Health Cloud Patient Data Synchronization LWC - Source

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Setup guide


  1. Deploy either Health Cloud Patient Data Synchronization Process API - Implementation Template or Patient Summary - EMR integration and all of the system APIs that support it.
  2. Deploy Mule API QHIN Sync Process API - Implementation Template and all of the system APIs that support it.

Note: These APIs should be secured by Client ID Enforcement Policy with Credentials Orgin as HTTP Basic Authentication Header.

Installing Lightning Web Component to Salesforce

  1. Use the following URL to install this package in your Health Cloud enabled org. Login with the username and password for the org that you wish to install the package into.
  2. Approve the install for All Users.
  3. Step through the install wizard until the installation is complete.

Note: If you have a previous version of this LWC component already installed, you will need to uninstall 'Patient Sync LWC' package from the 'Setup - Installed Packages' section. You may alternatively install the lightning web component from source code by downloading the asset (.zip file) and then follow the instructions in the provided file.

Salesforce configuration

  1. Add LWC to Page

    1. Navigate to a page within Salesforce, where patientSearch needs to be set up.
    2. Use the gear icon at the top right to select Edit Page.
    3. Locate the patientSearch custom component and position it in the desired location on the page.

    4. Save the page and exit the editor.
  2. Add Named Credentials and External Credentials

    Perform the following steps for both the dependent applications:

    1. Log in to Anypoint Platform and select the appropriate Business Group.
    2. Navigate to Runtime Manager and select the Environment where the applications are deployed.
    3. Enter the name of the application deployed in the Search Applications option.
    4. Click the application name, and then click Settings to configure the application.
    5. Identify the App url for the application. You will need the URL to configure the Named Credentials in subsequent steps.
    6. Navigate to API Manager.
    7. Click Client Applications.
    8. Search for the client application that is associated with the API instance of the application, and click on it.
    9. Copy the Client Id and Client Secret from the Client applications details page.
    10. Log in to your Salesforce Org to create named credentials and external credentials.
    11. Click the gear icon and select Setup, then search for Named Credentials in the Quick Find box.Follow the instructions on the Salesforce Documentation to create the named credentials and external credentials. Use the following names exactly for the named credentials to interact with the dependent Mule APIs and allow the namespace ms_accel_hls for callouts:

      - `PatientSync_Named_Credential`
      - `QHINSync_Named_Credential`

      Note:The names for the named credentials cannot be changed because the component uses the names for making the specific callouts to the APIs.Ensure that the Allowed Namespaces for Callouts field includes the namespace ms_accel_hls while configuring the Named Credentials for both the dependent Mule APIs.

  3. LWC Configuration

To configure LWC, access the page from Setup, enter Custom Metadata Types in the Quick Find box, and then click Patient Sync. Next, click the Manage Patient Syncs button, and then click the Edit link for patientSync. If the Source System you're using is Cerner, you can set that and click Save.

Editing the source code

Modification of the source code requires that the Salesforce CLI toolset is installed on the local machine that's performing the install.

These steps assumes that you've already performed the installation of the Lightning Web Component into Salesforce org.

  1. First set up a new project directory to work in. See Create a Salesforce DX Project for instructions.
  2. Next authorize the org with the installed app. See the Salesforce Authorize an Org Using Web Server Flow for the cli instructions to set up your org.
  3. Next issue the following command which will pull the existing source code from the org and put it in the current directory under patient-sync-app/main/default.
sfdx force:source:retrieve -n patient-sync-app


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 10, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions