MFG RedShift Machine Data System API - Implementation Template

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This implementation template has the following dependencies:

  • Create Table

Please review the use cases described on the MuleSoft Accelerator for Manufacturing solution pages for more information about dependencies on other APIs and services.

Create a Table in the Redshift using DBreaver SQL Client application.

  • Click File -> New in the menu bar.
  • Then, in the wizard, click Database connection and then click Next.
  • Then, in the Create new connection wizard.
  • Choose Redshift for the new connection.
  • Enter Host, Port, Database, Username and Password.
  • To test if the connection works, click Test Connection.
  • Click Finish.
  • Right Click on the connection --> SQL Editor --> New SQL Script.
  • Execute the scripts from /src/test/scripts/CreateShopFloorDataTable.sql.

Next steps

Refer to the Deployment page for instructions on how to configure and deploy this application.


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onSep 6, 2022
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