QHIN Sync Process API

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This asset is a component of MuleSoft Accelerator for Healthcare, which accelerates the implementation of essential integration use cases.

The solution equips Payer, Provider, and Life Sciences organizations with pre-built APIs, integration templates, and reference architectures. Our foundational assets are expertly designed to jumpstart your top integration and business initiatives so that IT teams can spend more time innovating and less time building from scratch.

The QHIN Sync Process API retrieves information about a patient from the network of healthcare providers via Kno2 and syncs to both the organization's EHR and Salesforce Health Cloud. This API Specification supports the following functionality:

  • Search for organizations that have record of the patient that is being onboarded.
  • Get the list of documents associated with the patient from the selected organization.
  • Retrieve a particular CDA document and convert the document content into a FHIR bundle.
  • Sycnhronize the patient demographic details into the organization’s EHR and Salesforce Health Cloud. Asynchronously, store the patient's key clinical information into the organization's EHR.

See the implementation template for more information.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onJan 16, 2024
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

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