RCG Salsify Channel Listener - Implementation Template
Data mappings
Mapping Tables
Maps Salsify Product to CIM Product format
CIM Salsify Description id externalId The Mdm Id name productName The product name longDescription longDescription Detailed product description description description Brief product description productSKU productId The product Id brand brand The product brand productCategory ProductCategory The product category Object id productCategoryId default to null name productCategoryName The Category Name activeFromDate todays date default to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd" productCatalog productCatalog The product Catalog Object id productCatalogId Id value default to null name productCatalogName The Catalog Name activeFromDate todays date default to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd" priceBookEntry priceBookEntry The Price Book Object id priceBookId Id value default to null unitListPrice fixedAmount The product fixed price isActive true default to true masterProduct isVariant Is it the master product externalId externalId A unique identifier assigned to the product in another system externalIdType externalIdType The MDM unique Id auditInfo.createdBy apiName Identifies the system or user which created the entity auditInfo.createdDate createdStamp Timestamp of when the entity was created auditInfo.updatedBy apiName Identifies the system or user which last updated the entity auditInfo.updatedDate lastUpdatedStamp Timestamp of when the entity was last updated primaryProductCategory primaryProductCategoryId Product Category