Accelerator Common Resources - Source

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This asset is a component of MuleSoft Accelerators, which are a collection of reference architectures, technical assets (predominantly API specifications and implementation templates), and documentation to accelerate the implementation of multiple use cases supporting a larger business or industry problem.

For more details regarding how to use the Common Build resources, refer to the file in the project as well as the Getting Started guide.

Project contents

The accelerator-common-resources project includes scripts, product-specific config files, and Postman collections used for environment setup and testing.

To obtain the source for this project, download the asset and extract the contents into a temporary folder. The archive contains a single project folder, which can be moved/copied to the desired location and imported into Studio as a new project.

Maven build files

One or more Maven module build files are provided to simplify building and deploying a collection of accelerator assets. All projects in each build file must already exist under the root workspace folder by default.

Configuration files

The settings-accelerators.xml file is a Maven configuration template that should be used as the basis for building and deploying assets related to the MuleSoft Accelerators. Copy or merge the content of this file to one on your local workstation (the default location is $HOME/.m2/settings.xml on Linux/MacOS, %USERPROFILE%\.m2\settings.xml on Windows) and customize the following sections as per your organization's target Anypoint instance:

  • The global-settings-org global profile properties
  • The CloudHub-DEV or CloudHub2-DEV deployment profile properties
  • Credentials for the anypoint-exchange, anypoint-exchange-v2, anypoint-exchange-v3, accelerator-exchange, and mule-enterprise server entries

Once configured correctly, you will be able to build and deploy any implementation template to your own Anypoint instance using Maven.

Postman collections

The following Postman collections can be found under the collections folder:

  • Accelerator-Deployment-Verification - provides a set of test cases to invoke the new /ping endpoint on all accelerator APIs
  • Accelerator-MFPA-Rules - this collection can be used to configure the Code Review rules used by the MuleSoft Code Fingerprint Analyzer tool
  • Anypoint-MQ-Configuration - can be used to automatically create the Anypoint MQ destinations and client application required by many accelerator components


The following scripts and classes can be found under the Salesforce folder which are used by the Salesforce System APIs and Event Listeners:

  • CreateApexTriggers.txt - includes apex triggers used to publish the events which are processed by Accelerator Salesforce Party Event Listener and Accelerator Salesforce Financial Account Event Listener
  • CreateCustomFields.txt - includes scripts to create custom fields in Salesforce
  • CreateCustomObjects.txt - includes scripts to create custom objects in Salesforce
  • CreatePlatformEventsCustomFields.txt - includes scripts to create custom fields on a Platform event which is processed by Accelerator Salesforce Party Event Listener and Accelerator Salesforce Financial Account Event Listener
  • CustomFieldUtility.apxc - This apex class includes functions which can be used to create custom fields in Salesforce
  • CustomObjectUtility.apxc - This apex class includes functions which can be used to create custom objects in Salesforce

The scripts for creating Custom Fields, Custom Objects and Apex Triggers are consolidated for all Accelerator use cases. You may not need to run all of them - refer the Documentation of the System API or the Event Listener that you are setting up to understand what is applicable for your specific use case.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 25, 2025
Asset overview

Asset versions for 3.1.x

Asset versions