TMF620 Product Catalog Management API (Outbound)

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The TMF620 Product Catalog Management API from TM Forum enables you to manage the entire lifecycle of the catalog elements, such as Product Specs and Offers during several processes, such as the ordering process, campaign management, and sales management.

The TMF620 Product Catalog Management inbound API is available from Salesforce to allow inbound calls to Communications Cloud to manage catalog elements. See Communications Cloud TMF620 Open API Developer Guide for more details about the TMF620 inbound API.

With the TMF620 outbound API, Communications Service Providers can send their catalog elements to external systems (ordering systems, billing systems, and charging systems).

Supported REST operations for the TMF620 Product Catalog Management API (outbound) Mule Application include:

  • POST Offer
  • PATCH Offer

The integration app for the TMF620 outbound API is built and configured with Aria Connector.


Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onJun 14, 2024
Asset overview
Industries CloudCommunications
Custom fields

Asset versions for 1.0.x

Asset versions
