identifier of the household in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the household in Salesforce
householdFormedDateCreatedDateThe name of the household in Salesforce
householdDissolvedDateLastModifiedDateThe name of the household in Salesforce when Status is 'Closed'
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted
externalIds.ididId field is hardcoded as empty string
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Party_Id__cThe party Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe type is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe household status is hardcoded as VALID

(back to top)


Salesforce Update Household mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/households/update-household-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Account object to Cim Household format

Salesforce AccountCIMDescription
RecordTypeIdHouseholdThe Id of RecordType Household in Salesforce
NamenameThe Name of the household in Salesforce
Global_Party_Id__cexternalIdTypeThe global party identifier in MDM

(back to top)


Salesforce Create Lead mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/leads/create-lead-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Lead format to Salesforce Lead Object

Salesforce LeadCIMDescription
RecordTypeIdLeadThe Id of RecordType Lead in Salesforce salutation of the lead First Name of the lead Last Name of the lead
StreetcontactAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the lead
CitycontactAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the lead
PostalCodecontactAddress.postalCodeTextThe postal code of the lead
StatecontactAddress.stateProvinceNameThe lead state
CountrycontactAddress.countryNameThe lead country
LatitudecontactAddress.geoLatitudeThe lead geo lattitude location
LongitudecontactAddress.geoLongitudeThe lead geo logitude location
EmailcontactPointEmail.emailAddressThe lead email
PhonemobileContactPhoneThe lead phone Number
LeadSourceleadSourceThe lead phone Number
IsConvertedisConvertedFlag to indicate whether the lead is converted
ConvertedAccountIdconvertedToAccountThe Id of the Account when the lead is converted
StatusleadStatusThe lead status
DescriptiondescriptionThe lead description
CompanycompanyNameThe lead company name
AnnualRevenueannualRevenueThe lead Annual Revenue
LastActivityDatelastActivityDateThe timestamp of when the lead was last active

(back to top)


Salesforce Look up Leads mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/leads/lookup-leads-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Lead to CIM Lead format

CIM - LeadSalesforce - LeadDescription
ididThe identifier of the lead in Salesforce
leadSourceLeadSourceThe lead source - default set as "Marketing Event"
convertedToAccountConvertedAccountIdThe Id of the Account when the lead is converted
leadStatusStatusThe lead status
descriptionDescriptionThe lead description
companyNameCompanyThe lead company name
annualRevenueAnnualRevenueThe lead Annual Revenue
lastActivityDateLastActivityDateThe timestamp of when the lead was last active
SalutationsalutationThe salutation of the lead name of the lead first name of the lead Last name of the lead
partyTypeIndividualThe lead party set as "Individual"
contactAddress.contactPointTypeContactPointAddresscontactPointType set as "ContactPointAddress"
contactAddress.idnullThe contactPointAddress id set as null
contactAddress.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
contactAddress.addressLine1StreetThe mailing address of the lead
contactAddress.cityNameCityThe mailing city of the lead
contactAddress.postalCodeTextPostalCodeThe lead mailing postal code
contactAddress.stateProvinceNameStateThe lead state province name
contactAddress.countryNameCountryThe country name of the lead
contactAddress.geoLatitudeLatitudeThe geo-latitude code of the lead
contactAddress.geoLongitudeLongitudeThe geo-longitude code of the lead
contactPointEmail.contactPointTypeContactPointEmailcontactPointType set as "ContactPointEmail"
contactPointEmail.idnullThe contactpoint id set as null
contactPointEmail.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
contactPointEmail.emailAddressEmailThe email address of the lead
mobileContactPhone.contactPointTypeContactPointPhonecontactPointType - set as "ContactPointPhone"
mobileContactPhone.idnullThe contactpoint id - set as null
mobileContactPhone.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
mobileContactPhone.telephoneNumberPhoneThe phone number of the lead
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted

(back to top)


Salesforce Retrieve Lead mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/leads/retrieve-lead-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Lead to CIM Lead format

CIM - LeadSalesforce - LeadDescription
ididThe identifier of the lead in Salesforce
leadSourceLeadSourceThe lead source - default set as "Marketing Event"
convertedToAccountConvertedAccountIdThe Id of the Account when the lead is converted
leadStatusStatusThe lead status
descriptionDescriptionThe lead description
companyNameCompanyThe lead company name
annualRevenueAnnualRevenueThe lead Annual Revenue
lastActivityDateLastActivityDateThe timestamp of when the lead was last active
SalutationsalutationThe salutation of the lead name of the lead first name of the lead Last name of the lead
partyTypeIndividualThe lead party set as "Individual"
contactAddress.contactPointTypeContactPointAddresscontactPointType set as "ContactPointAddress"
contactAddress.idnullThe contactPointAddress id set as null
contactAddress.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
contactAddress.addressLine1StreetThe mailing address of the lead
contactAddress.cityNameCityThe mailing city of the lead
contactAddress.postalCodeTextPostalCodeThe lead mailing postal code
contactAddress.stateProvinceNameStateThe lead state province name
contactAddress.countryNameCountryThe country name of the lead
contactAddress.geoLatitudeLatitudeThe geo-latitude code of the lead
contactAddress.geoLongitudeLongitudeThe geo-longitude code of the lead
contactPointEmail.contactPointTypeContactPointEmailcontactPointType set as "ContactPointEmail"
contactPointEmail.idnullThe contactpoint id set as null
contactPointEmail.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
contactPointEmail.emailAddressEmailThe email address of the lead
mobileContactPhone.contactPointTypeContactPointPhonecontactPointType - set as "ContactPointPhone"
mobileContactPhone.idnullThe contactpoint id - set as null
mobileContactPhone.activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
mobileContactPhone.telephoneNumberPhoneThe phone number of the lead
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted

(back to top)


Salesforce Update Lead mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/leads/update-lead-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Lead format to Salesforce Lead Object

Salesforce LeadCIMDescription
IdidThe Id of the Lead in Salesforce salutation of the lead First Name of the lead Last Name of the lead
StreetcontactAddress.addressLine1The mailing Address of the lead
CitycontactAddress.cityNameThe mailing city of the lead
PostalCodecontactAddress.postalCodeTextThe postal code of the lead
StatecontactAddress.stateProvinceNameThe lead state
CountrycontactAddress.countryNameThe lead country
LatitudecontactAddress.geoLatitudeThe lead geo lattitude location
LongitudecontactAddress.geoLongitudeThe lead geo logitude location
EmailcontactPointEmail.emailAddressThe lead email
PhonemobileContactPhoneThe lead phone Number
LeadSourceleadSourceThe lead source
ConvertedAccountIdconvertedToAccountThe Id of the Account when the lead is converted
StatusleadStatusThe lead status
DescriptiondescriptionThe lead description
CompanycompanyNameThe lead company name
AnnualRevenueannualRevenueThe lead Annual Revenue
LastActivityDatelastActivityDateThe timestamp of when the lead was last active

(back to top)


Salesforce Search Opportunity mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/opportunities/lookup-sf-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Lead to CIM Lead format

CIM - OpportunituSalesforce - OpportunityDescription
ididThe identifier of the opportunity in Salesforce
partyType"Opportunity"The partyType in CIM is Opportunity
nameNameThe name of the Opportunity in Salesforce
firstNameFirstNameFirst Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
lastNameLastNameLast Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
personNameNamePerson Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
amountAmountThe amount mentioned in Salesforce
opportunityTypeTypeThe type of opportunity in Salesforce
closeDateCloseDateThe date on which the opportunity is closed
stageNameStageNameCurrent stage of the Opportunity
isClosedIsClosedIs the opportunity closed
isWonIsWonIs the opportunity won
primaryAccountAccountIdAccount associated with the opportunity
achTransferAuthDocumentIdAch Transfer Auth Document IdAch Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
assetTransferAuthDocumentIdAch Transfer Auth Document IdAsset Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
hasAllDocumentSignaturesDocument Signatures ReceivedFlag to indicate if all Signatures have been received for the Documents
hasKnowledgeCheckPassedKYC CompletedFlag to indicate if KYC Checked have been completed
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted

(back to top)


Salesforce Retrieve Opportunity mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/opportunities/retrieve-opportunity-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Lead to CIM Lead format

CIM - OpportunituSalesforce - OpportunityDescription
ididThe identifier of the opportunity in Salesforce
partyType"Opportunity"The partyType in CIM is Opportunity
nameNameThe name of the opportunity in Salesforce
firstNameFirstNameFirst Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
lastNameLastNameLast Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
personNameNamePerson Name of the Account associated with Opportunity
amountAmountThe amount mentioned in Salesforce
opportunityTypeTypeThe type of opportunity in Salesforce
closeDateCloseDateThe date on which the opportunity is closed
stageNameStageNameCurrent stage of the opportunity
isClosedIsClosedIs the opportunity closed
isWonIsWonIs the opportunity won
primaryAccountAccountIdAccount associated with the opportunity
achTransferAuthDocumentIdAch Transfer Auth Document IdAch Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
assetTransferAuthDocumentIdAch Transfer Auth Document IdAsset Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
hasAllDocumentSignaturesDocument Signatures ReceivedFlag to indicate if all Signatures have been received for the Documents
hasKnowledgeCheckPassedKYC CompletedFlag to indicate if KYC Checked have been completed
contactPointsAccount.ContactContacts related to the Account associated with the opportunity
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the lead was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the lead
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the lead was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the lead
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the lead has been soft-deleted

(back to top)


Salesforce Update Opportunity mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/opportunities/update-opportunity-request-for-sf.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Opportunity to Salesforce Opportunity format

Salesforce - OpportunityCIM - OpportunityDescription
ididThe identifier of the opportunity in Salesforce
NamenameThe name of the Opportunity in Salesforce
AmountamountThe amount mentioned in Salesforce
TypeopportunityTypeThe type of opportunity in Salesforce
CloseDatecloseDateThe date on which the opportunity is closed
StageNamestageNameCurrent stage of the Opportunity
Ach Transfer Auth Document IdachTransferAuthDocumentIdAch Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
Ach Transfer Auth Document IdassetTransferAuthDocumentIdAsset Transfer Document Id associated with opportunity
Document Signatures ReceivedhasAllDocumentSignaturesFlag to indicate if all Signatures have been received for the Documents
KYC CompletedhasKnowledgeCheckPassedFlag to indicate if KYC Checked have been completed

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 27, 2025
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.7.x

Asset versions