HL7 V2 ADT Process API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

ADT Application Dev Guide

The SFDC ADT application uses the following DataWeave modules to map between HL7 and HealthCloud formats.

addressMaps the FHIR address object.
addresstypeMaps the address type object.
allergycriticalityMaps the allergy criticality.
allergytypeMaps the allergy type.
codeableconceptMaps the CodeableConcept object.
doctorsThis module defines some common functions to support doctor lookups and processing.
driverlicensenumberMaps the driver license number object.
extendedpersonnameMaps the extended person name object.
extendedtelecommunicationnumberMaps the extended telecommunication number object.
genderMaps the gender object.
identifierMaps the FHIR identifier object.
idtypesMaps the ID type object.
LibADTThis module defines functions needed to convert an HL7 ADT message into the HealthCloud data model.
maritalstatusMaps the marital status object.
nametypeMaps the name type object.
telecomequipmenttypeMaps the Telecom Equipment Type object.
telecomusecodeMaps the telecom use code object.
utilThis module defines a number of common utility functions.


Maps the FHIR address object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/address.dwl


fun mapAddress (obj)

Maps the provided object to the FHIR address.

param obj is an object with XAD fields that can be mapped to an address. (ORC-22, RXA-28 ...)
return A FHIR formatted Address object.

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Maps the address type object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/addresstype.dwl


fun mapAddressType (code)

Maps the provided XAD-07 field to the proper address type object.

param code is a XAD-07 field to map.
return An address type object.

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Maps the allergy criticality.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/allergycriticality.dwl


fun mapAllergyCriticality (code)

Maps the provided code to the allergy criticality.

param code is a string with the criticality code.
return An AllergyCriticality object.

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Maps the allergy type.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/allergytype.dwl


fun mapAllergyType (code)

Maps the allergy type with the provided code.

param code is a string with the allergy type code.
return An AllergyType object.

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Maps the CodeableConcept object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/codeableconcept.dwl


fun mapCodeableConcept (obj)

Maps the provided object into a CodeableConcept object.

param obj is the object to map from.
return A CodeableConcept object.

fun mapCodeableConcept (obj, hasMappingFunct, mappingFunct)

Maps the provided object with the provided mapping function into a CodeableConcept object.

param obj is the object to map from.
param hasMappingFunct is a boolean with true for has a provided mapping function and false for not. If set to true mappingFunct must be a vaild mapping function reference.
param mappingFunct is a function reference with the function to call to provide the mapping. This function definition must take a single argument.
return A CodeableConcept object.

fun mapCodeableConceptDoMapping (obj, hasMappingFunct, mappingFunct)

This function produces the codeable concept mappings. It's broken out into it's own function so it can be called multiple times from mapCodeableConcept.

param obj is the object to map from.
param hasMappingFunct is a boolean with true for has a provided mapping function and false for not. If set to true mappingFunct must be a vaild mapping function reference.
param mappingFunct is a function reference with the function to call to provide the mapping. This function definition must take a single argument.
return A CodeableConcept object.

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This module defines some common functions to
support doctor lookups and processing.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/doctors.dwl


fun createQuery (doctorIds)

Creates the HC query to get the IdValue and ParentRecordId from the Identifier table with the supplied list of values.

param doctorIds is a list of doctor Ids to query.
return A HC query string.

fun processQueryResults (idList, queryResult)

Processes the HC query results along with the provided Id list to create a list of parent record Ids that matches up with the provided idList identifier values. If a query result for a provided idList value isn't present then a null placeholder is put in it's place in the output.

param idList is a list of the Id values to create a HC list for.
return A list of HC Ids that match up to the input idList with nulls set where no value was found.

fun createHealthcareProviderQuery (doctorIds)

Creates the HC query to get the AccountId and Id from the HealthcareProvider table with the supplied list of values.

param doctorIds is a list of doctor Account Ids to query.
return A HC query string.

fun processHealthcareProviderQueryResults (idList, queryResult)

Processes the HC query results along with the provided Id list to create a list of HealthcareProvider Ids that matches up with the provided Account Id values. If a query result for a provided idList value isn't present then a null placeholder is put in it's place in the output.

param idList is a list of the Id values to create a HC list for.
return A list of HealthcareProvider Ids that match up to the input Account Id list with nulls set where no value was found.

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Maps the driver license number object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/driverlicensenumber.dwl


fun mapDriverLicenseNumber (obj)

Maps the driver license number object with the provided PID PID-20 object.

param obj is a PID-20 object.
return A DriverLicenseNumber object.

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Maps the extended person name object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/extendedpersonname.dwl


fun mapExtendedPersonName (xpn)

Maps the extended person name with the provided XPN object.

param xpn is an XPN object.
return An ExtendedPersonName object or null if xpn is null.

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Maps the extended telecommunication number object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/extendedtelecommunicationnumber.dwl


fun mapExtendedTelecommunicationNumber (xtn)

Maps the extended telecommunication number with the provided xtn object.

param xtn is the provided object to map.
return An ExtendedTelecommunicationNumber object.

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Maps the gender object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/gender.dwl


fun mapGender (code)

Maps the gender with the provided code.

param code is a string with the code to map.
return A Gender object.

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Maps the FHIR identifier object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/datatypes/identifier.dwl


fun mapIdentifier (cx)

Maps the provided object to the FHIR identifier object.

param cx is the input object to map.
return An identifier object.

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Maps the ID type object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/idtypes.dwl


fun mapIdTypes (code)

Maps the ID type with the provided code.

param code is a string with the ID type.
return An IdType object.

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This module defines functions needed to convert an
HL7 ADT message into the HealthCloud data model.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/hl7/LibADT.dwl


fun getMRN (msg)

This function takes ADT message and locates the MRN number.

param msg is an ADT message.
return The MRN number or null if not found.

fun getResultIds (res)

This function takes the results of a Salesforce query and returns a list of IDs.

param res is a Salesforce query result.
return An array with a list of Ids found.

fun getCompositeResponseId (data, refId)

Gets the Id returned in the composite response for the provided reference Id.

param data is the composite reponse.
param refId is a string with the referenceId to match on.
return A string with the Id or null if not found.

fun stripBlankCompositeRequests (compositeRequests)

Removes any composite requests where the number of items are less then or equal to 1. This is to remove blank requests.

param compositeRequests is the list of composite requests to strip.
return A list of composite requests.

fun getPersonAccount (msg, recordType)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud PersonAccount request object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param recordType is an ID with the PersonAccount record ID to use.
return A HealthCloud PersonAccount request object.

fun getAccount (msg)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud Account object.

param msg is an ADT message.
return A HealthCloud Account object.

fun getPersonName (msg, accountId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud PersonName object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A HealthCloud PersonName object list.

fun hcConvertPersonName (fhirObjList, accountId)

Converts the provided list of FHIR formatted patient names to the HealthCloud PersonName object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A list of HealthCloud PersonName objects.

fun getIdentifiers (msg, idTypeIdMap, accountId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud Identifier object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param idTypeIdMap is an object with the IdType code -> IdType Id from HealthCloud map.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A HealthCloud Identifier object list.

fun hcConvertIdentifier (pid)

Converts the provided PID segment to a list of FHIR formatted identifier objects.

param pid is a HL7 PID segment to get the identifiers from.
return A list of FHIR formatted identifier objects.

fun getContact (msg)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud Contact object.

param msg is an ADT message.
return A HealthCloud Contact object.

fun getContactPointAddress (msg, accountId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ContactPoint Address objectlist.

param msg is an ADT message.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A HealthCloud ContactPoint Address object list.

fun getContactPointPhone (msg, accountId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ContactPointPhone object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A HealthCloud ContactPointPhone object list.

fun hcConvertContactPointPhone (pid)

Converts the provided PID segment to a list of FHIR formatted ContactPoint objects.

param pid is a HL7 PID segment to get the contact info from.
return A list of FHIR formatted ContactPoint objects.

fun getClinicalEncounter (msg, admissionTypeCodeSetBundleId, dischargeDispositionCodeSetBundleId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalEncounter object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param admissionTypeCodeSetBundleId is a string with the admission type CodeSetBundle Id to set for TypeId.
param dischargeDispositionCodeSetBundleId is a string with the discharge disposition CodeSetBundle Id.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalEncounter object.

fun mapEncounterClass (pv1_02)

This function creates the Encounter Class object.

param pv1_02 is the PV1-01 object.
return An Encounter Class object.

fun mapClinicalEncounterCategory (val)

Maps the value for PV1-02 to a matching ClinicalEncounter Category or sets as Unknown if a suitable one can't be matched.

param val is the PV1-02 value.
return A HealthCloud picklist value for ClinicalEncounter Category.

fun mapServiceType (val)

Maps the value for PV1-10 to a matching ClinicalEncounter ServiceType.

param val is the PV1-10 value.
return A HealthCloud picklist value for ClinicalEncounter ServiceType.

fun mapAdmissionSource (val)

Maps the value for PV1-14 to a matching ClinicalEncounter AdmissionSource.

param val is the PV1-14 value.
return A HealthCloud picklist value for ClinicalEncounter AdmissionSource.

fun mapCodeableConceptReadmissionIndicator (code)

This function maps the provided code to the appropriate codeableconcept object for Encounter Readmission Indicator. This function is provided as a pointer to mapCodeableConcept.

param code is the PV1-13 CWE-01 value.
return A CodeableConcept object.

fun mapCodeableConceptEncounterPriority (code)

This function maps the provided code to the appropriate codeableconcept object for Encounter Priority. This function is provided as a pointer to mapCodeableConcept.

param code is the PV2-25 CWE-01 value.
return A CodeableConcept object.

fun getClinicalEncounterFacility (msg, facilityId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterFacility object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param facilityId is the HC facility Id to use.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterFacility object.

fun getClinicalEncounterProvider (msg, attendingDoctorIds, referringDoctorIds, consultingDoctorIds, admittingDoctorIds)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterProvider object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param attendingDoctorIds is a list of Practitioner Ids for attending doctors.
param referringDoctorIds is a list of Practitioner Ids for referring doctors.
param consultingDoctorIds is a list of Practitioner Ids for consulting doctors.
param admittingDoctorIds is a list of Practitioner Ids for admitting doctors.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterProvider object list.

fun getClinicalEncounterIdentifier (msg)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterIdentifier object.

param msg is an ADT message.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterIdentifier object.

fun getClinicalEncounterReason (msg, reasonCodeCodeSetBundleId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterReason object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param reasonCodeCodeSetBundleId is the CodeSetBundle Id of the reason code.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalEncounterReason object.

fun getClinicalAlert (msg, clinicalAlertCodeSetBundleId, accountId, codeSetUndefined)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud ClinicalAlert object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param clinicalAlertCodeSetBundleId is the CodeSetBundle Id of the clinical alert.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
param codeSetUndefined is the CodeSetBundle undefined value to be used when no value is available.
return A HealthCloud ClinicalAlert object.

fun getAllergyIntolerance (msg, allergyCodeCodeSetBundleId, accountId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud AllergyIntolerance object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param allergyCodeCodeSetBundleId is the CodeSetBundle for the Allergy CodeId.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
return A HealthCloud AllergyIntolerance object.

fun getPatientHealthReaction (msg, manifestedSymptomCodeSetBundleId)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud PatientHealthReaction object.

param msg is an ADT message.
param manifestedSymptomCodeSetBundleId is the Manifested Symptom CodeSetBundle Id to use.
return A HealthCloud PatientHealthReaction object.

fun getCareObservation (msg, accountId, clinicalEncounterId, idTypeIdMap, unitOfMeasureMap, valueInterpretationCodeSetBundleIds, methodIdCodeSetBundleIds, codeSetUndefined)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud CareObservation object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param accountId is a string with the Account Id.
param clinicalEncounterId is a string with the ClinicalEncounter Id.
param idTypeIdMap is an object with the CodeSet values.
param unitOfMeasureMap is an object with the unit of measure name to the Id for lookup.
param valueInterpretationCodeSetBundleId is the CodeSetBundle Id list for ValueInterpretation.
param methodIdCodeSetBundleIds is the CodeSetBundle Id list for MethodId.
param codeSetUndefined is the CodeSetBundle undefined value to be used when no value is available.
return A HealthCloud CareObservation object list.

fun mapObxTypeAndValue (obx)

Maps the provided OBX segment to it's proper ObservedValueType and value in CareObservation.

param obx is an OBX segment to map.
return An object with the CareObservation fields.

fun getCareObservationComponentAttachments (msg)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud Attachment object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
return A HealthCloud Attachment object list.

fun mapAttachmentValue (obx)

Maps the provided OBX segment to it's proper ContentType and Body in HC Attachment.

param obx is an OBX segment to map.
return An object with the Attachment fields.

fun getCareObservationComponent (msg, unitOfMeasureMap, componentTypeIdCodeSetBundleIds, codeSetBundleUndefined)

Converts the provided ADT request message to the HealthCloud CareObservationComponent object list.

param msg is an ADT message.
param unitOfMeasureMap is an object with the unit of measure name to the Id for lookup.
param componentTypeIdCodeSetBundleIds is a list of component type Ids.
param codeSetBundleUndefined is the undefined value to use for ComponentTypeCodeId if none is available.
return A HealthCloud CareObservationComponent object list.

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Maps the marital status object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/maritalstatus.dwl


fun mapMaritalStatus (code: String)

Maps the marital status with the provided code.

param code is a string with the status.
return A MaritalStatus object.

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Maps the name type object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/nametype.dwl


fun mapNameType (code: String)

Maps the name type with the provided code.

param code is a string with the status.
return A NameType object.

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Maps the Telecom Equipment Type object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/telecomequipmenttype.dwl


fun mapTelecomEquipmentType (code)

Maps the provided XAD-07 field to the proper Telecom Equipment Type object.

param code is a XTN-03 field to map.
return An telecom equipment type object or null if not found.

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Maps the telecom use code object.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/codesystem/telecomusecode.dwl


fun mapTelecomUseCode (code: String)

Maps the telecom use code with the provided code.

param code is a string with the code to map.
return A TelecomUseCode object.

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This module defines a number of common
utility functions.

Source: .src/main/resources/dw/resources/util.dwl


fun mapGuid (InStr: String)

Generates a GUID with the provided string. This is helpful because the GUID generated is predictable.

param InStr is the input string to the hash function.
return A string with the predictable hashed value.

fun toString (data)

Converts anything to a JSON string representation. Note that if you are serializing an object datetime fields may have local timezone information so this can cause issues with repeatability for munit tests.

param data is the data type to convert to JSON.
return A JSON formatted string of the provided variable.

fun hl7ConvertDateTime (timeStr)

Converts a HL7 datetime string to the expected datetime string.

param timeStr is a HL7 datetime string formatted YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
return A timestamp string formatted YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.000Z.

fun hl7ConvertDate (dateStr)

Converst a HL7 date to date string.

param dateStr is a HL7 date string formatted YYYYMMDD.
return A date string formatted YYYY-MM-DD.

fun removeNull (arr: Array)

Removes all null items from an array.

param arr is an array.
return An array with null items removed.

fun removeNull (obj: Object)

Removes all null values from an object.

param obj is an object.
return An object with null values removed.

fun clean (obj: Object)

Cleans the provided object of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param obj is an Object to clean.
return A cleaned object.

fun clean (arr: Array)

Cleans the provided array of blank strings, null values, empty objects, and empty arrays.

param arr is an Array to clean.
return A cleaned Array.

fun strip (item, key: String)

Recursively strips the provided key name from any objects in the provided item.

param item is an value.
param key is a String with the object key name to strip.
return The provided value with any instances of the key removed.

fun toEpochSeconds (str)

Converts the provided HL7 datetime string and converts it to a number with the number of seconds since epoch.

param str is a HL7 datetime string.
return A number with number of seconds since epoch.

fun fromEpochSeconds (seconds)

Converts the provided datetime as a number with seconds since epoch into the FHIR formatted datetime string.

param seconds is a number with the seconds since epoch.
return A string with the FHIR formatted datetime string.

fun replacePair (obj: Object, key: String, val)

Replaces a key value pair in an object with the provided object and key value set.

param obj is an object to replace in.
param key is a string to match on.
param val is the value to replace with.
return An object with the replaced pair or null if no object is provided.

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onApr 30, 2023
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