HL7 v2 Events Management Listener - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

HL7 v2 Event Management Listener Application Dev Guide

The HL7 v2 Event Management Listener application uses the following DataWeave modules to map between HL7 v2 messages to temporary store before processing them to Health Cloud formats.



Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/Lib.dwl


fun getMRN (msg, messageType)

This function takes HL7 v2 message and locates the MRN number.

param msg is an HL7 v2 message.
return The MRN number or null if not found.

fun getMessageStructure (msg)

This function takes HL7 v2 message and derives the message type

param msg is an HL7 v2 message.
return message type or null if not found.

fun getMessageType (msg)

This function takes HL7 v2 message and derives the message type

param msg is an HL7 v2 message.
return message type or null if not found.

fun hl7ConvertDateTime (timeStr)

Converts a HL7v2 datetime string to the expected datetime string.

param timeStr is a HL7v2 datetime string formatted YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
return A timestamp string formatted YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2024
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