SCH | 2 | ServiceAppointment | SourceSystemIdentifier | |
SCH | 6 | ServiceAppointment | CancellationReason | |
TQ1 | 6 | ServiceAppointment | SchedEndTime/ActualEndTime | Duration used for calculating end time |
TQ1 | 7 | ServiceAppointment | EarliestStartTime/ActualStartTime/SchedStartTime/DueDate | |
TQ1 | 8 | ServiceAppointment | SchedEndTime/ActualEndTime | |
AIS | 4 | ServiceAppointment | EarliestStartTime/SchedStartTime/DueDate | In cased TQ1 Segement data is unavailble |
AIL | 3 | ServiceAppointment | HealthCareFacility_Id__c | Custom field to store facility id |
AIP | 2 | ServiceAppointment | HealthcareProvider_Id__c | Custom field to store practioner id |