MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services
Marketing Cloud setup guide
This guide provides the setup instructions for Marketing Cloud for Use case 2b - Client onboarding - Wealth management.
Setup guide
Log into Marketing Cloud as the administrator and perform the steps outlined below.
Create data extensions
This is needed to capture data for the email and online submission form (HTML).
- Navigate to Audience Builder, click Contact Builder
- Navigate to Data Extensions at the top navigation
- Click Create
Create the data extension (for example, wam_onboarding) for the email
Create the following attributes:
- EmailAddress
- FirstName
- Nullable = yes
- LastName
- Nullable = yes
- PersonName
- Nullable = yes
- GlobalPartyId
- Nullable = yes
- SubcriberId
- CreatedBy
- UpdatedBy
- CompanyName
- State
- CreatedDate
- UpdatedDate
Create the data extension for the onboarding form (for example, wam_onboarding_form)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
Create the email
The email is the template that is populated and sent to prospective clients so they can provide their details through the onboarding form created above.
- Navigate to Email Studio
- Click Email
- Click Content at the top nav
- Click Create, Email Message
- Click Select Creation Option, click Template
- Select a desired template
- Input the following fields:
- Name
- Description
- Location = Content Builder
- Click Next, add the content including Subject and Preheader
Create the email journey via Journey Builder
Journey Builder is used to trigger emails to a list of email addresses. The following steps outline the process to create a journey to send emails to prospective clients. The journey is configured to resend the email in 5 days if a prospective client does not respond to the first email.
- Navigate to Journey Builder, click Journey Builder
- Click Create New Journey
- Drag and drop Data Extension as the starting event
- Select the data extension created above (e.g wam_onboarding)
- Drag and drop Email as the next event
- Select the email created in Email Studio
- Drag and drop Wait by Duration as the next step
- Configure the desired duration (e.g. 5 days)
- Drag and drop a Decision Split. This event type will decide what actions to take if the user submits or doesn’t submit the online form
- Configure the Filter Criteria to be Email Address is not null
- Configure Remainder to be that all remaining people will be sent down this path
- For the Remainder Path
- Drag and drop an email event and select the desired email
- Drag and drop Wait by Duration
- Configure the desired duration (e.g. 1 minute)
- For the Form Submitted path
- Drag and drop Wait by Duration
- Configure the desired duration (e.g. 1 minute)
Create the online submission form.
This is the form that the client will submit so that the Salesforce Wealth Experience API will be invoked to create a lead in FSC:
- Navigate to Web Studio and click Cloudpages
- Create a Collection
- Under Add Content, click a Landing Page. This is where the WAM Onboarding Form will be created
- Create the WAM Onboarding Form via HTML
- Drag and drop the HTML object into the content body
- Input the following code, save, and then publish
<h1> WAM Onboarding Form </h1>
<h2> Please fill out the following fields to completion: </h2>
<form action="" method="post">
<th style="text-align:right">First Name:<span
<input type="text" name="firstName">
<th style="text-align:right">Last Name:<span style="color:red"><b>*</b></span>
<td><input type="text" name="lastName">
<th style="text-align:right">Email Address:<span style="color:red"><b>*</b></span>
<input type="text" name="emailAddress">
<br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit Onboarding Form" />
Create the confirmation landing page
This is the page that the user will see once they submit the onboarding form.
- Click Add Content, click Landing Page
- Drag and drop the Code Snippet object into the content body
Input the following code, save, and then publish
%%[SET @firstName = RequestParameter('firstName') SET @lastName = RequestParameter('lastName') SET @emailAddress = RequestParameter('emailAddress') SET @var0 = '{"firstName": "' SET @var1 = '","lastName": "' SET @var2 = '","emailAddress": "' SET @var4 = '"}' SET @content = Concat(@var0, @firstName, @var1, @lastName, @var2, @emailAddress, @var4) SET @return_code2DEFAULT3 = HTTPPost("https://<replace with path to Salesforce Wealth Experience API>/api/leads","application/json", @content, @response_data2,"Authorization",@Bearer) ]%%
- Add a Free Form object below the code snippet objectEnter text:
“Thanks for your submission!”