Opus Consulting - Role API Template icon

Opus Consulting - Role API Template

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Role APIs are used to perform opeartions on Roles in the Merchant Management System.


API Definition:

Roles are the privileges assigned to the portal user for operating the payfac/merchant portal.

PayFac's authorized user will be able to create & assign the roles for the merchant portal users. The super user of the merchant will be able to create & assign the roles to their portal user.

Using roles APIs operations like update role, fetch role, delete role & update role status can be performed.

Business Description:

Role APIs can help PayFac's authorized user to define the roles for payfac users and their merchant users. Payfac's authorized user can create or update the user roles & their privileges. Admin user can fetch roles & roles list using roles id . Admin user can also update the status of role by role id. These APIs can ease work for all role activities.


This asset provides core functionality specific for integrations aligned to the individual processes described. Please consider this as a template for testing and early-stage development purposes, with production availability dependent on individual products and solutions within an individual organization’s existing payments portfolio.

For support and guidance on aligning asset to the production environment and questions related to compatibility with the product, please contact Opus by emailing mulesoftconnector@opusconsulting.com

Use Case:

Here a merchant is getting onboarded on PayFac,

The merchant is assigned with the merchant user credentials to login and to check the merchant dashboard on merchant portal. While assigning these credentials, PayFac super user (admin) having the highest privileges can assign the necessary roles to the merchant user (merchant superuser) & based on these assigned roles merchant user will be authorized to create another merchant user with equal or fewer privileges in terms of roles.

PayFac user can fetch, update or delete the merchant user profile using the Roles API

Reference Diagram:

Portfolio Services




Published by
MuleSoft Partner
Published onMar 29, 2021
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions