RCG Salsify Products System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

create-salsify-productsSlasify create product request mapping
get-salsify-product-responseSlasify get product response mapping
get-salsify-products-list-responseSlasify get products list response mapping
update-salsify-productSlasify update product request mapping


Slasify create product request mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-salsify-products.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salsify Product to CIM Product format

idProduct IDThe Product Id
Product NamenameThe product name
typetypeThe Product type
Cat_idproductCatalog.'name'The Product catalog name
CategoryproductCategory.'name'The Product Category name
productSKUproductIdThe product Id
brandbrandThe product brand
externalIdTypeexternalIdTypeThe MDM unique Id
apiNameauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
createdStampauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created
apiNameauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
lastUpdatedStampauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
Feature Bulletsdescription++longDescriptionProduct tags
Consolidated Feature BulletsdescriptionThe Product Description
DescriptionlongDescriptionThe product description
sizeThe ProductSizeThe Product Size

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Slasify get product response mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-salsify-product-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salsify Product to CIM Product format

idexternalIdThe Mdm Id
nameproductNameThe product name
longDescriptionlongDescriptionDetailed product description
descriptiondescriptionBrief product description
productSKUproductIdThe product Id
brandbrandThe product brand
productCategoryProductCategoryThe product category Object
idproductCategoryIddefault to null
nameproductCategoryNameThe Category Name
activeFromDatetodays datedefault to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd"
productCatalogproductCatalogThe product Catalog Object
idproductCatalogIdId value default to null
nameproductCatalogNameThe Catalog Name
activeFromDatetodays datedefault to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd"
priceBookEntrypriceBookEntryThe Price Book Object
idpriceBookIdId value default to null
unitListPricefixedAmountThe product fixed price
isActivetruedefault to true
masterProductisVariantIs it the master product
externalIdexternalIdA unique identifier assigned to the product in another system
externalIdTypeexternalIdTypeThe MDM unique Id
auditInfo.createdByapiNameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedStampTimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedByapiNameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDatelastUpdatedStampTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
primaryProductCategoryprimaryProductCategoryIdProduct Category

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Slasify get products list response mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-salsify-products-list-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salsify Product to CIM Product format

idexternalIdThe Mdm Id
nameproductNameThe product name
longDescriptionlongDescriptionDetailed product description
descriptiondescriptionBrief product description
productSKUproductIdThe product Id
brandbrandThe product brand
productCategoryProductCategoryThe product category Object
idproductCategoryIddefault to null
nameproductCategoryNameThe Category Name
activeFromDatetodays datedefault to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd"
productCatalogproductCatalogThe product Catalog Object
idproductCatalogIdId value default to null
nameproductCatalogNameThe Catalog Name
activeFromDatetodays datedefault to todays date format "yyyy-MM-dd"
priceBookEntrypriceBookEntryThe Price Book Object
idpriceBookIdId value default to null
unitListPricefixedAmountThe product fixed price
isActivetruedefault to true
masterProductisVariantIs it the master product
externalIdexternalIdA unique identifier assigned to the product in another system
externalIdTypeexternalIdTypeThe MDM unique Id
auditInfo.createdByapiNameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedStampTimestamp of when the entity was created
auditInfo.updatedByapiNameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDatelastUpdatedStampTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
primaryProductCategoryprimaryProductCategoryIdProduct Category

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Slasify update product request mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-salsify-product.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salsify Product to CIM Product format

idProduct IDThe Product Id
Product NamenameThe product name
typetypeThe Product type
Cat_idproductCatalog.'name'The Product catalog name
CategoryproductCategory.'name'The Product Category name
productSKUproductIdThe product Id
brandbrandThe product brand
externalIdTypeexternalIdTypeThe MDM unique Id
apiNameauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
createdStampauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created
apiNameauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
lastUpdatedStampauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
Feature Bulletsdescription++longDescriptionProduct tags
Consolidated Feature BulletsdescriptionThe Product Description
DescriptionlongDescriptionThe product description
sizeThe ProductSizeThe Product Size

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onSep 17, 2022
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