RCG Oracle EBS Customers System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

CommonToolsThis module provides utility functions and mappings for Customer transformations
create-customer-account-bo-requestCreate Customer Account in Oracle EBS request mapping The CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer Account in Oracle EBS. Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO PL/SQL API.
create-organization-bo-requestCreate Organization Bussiness Object in Oracle EBS request mapping The CREATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer in Oracle EBS. Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the CREATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.
extract-Ids-from-created-person-boMapping to Extract PartySite IDs (BillTo and ShipTo), Parent object ID and Parent Object Type from the response of CREATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API. This information is used to create a Customer Account and associate it with the parent party and it's party site objects
extract-ids-from-organization-boMap to extract existing Party Site, Location, Email and Phone IDs from the Organization Business Object in Oracle EBS. This information is used to update the Email, Phone and Address information of an existing Organization.
extract-ids-from-person-boMap to extract existing Party Site, Location, Email and Phone IDs from the Person Business Object in Oracle EBS. This information is used to update the Email, Phone and Address information of an existing Person.
extract-partysite-ids-from-updated-organization-boMap to extract existing Party Site IDs from the updated Organization Business Object in Oracle EBS. This information is used to update the associated Customer Account object.
extract-partysite-ids-from-updated-person-boMap to extract existing Party Site IDs from the updated Person Business Object in Oracle EBS. This information is used to update the associated Customer Account object.
get-customer-acct-bo-requestMap to retrieve a Customer Account from Oracle EBS. The GET_CUST_ACCT_BO operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer information from Oracle EBS
get-organization-bo-requestMap to retrieve Organization Bussiness object from Oracle EBS. The GET_ORGANIZATION_BO operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Organization information from Oracle EBS
get-organization-bo-responseRetrieve Customer (Party as Organization) mapping. The GET_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer (Party as Organization) from Oracle EBS. Maps GET_ORGANIZATION_BO response to CIM Customer.
get-person-bo-requestMap to retrieve Person Bussiness object from Oracle EBS. The GET_PERSON_BO operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Person information from Oracle EBS
get-person-bo-responseRetrieve Customer (Party as Individual) mapping. The GET_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer Account (Party as Individual) from Oracle EBS. Maps GET_PERSON_BO response to CIM Customer.
get-updated-organization-bo-responseRetrieve Organization from Oracle EBS mapping.
get-updated-person-bo-responseRetrieve Person from Oracle EBS mapping.
update-customer-account-requestUpdate Customer Account mapping. The UPDATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to Update the Customer Account in Oracle EBS. Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.
update-organization-bo-requestUpdate Oraganization Mapping The UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer in Oracle EBS. Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.
update-person-bo-requestUpdate Person Mapping The UPDATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to Update the Person in Oracle EBS. Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.


This module provides utility functions and mappings for Customer transformations

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/CommonTools.dwl


var ISOCountryCodesMap

This map includes the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for countries


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

fun getTerritoryCodeForCountryName (countryName)

Maps Country Name to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. Default value is "US"

return ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code

fun getGlobalId (externalIdsArr)

This function filters ExternalIds with ExternalId Type as MDM and returns the first one

return Global ExternalID

fun getEmailAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function gets the EmailAddress from ContactPoint Array

fun getPrimaryEmailAddress (contactPoints)

This function returns the Primary EmailAddress

fun getPhoneArr (contactPoints)

This function gets the Phone from ContactPoint Array

fun getPrimaryPhone (contactPoints)

This function returns the Primary Contact Point Phone

fun updateAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function sets default value for isUsedForBilling flag in the ContactPointAddress array and returns the updated array

fun getShippingAddressArr (contactPoints)

This function filters addresses with isUsedForBilling flag as false

fun getShippingAddress (contactPoints)

This function gets the MailingAddress from Addresses array

fun getBillingAddress (contactPoints)

Filter Address with isUsedForBilling as true and return the first record

fun getCIMPartyObj (partyObj, partyId, partyType, emailObj, phoneObj, billingAddressObj, shippingAddressObj)

Function to return the CIM Party object with mapped values.

return Party Object type

fun getOraclePartySiteObjsItem (billingAddress, partySiteBillToId, billToLocationId, shippingAddress, partySiteShipToId, shipToLocationId)

Function to return the Oracle PartySite object with CIM mapped values.

return PartySite Object type

fun getOraclePhoneObjsItem (phoneObj, existingPhoneId)

Function to return the Oracle Phone object with CIM mapped values.

return PhoneObjectItem type

fun getOracleEmailObjsItem (emailObj, existingEmailId)

Function to return the Oracle Email object with CIM mapped values.

return EmailObjectItem type

fun getOracleCustomerAccountSiteObjsItem (partySiteBillTo, custAcctSiteBillToId, partySiteShipTo, custAcctSiteShipToId)

Function to return the Oracle PartySite object with CIM mapped values.

return PartySite Object type

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Create Customer Account in Oracle EBS request mapping
The CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer Account in Oracle EBS.
Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO PL/SQL API.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-customer-account-bo-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

CREATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO RequestCIMDescription
P_CUST_ACCT_V2_OBJ.ATTRIBUTE20globalCustomerIdThe Global Customer Id of the Customer.
P_CUST_ACCT_V2_OBJ.ACCOUNT_NAMEaccountNameThe name of the Customer Account.
P_CUST_ACCT_V2_OBJ.CUST_ACCT_SITE_OBJSThe Customer Account Site Objects to specify the BillTo and ShipTo Address types.
P_CUST_ACCT_V2_OBJ.P_CREATED_BY_MODULE"TCA_V2_API"The Created by moduleset as "TCA_V2_API".
PX_PARENT_IDParent Object IdThe Oracle EBS identifier of the Party Object. This would be the Person or Organization Business Object identifier.
PX_PARENT_OBJ_TYPEParent Object TypeThe type of the Parent Party Type. It is set as either "PERSON" or "ORG" based on the Party Type

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Create Organization Bussiness Object in Oracle EBS request mapping
The CREATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer in Oracle EBS.
Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the CREATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-organization-bo-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.ORGANIZATION_NAMEparty.nameThe Name of the Organization.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.PARTY_SITE_OBJSParty Site ObjectsContactPointAddress mapped to Party Site Objects in Oracle EBS.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.PHONE_OBJSContactPointPhoneContactPointPhone mapped to Organization Phone Object in Oracle EBS.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.EMAIL_OBJSContactPointEmailContactPointEmail mapped to Organization Email Object in Oracle EBS.
P_CREATED_BY_MODULE"TCA_V2_API"The Created by moduleset as "TCA_V2_API".
P_RETURN_OBJ_FLAG"T"Flag to specify whether to return the created Organization Bussiness Object. Set as "T" i.e true.

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-person-bo-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

CREATE_PERSON_BO RequestCIMDescription
P_PERSON_OBJ.SALUTATIONparty.salutationSalutation of the Customer.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_FIRST_NAMEparty.firstNameFirstname of the Customer.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_LAST_NAMEparty.lastNameLastname of the Customer.
P_PERSON_OBJ.DATE_OF_BIRTHparty.birthDateBirthdate of the Customer.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PARTY_SITE_OBJSParty Site ObjectsContactPointAddress mapped to Party Site Objects in Oracle EBS.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PHONE_OBJSContactPointPhoneContactPointPhone mapped to Organization Phone Object in Oracle EBS.
P_PERSON_OBJ.EMAIL_OBJSContactPointEmailContactPointEmail mapped to Organization Email Object in Oracle EBS.
P_CREATED_BY_MODULE"TCA_V2_API"The Created by moduleset as "TCA_V2_API".
P_RETURN_OBJ_FLAG"T"Flag to specify whether to return the created Person Bussiness Object. Set as "T" i.e true.

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-Ids-from-created-organization-bo.dwl

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Mapping to Extract PartySite IDs (BillTo and ShipTo), Parent object ID and Parent Object Type from the response of CREATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.
This information is used to create a Customer Account and associate it with the parent party and it's party site objects

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-Ids-from-created-person-bo.dwl

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Map to extract existing Party Site, Location, Email and Phone IDs from the Organization Business Object in Oracle EBS.
This information is used to update the Email, Phone and Address information of an existing Organization.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-ids-from-organization-bo.dwl

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Map to extract existing Party Site, Location, Email and Phone IDs from the Person Business Object in Oracle EBS.
This information is used to update the Email, Phone and Address information of an existing Person.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-ids-from-person-bo.dwl

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Map to extract existing Party Site IDs from the updated Organization Business Object in Oracle EBS.
This information is used to update the associated Customer Account object.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-partysite-ids-from-updated-organization-bo.dwl

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Map to extract existing Party Site IDs from the updated Person Business Object in Oracle EBS.
This information is used to update the associated Customer Account object.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/extract-partysite-ids-from-updated-person-bo.dwl

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Map to retrieve a Customer Account from Oracle EBS.
The GET_CUST_ACCT_BO operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer information from Oracle EBS

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-customer-acct-bo-request.dwl

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Map to retrieve Organization Bussiness object from Oracle EBS.
The GET_ORGANIZATION_BO operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Organization information from Oracle EBS

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-organization-bo-request.dwl

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Retrieve Customer (Party as Organization) mapping.
The GET_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer (Party as Organization) from Oracle EBS.
Maps GET_ORGANIZATION_BO response to CIM Customer.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-organization-bo-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

idCustomer Account IdIdentifier of the Customer Account associated with the Party in Oracle EBS .
partyRoleType"Customer"Set as "Customer".
customerStatus"Active"Set as "Active".
Start Party Mapping
ididThe Id of the Party in Oracle EBS
partyType"Organization"Party Type set as "Organization"
party.nameX_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.ORGANIZATION_NAMEThe name of the Organization
The LOCATION_OBJ of the PARTY_SITE_OBJS for which the SITE_USE_TYPE is BILL_TO is set as billingAddressObj
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressSet as "ContactPointAddress"
idBillingAddressObj.LOCATION_IDThe Identifier of the Billing Address Location
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
addressLine1BillingAddressObj.ADDRESS1The Address Line1 of the Billing Address Location
cityNamebillingAddressObj.CITYThe City of the Billing Address Location
postalCodeTextbillingAddressObj.POSTAL_CODEThe customer mailing postal code
stateProvinceNamebillingAddressObj.STATEThe customer state province name
countryNamebillingAddressObj.COUNTRYThe customer country name
isUsedForBillingtrueSet as "true"
primaryFlagtrueSet as "true"
The LOCATION_OBJ of the PARTY_SITE_OBJS for which the SITE_USE_TYPE is SHIP_TO is set as shippingAddressObj
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressSet as "ContactPointAddress"
idshippingAddressObj.LOCATION_IDThe Identifier of the Billing Address Location
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
addressLine1shippingAddressObj.ADDRESS1The Address Line1 of the Shipping Address Location
cityNameshippingAddressObj.CITYThe City of the Shipping Address Location
postalCodeTextshippingAddressObj.POSTAL_CODEThe customer shipping postal code
stateProvinceNameshippingAddressObj.STATEThe customer state province name
countryNameshippingAddressObj.COUNTRYThe customer country name
The PHONE_OBJS for which the PRIMARY_FLAG is "Y" is set as the phoneObj
idphoneObj.PHONE_IDThe identifier of the Phone Object in Oracle EBS
telephoneNumberphoneObj.RAW_PHONE_NUMBERThe Phone number of the Customer
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
contactPointTypeContactPointPhoneSet as "ContactPointPhone"
The EMAIL_OBJS for which the PRIMARY_FLAG is "Y" is set as the emailObj
idemailObj.EMAIL_IDThe identifier of the Email Object in Oracle EBS
emailAddressemailObj.EMAIL_ADDRESSThe Phone number of the Customer
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailSet as "ContactPointEmail"
End Party Mapping
externalIds.ididId field set as null
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Customer_Id__cThe customer Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe customer is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusVALIDThe customer status is hardcoded as VALID

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Map to retrieve Person Bussiness object from Oracle EBS.
The GET_PERSON_BO operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Person information from Oracle EBS

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-person-bo-request.dwl

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Retrieve Customer (Party as Individual) mapping.
The GET_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to retrieve the Customer Account (Party as Individual) from Oracle EBS.
Maps GET_PERSON_BO response to CIM Customer.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-person-bo-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

CIMGET_PERSON_BO ResponseDescription
idCustomer Account IdIdentifier of the Customer Account associated with the Party in Oracle EBS .
partyRoleType"Customer"Set as "Customer".
customerStatus"Active"Set as "Active".
Start Party Mapping
ididThe Id of the Party in Oracle EBS
partyType"Individual"Party Type set as "Individual"
party.firstNameX_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_FIRST_NAMEThe first name of the Person
party.lastNameX_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_LAST_NAMEThe last name of the Person
party.birthDateX_PERSON_OBJ.DATE_OF_BIRTHThe Date of birth of the Person
The LOCATION_OBJ of the PARTY_SITE_OBJS for which the SITE_USE_TYPE is BILL_TO is set as billingAddressObj
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressSet as "ContactPointAddress"
idBillingAddressObj.LOCATION_IDThe Identifier of the Billing Address Location
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
addressLine1BillingAddressObj.ADDRESS1The Address Line1 of the Billing Address Location
cityNamebillingAddressObj.CITYThe City of the Billing Address Location
postalCodeTextbillingAddressObj.POSTAL_CODEThe customer mailing postal code
stateProvinceNamebillingAddressObj.STATEThe customer state province name
countryNamebillingAddressObj.COUNTRYThe customer country name
isUsedForBillingtrueSet as "true"
primaryFlagtrueSet as "true"
The LOCATION_OBJ of the PARTY_SITE_OBJS for which the SITE_USE_TYPE is SHIP_TO is set as shippingAddressObj
contactPointTypeContactPointAddressSet as "ContactPointAddress"
idshippingAddressObj.LOCATION_IDThe Identifier of the Billing Address Location
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
addressLine1shippingAddressObj.ADDRESS1The Address Line1 of the Shipping Address Location
cityNameshippingAddressObj.CITYThe City of the Shipping Address Location
postalCodeTextshippingAddressObj.POSTAL_CODEThe customer shipping postal code
stateProvinceNameshippingAddressObj.STATEThe customer state province name
countryNameshippingAddressObj.COUNTRYThe customer country name
The PHONE_OBJS for which the PRIMARY_FLAG is "Y" is set as the phoneObj
idphoneObj.PHONE_IDThe identifier of the Phone Object in Oracle EBS
telephoneNumberphoneObj.RAW_PHONE_NUMBERThe Phone number of the Customer
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
contactPointTypeContactPointPhoneSet as "ContactPointPhone"
The EMAIL_OBJS for which the PRIMARY_FLAG is "Y" is set as the emailObj
idemailObj.EMAIL_IDThe identifier of the Email Object in Oracle EBS
emailAddressemailObj.EMAIL_ADDRESSThe Phone number of the Customer
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active. Set as now()
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailSet as "ContactPointEmail"
End Party Mapping
externalIds.ididId field set as null
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Customer_Id__cThe customer Global ID
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe customer is hardcoded as MDM
externalIds.statusVALIDThe customer status is hardcoded as VALID

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Retrieve Organization from Oracle EBS mapping.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-updated-organization-bo-response.dwl

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Retrieve Person from Oracle EBS mapping.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-updated-person-bo-response.dwl

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Update Customer Account mapping.
The UPDATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to Update the Customer Account in Oracle EBS.
Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_CUST_ACCT_V2_BO Operation of the HZ_CUST_ACCT_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-customer-account-request.dwl

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Update Oraganization Mapping
The UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to create the Customer in Oracle EBS.
Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_BO Operation of the HZ_ORGANIZATION_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-organization-bo-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.ORGANIZATION_IDpartyIdThe Id of the Organization in Oracle EBS.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.ORGANIZATION_NAMEparty.nameThe Name of the Organization
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.PARTY_SITE_OBJSParty Site ObjectsContactPointAddress mapped to Party Site Objects in Oracle EBS.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.PHONE_OBJSContactPointPhoneContactPointPhone mapped to Organization Phone Object in Oracle EBS.
P_ORGANIZATION_OBJ.EMAIL_OBJSContactPointEmailContactPointEmail mapped to Organization Email Object in Oracle EBS.
P_CREATED_BY_MODULE"TCA_V2_API"The Created by moduleset as "TCA_V2_API".
P_RETURN_OBJ_FLAG"T"Flag to specify whether to return the created Organization Bussiness Object. Set as "T" i.e true.

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Update Person Mapping
The UPDATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API is used to Update the Person in Oracle EBS.
Maps CIM Customer to the input request that is used to consume the UPDATE_PERSON_BO Operation of the HZ_PERSON_BO_PUB PL/SQL API.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-person-bo-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

UPDATE_PERSON_BO RequestCIMDescription
P_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_IDparty IDThe identifier of the Person in Oracle EBS.
P_PERSON_OBJ.SALUTATIONparty.salutationSalutation of the Person.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_FIRST_NAMEparty.firstNameFirstname of the Person.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PERSON_LAST_NAMEparty.lastNameLastname of the Person.
P_PERSON_OBJ.DATE_OF_BIRTHparty.birthDateBirthdate of the Person.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PARTY_SITE_OBJSParty Site ObjectsContactPointAddress mapped to Party Site Objects in Oracle EBS.
P_PERSON_OBJ.PHONE_OBJSContactPointPhoneContactPointPhone mapped to Organization Phone Object in Oracle EBS.
P_PERSON_OBJ.EMAIL_OBJSContactPointEmailContactPointEmail mapped to Organization Email Object in Oracle EBS.
P_CREATED_BY_MODULE"TCA_V2_API"The Created by moduleset as "TCA_V2_API".
P_RETURN_OBJ_FLAG"T"Flag to specify whether to return the created Person Bussiness Object. Set as "T" i.e true.

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onDec 8, 2023
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