Salesforce Data Cloud Ingestion from Confluence - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

confluence-app-capabilitiesProvides the capabilities of the ingestion application for Confluence.
map-full-refresh-responseProvides the content metadata details of resources maintained in the source system.
changeEventsToolsHelpers for generating the input request to the Data Cloud Ingestion API with the provided event metadata.


Provides the capabilities of the ingestion application for Confluence.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/confluence-app-capabilities.dwl

Mapping Tables

Provides the capabilities of the ingestion application for Confluence.

Source Field NameConfluence Field NameMapping Description
sourceIdNAConfluence Space ID from configuration file
sourceTypeNASource system name from configuration file
sourceNameresults.nameConfluence Space name
descriptionNAMonitor Confluence for change events
isEventDrivenNADefault value true
isHierarchicalNADefault value false
supportedChangeModesNASupports Notification and PollFullRefresh
supportedChangeEventsNASupported types of events
supportedPaginationModeNASupports the ContinuationToken pagination mode

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Provides the content metadata details of resources maintained in the source system.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-full-refresh-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps the content metadata details of resources maintained in the source system.

Source Field NameConfluence Field NameMapping Description
continuationToken'_links'.nextToken for next list of changes
resourceChanges.applicationIdNAAPI AutoDiscoveryID from configuration file of the Confluence space being monitored
resourceChanges.sourceTypeNASource system name
resourceChanges.changeEventTypeNAType of event
resourceChanges.eventDateTimeNACurrent Timestamp
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.resourceIdresults.idResource ID
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.resourceNameresults.titleResource name
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.resourceTypeNAType of resource page or blogpost
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.resourceLocationresults.'_links'.selfResource location
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.resourcePathresults.'_links'.webuiRelative path of resource
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.contentTypeNAResource content type
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.contentVersionhistory.createdDate.'_expandable'.versionResource version
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.authorNamehistory.createdBy.publicNameAuthor name
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.authorIdhistory.createdBy.accountIdAuthor account ID
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.createdDateresults.history.createdDate or results.history.'_expandable'.lastUpdatedResource creation date
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.createdByresults.history.createdBy.accountIdResource owner ID
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.updatedDateresults.history.'_expandable'.lastUpdated or history.createdDateResource modification date
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.updatedByresults.authorIdResource author ID
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.isArchivedNAResource state as default false
resourceChanges.resourceEntry.isDeletedNAResource state as default false

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Helpers for generating the input request to the Data Cloud Ingestion API with the provided event metadata.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/changeEventsTools.dwl


fun ingestionAPIRequest (eventData, eventDateTime, resourceType, resourceState, spaceId, sourceType, contentType, appId)

Maps the input request to the Ingestion API with the provided event metadata.

param eventData is the resource event metadata
param eventDateTime is the timstamp received from the source
param resourceType is the type of resource, like page or blogpost
param resourceState is the state of the resource such as Deleted or Active
param spaceId is the identifier of the Confluence space being monitored
param sourceType is the actual source of data (Confluence)
param contentType is the content type
param appId is the autodiscovery ID from configuration property file
return input request to Ingestion API as an array

Source Field NameConfluence Field NameMapping Description
applicationIdNAAPI autodiscovery ID from configuration file
sourceIdNASDC monitoring Confluence Space ID
sourceTypeNASource system name
changeEventTypeNAType of event
eventDateTimetimestampEvent occurrence time
resourceEntry.resourceIdidEvent notification ID
resourceEntry.resourceNametitleTitle of the resource
resourceEntry.resourceTypeNAType of resource page or blogpost
resourceEntry.resourceLocationselfResource location
resourceEntry.resourcePathself.pathResource relative path
resourceEntry.contentTypeNAContent type
resourceEntry.contentVersionversionVersion of content
resourceEntry.authorIdlastModifierAccountIdAuthor account ID
resourceEntry.createdDatecreationDate or modificationDateEvent creation date
resourceEntry.updatedDatemodificationDate or creationDateEvent modification date
resourceEntry.isArchivedNATrue if resource state is Archived
resourceEntry.isDeletedNATrue if resource state is Deleted

fun convertTimestampToDateTime (timestamp)

Converts the provided timestamp to datetime.

param timestamp is the timestamp received from the source system
return human-readable datetime

fun mapChangeEventType (event)

Converts the provided Confluence event to an application supported event type.

param event is the actual event triggered from Confluence
return Application supported common event type

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onJan 21, 2025
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