Patient Segmentation Process API - Implementation Template

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Developer guide

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables. It can be used by developers seeking a solution to upload Patient Conditions and Immunizations data into Salesforce CDP.


Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/map-condition.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Patient Conditions CSV to JSON for CDP Bulk Upload

Patient Condition CSV FieldsCDP Condition JSON FieldsDescription
PATIENT_IDpatientIdUnique Id of the patient
PATIENT_MRNpatientMRNMedical record number of the patient
CONDITION_CODEconditionCodeIdentification of the condition
CONDITION_DESCRIPTIONdescriptionDescription of patient condition
CONDITION_STATUSclinicalStatusCondition clinical status
CONDITION_SEVERITYseveritySubjective severity of condition
CHRONIC_FLAGchronicFlagChronic flag of condition
NOTED_DATErecordedDateDate of condition was first recorded
RESOLVED_DATEresolvedDateDate of condition when resolved
SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDsourceSystemIdId of the source system

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Source: .src/main/resources/dwl/map-immunization.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Patient Immunizations CSV to JSON for CDP Bulk Upload

Patient Immunization CSV FieldsCDP Immunization JSON FieldsDescription
PATIENT_IDpatientIdUnique Id of the patient
PATIENT_MRNpatientMRNMedical record number of the patient
VACCINE_CODEvaccineCodeVaccine product administered
VACCINE_DESCRIPTIONvaccineDescriptionDescription of vaccine
VACCINE_GROUPvaccineGroupGroup of vaccine
VACCINE_STATUSvaccineStatusStatus of vaccine
DOSEdoseAmount of vaccine administered
VACCINE_DATEvaccineDateDate of vaccine was given
SOURCE_SYSTEM_IDsourceSystemIdId of the source system

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2025
Asset overview

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