Accelerator Salesforce OMS Event Listener - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

get-order-summary-details-requestComposite request to retrieve OrderSummary details from Salesforce
map-order-summary-details-to-cimSalesforce FulfillmentOrder to CIM OrderAllocatedEvent Mapping
get-invoice-details-requestComposite request to retrieve Invoice and OrderSummary details from Salesforce
map-invoice-details-to-cimSalesforce Invoice Object to CIM OrderInvoicedEvent Mapping
map-order-summary-created-to-cimSalesforce OrderSummary details to CIM OrderCreatedEvent Mapping
get-order-summary-and-fulfillment-orders-details-requestComposite request to retrieve FulfillmentOrder details from Salesforce


Composite request to retrieve OrderSummary details from Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-order-summary-details-request.dwl

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Salesforce FulfillmentOrder to CIM OrderAllocatedEvent Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-order-summary-details-to-cim.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce FulfillmentOrder details to CIM OrderAllocatedEvent

idOrderSummaryIdIdentifier of the OrderSummary in Salesforce
orderEventTypeSet as "OrderAllocatedEvent"
purchaseOrderDatefulfillmentOrders.OrderSummary.OrderedDateDate the purchase order was created
purchasingOrganizationCodefulfillmentOrders.Account.NameThe Name of the organization that submitted the purchase order
buyerEmailAddressfulfillmentOrders.OrderSummary.BillingEmailAddressEmail address of the individual responsible for the purchase order
For Each FulfillmentOrder mapped to fulfillmentOrders
ididIdentifier of the FulfillmentOrder in Salesforce
fulfillmentOrderNumberFulfillmentOrderNumberThe fulfillment order number
customerIdAccountIdIdentifier of the customer who purchased the items to be fulfilled
billToIndividualIdBillToContactIdIdentifier of the individual contact that the fulfillment order will be billed to
fulfilledToNameFulfilledToNameName of the person or company receiving the fulfillment order
fulfilledToLocation.idSet as Null
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.addressLine1FulfilledToStreetThe street name for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.cityNameFulfilledToCityThe name of the city for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.stateProvinceNameFulfilledToStateThe name of the state or province for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.stateProvinceCodeFulfilledToStateCodeThe ISO region code for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.countryNameFulfilledToCountryThe name of the country for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.countryCodeFulfilledToCountryCodeThe ISO country code for the fulfillment address
fulfilledToLocation.locationAddress.postalCodeTextFulfilledToPostalCodeThe postal code for the fulfillment address
isReshipIsReshipIndicates whether or not whether the purchase order is a reshipment
isSuspendedIsSuspendedIndicates whether or not whether the purchase order is suspended
fulfillmentOrderStatusStatusThe status of the fulfillment order in Salesforce
currencyCodeCurrencyIsoCodeCurrency code for fulfillment order in Salesforce
totalItemCountItemCountSum of quantity from all fulfillment order line items in Salesforce
totalAdjustmentAmountTotalAdjustmentAmountSum of total product adjustment amount from all fulfillment order line items in Salesforce
totalAdjustmentTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentTaxAmountTax on the total adjustment amount
totalAdjustmentWithTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentAmtWithTaxSum of totalAdjustmentAmount and totalAdjustmentTaxAmount
totalDeliveryAmountTotalDeliveryAmountTotal amount of the delivery charges on the fulfillment order
totalDeliveryTaxAmountTotalDeliveryTaxAmountTax on the total delivery amount
totalDeliveryWithTaxAmountTotalDeliveryAmtWithTaxSum of TotalDeliveryAmount and TotalDeliveryTaxAmount
totalAmountTotalAmountAdjusted total not including tax of the fulfillment order line items and including products and delivery charges
totalTaxAmountTotalTaxAmountTotal Tax amount
totalWithTaxAmountGrandTotalAmountSum of TotalAmount and TotalTaxAmount
For Each FulfillmentOrderLineItems mapped to fulfillmentOrderProducts
ididThe identifier of the FulfillmentOrderLineItem in Salesforce
lineNumberOrderItemSummary.LineNumberLine number of the fulfillment order product in a fulfillment order
productCodeOrderItemSummary.ProductCodeProduct Code in Salesforce
currencyCodeOrderItemSummary.CurrencyIsoCodeCurrency code for the fulfillment order product
quantityUnitOfMeasureQuantityUnitOfMeasureUnit of measure for the quantity fulfilled
orderedQuantityOrderItemSummary.QuantityOrderedNumber of product units requested on the sales order
fulfilledQuantityOrderItemSummary.QuantityFulfilledSum of quantity from all fulfillment order line items
unitPriceOrderItemSummary.UnitPriceActual unit price of the fulfillment order product
grossUnitPriceOrderItemSummary.GrossUnitPriceGross unit price of the fulfillment order product after all taxes and adjustments
totalAdjustmentAmountTotalAdjustmentAmountTotal adjustment amount of the fulfillment order product
totalAdjustmentTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentTaxAmountTax on the total adjustment amount
totalAdjustmentWithTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentAmountWithTaxSum of TotalAdjustmentAmount and TotalAdjustmentTaxAmount
totalProductAmountTotalLineAmountTotal line amount
totalProductTaxAmountTotalLineTaxAmountTax on the total product amount
totalAmountTotalAmountTotal amount of the fulfillment order product
End For Each fulfillmentOrderProducts
End For Each fulfillmentOrders

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Composite request to retrieve Invoice and OrderSummary details from Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-invoice-details-request.dwl

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Salesforce Invoice Object to CIM OrderInvoicedEvent Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-invoice-details-to-cim.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Invoice details to CIM OrderInvoicedEvent

idIdIdentifier of the Invoice in Salesforce
orderEventTypeSet as "OrderInvoicedEvent"
purchaseOrderDateOrderSummary.OrderedDateDate the purchase order was created
purchasingOrganizationCodeOrderSummary.Account.NameThe Name of the organization that submitted the purchase order
buyerEmailAddressOrderSummary.BillingEmailAddressEmail address of the individual responsible for the purchase order
For Each Invoice
idIdIdentifier of the Invoice in Salesforce
descriptionDescriptionDescription of the Invoice
invoiceNumberDocumentNumberDocument number for the invoice is set as invoice number
billToCustomerIdBillingAccountIdThe identifier of the account in Salesforce to which the invoice is billed to
billToIndividualIdBillToContactIdIdentifier of the customer who purchased the items to be fulfilled
invoiceStatusStatusThe status of the Invoice
invoiceDateInvoiceDateDate the invoice was created
dueDateDueDateThe due date of the invoice payment
balanceBalanceThe outstanding balance for the invoice
totalAdjustmentAmountTotalAdjustmentAmountThe total amount including tax of the price adjustments applied to the products on the invoice
totalAdjustmentTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentTaxAmountThe tax on the total adjustment amount
totalAdjustmentWithTaxAmountTotalAdjustmentAmountWithTaxThe total amount including tax of the price adjustments applied to the products on the invoice
totalChargeAmountTotalChargeAmountThe total amount of the charges on the credit memo not including taxes
totalChargeTaxAmounttotalChargeTaxAmountThe tax on the total charges
totalChargeWithTaxAmounttotalChargeWithTaxAmountThe total amount of the charges on the invoice including tax
totalAmountTotalAmountThe total amount of the invoice including adjustments but not tax
totalWithTaxAmountTotalAmountWithTaxThe total amount of the invoice including adjustments and tax
For Each InvoiceLines mapped to invoiceLines
idIdIdentifier of the invoice line in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the invoice line
invoiceLineTypeTypeThe type of the invoice line
productIdproductIdIdentifier of the product that was ordered or changed to create the invoice
productCodeProduct2.ProductCodeThe code of the product that was ordered or changed to create the invoice
lineStartDateInvoiceLineStartDateIdentifier of the customer who purchased the items to be fulfilled
lineEndDateInvoiceLineEndDateIdentifier of the customer who purchased the items to be fulfilled
lineQuantityQuantityThe number of units of the product that created the invoice line
unitPriceUnitPriceThe unit price of the product on the invoice line not including tax
grossUnitPriceGrossUnitPriceThe unit price of the product on the invoice line including tax.
totalAdjustmentAmountAdjustmentAmountThe total amount of the price adjustments on the invoice line not including tax
totalAdjustmentTaxAmountAdjustmentTaxAmountThe tax on the adjustment amount
totalAdjustmentWithTaxAmountAdjustmentAmountWithTaxThe total amount of the price adjustments on the invoice line including tax
totalChargeAmountChargeAmountThe total amount of the charges on the invoice line not including tax
totalChargeTaxAmountChargeTaxAmountThe total amount on the charges on the invoice line including tax
totalChargeWithTaxAmountChargeAmountWithTaxThe total amount on the charges on the invoice line including tax
taxCodeTaxCodeThe total amount on the charges on the invoice line including tax
taxNameTaxNameThe name of the tax applied to the invoice line
taxRatePercentTaxRateThe percentage value used to calculate the tax amount on the invoice line
End of For Each InvoiceLines
End of For Each Invoice

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Salesforce OrderSummary details to CIM OrderCreatedEvent Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-order-summary-created-to-cim.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce OrderSummary details to CIM OrderCreatedEvent

idIdIdentifier of the Order Summary in Salesforce
orderEventTypeSet as "OrderCreatedEvent"
purchaseOrderDateOrderedDateDate the purchase order was created
purchasingOrganizationCodeAccount.NameThe Name of the organization that submitted the purchase order

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Composite request to retrieve FulfillmentOrder details from Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-order-summary-and-fulfillment-orders-details-request.dwl

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onMay 21, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

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