Health Cloud Benefits Verification LWC - Source

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This asset is a component of MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare.

MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare enables healthcare providers to unlock critical patient data to build a patient 360 within Salesforce Health Cloud, faster and easier than ever before. The solution includes pre-built APIs, connectors, integration templates, and a prescriptive end-to-end reference architecture to bring patient demographics information and COVID-19 test results from any EHR into Health Cloud using HL7 V2 or FHIR standards.

The solution also provides a library of United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) and FHIR R4 resources to help healthcare developers adhere to interoperability needs and jumpstart the development of healthcare digital transformation initiatives.

This asset provides the Lightning Web Component that allows users to visualize and sync patient and insurance coverage benefits and eligibility information from Cerner and the Benefits Verification System into Health Cloud. The following image is what users should expect to see in their Health Cloud console:




  1. Deploy Mule API Benefits Verification Process API - Implementation Template and all of the system APIs that support it.

Installing Lightning Web Component to Salesforce

  1. Use the following URL to install this package in your HealthCloud enabled org. Login with the username and password for the org that you wish to install the package into.
  2. Approve the Install for "All Users".
  3. Step through the install wizard until the installation is complete.

Note: You may alternatively install the lightning web component from source code by downloading the asset (.zip file) and then follow the instructions in the provided file.

Salesforce Configuration

  1. Remote Site Access

    Before any Apex callout can call an external api, that api must be registered in the Remote Site Settings Page, or the call fails. To access the page, from Setup, enter Remote Site Settings in the Quick Find box, then select Remote Site Settings. Find the entry called 'cerner_benefit_verification_prc_api' and edit it. Set the URL to Benefits Verification Process API.

  2. LWC Configuration

    The URL of the Benefits Verification Process API needs to be configured. To access the page, from Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box. In the list find the one labeled Benefit Verification LWC and click the Manage Records link. For the benefitVerification record click the Edit link. All of the defaults should be set accordingly except for baseUrl, you need to set that to the base URL for your Benefits Verification Process API. Once you've set it click the Save button to save.

  3. Add the component to a Salesforce page

    1. Navigate to a page within Salesforce, where BenefitVerification needs to be setup. Example - Getting Started
    2. Use the gear icon at the top right to select edit page
    3. On the edit page menu, on the left side menu scroll to the bottom to find the custom component "benefitVerification" and position it in the desired location on the page

    4. Save the page and exit Editor
    5. Test the installed LWC as shown in the following screenshot:


Editing the source code

Modification of the source code requires that the Salesforce CLI toolset is installed on the local machine that's performing the install.

These steps assumes that you've already performed the installation into the org of your choosing.

1) First setup a new project directory to work in. See Create a Salesforce DX Project for instructions.
2) Next authorize the org with the installed app. See the Salesforce Authorize an Org Using Web Server Flow for
the cli instructions to setup your org.
3) Next issue the following command which will pull the existing source code from the org and put it in the current directory under benefits-verification-app/main/default.

sfdx force:source:retrieve -n benefits-verification-app


Health Cloud Benefits Verification LWC - Source doesn't have any reviews yet
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 20, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions