Bulk Clinical Data Ingestion from EMR into Data Cloud

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  1. Bulk Data ingestion in Data Cloud has the following limitations, which in turn limit the integration to process the data into Data Cloud sequentially.

    • Only one job can be created for a particular object. Until the job is fully processed, a new job can’t be created for the same object type.
    • The number of concurrent requests or jobs allowed is 5.
    • The max size of the payload is 150 MB.
    • The Max number of files per job is 100 files.
    • Refer to the Data Cloud limitations listed here.
  2. New jobs for different groupIds are accepted, queued, and processed sequentially.

  3. The job status is stored for 30 days only. Accessing the job status extends the time to live by 30 days.


Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onJun 13, 2024
Asset overview
Industries CloudHealth
Custom fields

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions