Bulk Clinical Data Ingestion from EMR into Data Cloud

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The Bulk Data Ingestion integration application simplifies the retrieval of bulk healthcare data from any FHIR Bulk API-compliant EMR and seamlessly transfers this data to Salesforce Data Cloud. With a focus on performance, compliance, and Interoperability, this solution facilitates seamless integration between these two systems, empowering organizations not only to scale their Population Health Management initiatives but also to make informed, data-driven decisions in the healthcare domain using analytics.

Key features include FHIR compliance, efficient bulk data retrieval, data transformation, scalability, and robust security measures.

The FHIR Resources that are ingested are Patient, Encounter, AllergyIntolerance, Condition, Procedure, MedicationRequest. We will continue to add more FHIR resources to this list, in the future.

However, the integration application can easily be extended by MuleSoft developers to ingest additional FHIR resources using the same mechanisms as available in this pre-packaged integration


Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onJun 13, 2024
Asset overview
Industries CloudHealth
Custom fields

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions