Database to Salesforce Contact Migration

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This template moves a large set of contacts from a database to Salesforce. You can trigger this manually or programmatically with an HTTP call.

Contacts are upserted so that the migration can be run multiple times without worrying about creating duplicates. This template uses batch to efficiently process many records at a time.

Parent accounts of the contacts are created if they don’t already exist in the destination system or can be set to be a specific account for all contacts that are migrated. A database table schema is included to make testing this template easier.


Note: In the following video, references to DataMapper have been replaced in the template with DataWeave transformations.

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License Agreement

This template is subject to the conditions of the

MuleSoft License Agreement.

Review the terms of the license before downloading and using this template. You can use this template for free

with the Mule Enterprise Edition, CloudHub, or as a trial in Anypoint Studio.

Use Case

As a Salesforce administrator I want to do a one-time synchronize of contacts from a database to Salesforce.

This template helps you set an online migration of contacts from a database to a Salesforce instance. Every time the HTTP endpoint is triggered, the integration migrates all the contacts in the database in a one time integration and it is responsible for updating or inserting a contact into the target Salesforce instance.

Requirements have been set not only to be used as examples, but also to establish a starting point to adapt your integration to your requirements.

As implemented, this template leverages the batch module.

The batch job is divided in Process Records and On Complete stages.

The integration is triggered by browsing to the HTTP endpoint defined in the flow that triggers the application, queries the database contacts matching a filter criteria, and executes the batch job.

During the Process Records stage, each database contact is filtered depending on if it has an existing matching contact in the Salesforce instance.

The last step of the Process stage groups the contacts and inserts or updates them into Salesforce.

Finally during the On Complete stage, the template logs output statistics data on the console and sends an email with the results.

In this template, you may choose whether the account for contact is created as well during the process.


To make this template run, there are certain preconditions that must be considered. All of them deal with the preparations in both source (database) and destination (Salesforce) systems, that must be made in order for all to run smoothly.

Failing to do so could lead to unexpected behavior of the template.

This template illustrates the migration use case between a database and Salesforce, thus it requires a database instance to work.

The template comes packaged with a SQL script to create the database table that it uses. It is your responsibility to use that script to create the table in an available schema and change the configuration accordingly. The SQL script file can be found in src/main/resources/contact.sql.

DB Considerations

To get this template to work:

This template may use date time or timestamp fields from the database to do comparisons and take further actions.

While the template handles the time zone by sending all such fields in a neutral time zone, it cannot handle time offsets.

We define time offsets as the time difference that may surface between date time and timestamp fields from different systems due to a differences in the system's internal clock.

Take this in consideration and take the actions needed to avoid the time offset.

As a Data Source

There are no considerations with using a database as a data origin.

Salesforce Considerations

Here's what you need to know about Salesforce to get this template to work.


As a Data Destination

There are no considerations with using Salesforce as a data destination.

Run it!

Simple steps to get database to Salesforce Contact Migration running.

Note: This template illustrates the migration use case between Salesforce and a database, thus it requires a database instance to work.

The template comes packaged with a SQL script to create the database table that it uses.

It is your responsibility to use the script to create the table in an available schema and change the configuration accordingly. The SQL script file can be found in src/main/resources/contact.sql.

This template is customized for MySQL. To use it with different SQL implementation, some changes are necessary:

  • Update the SQL script dialect to the desired one.
  • Replace the MySQL driver library or add another dependency to the desired one in the pom.xml file.
  • Update the database config to a suitable connection instead of db:my-sql-connection in the global elements (config.xml).
  • Update connection configurations in the mule.*.properties file.

This is an example of the output you see after browsing to the HTTP endpoint:

  "Message": "Batch Process initiated",
  "ID": "7fc674b0-e4b7-11e7-9627-100ba905a441",
  "RecordCount": 32,
  "StartExecutionOn": "2018-12-19T13:24:03Z"

Running On Premises

In this section we help you run your template on your computer.

Where to Download Anypoint Studio and the Mule Runtime

If you are a newcomer to Mule, here is where to get the tools.

Importing a Template into Studio

In Studio, click the Exchange X icon in the upper left of the taskbar, log in with your

Anypoint Platform credentials, search for the template, and click Open.

Running on Studio

After you import your template into Anypoint Studio, follow these steps to run it:

  • Locate the properties file, in src/main/resources.
  • Complete all the properties required as per the examples in the "Properties to Configure" section.
  • Right click the template project folder.
  • Hover your mouse over Run as
  • Click Mule Application (configure)
  • Inside the dialog, select Environment and set the variable mule.env to the value dev
  • Click Run

Running on Mule Standalone

Complete all properties in one of the property files, for example in and run your app with the corresponding environment variable. To follow the example, this is mule.env=prod.

After this, to trigger the use case browse to the local HTTP connector with the port you configured in your file. If this is, for instance, 9090 then browse to http://localhost:9090/migratecontacts and this outputs a summary report and sends it in the e-mail.

Running on CloudHub

While creating your application on CloudHub (or you can do it later as a next step), go to Runtime Manager > Manage Application > Properties to set the environment variables listed in "Properties to Configure" as well as the mule.env.

While creating your application on CloudHub, or you can do it later as a next step, you need to go to Deployment > Advanced to set all environment variables detailed in "Properties to Configure" as well as the mule.env.

Follow other steps and once your app is all set and started, there is no need to do anything else. If you choose contactsmigration as a domain name to trigger the use case, browse to and a report is sent to the email addresses you configured.

Deploying your Anypoint Template on CloudHub

Studio provides an easy way to deploy your template directly to CloudHub, for the specific steps to do so check this

Properties to Configure

To use this template, configure properties (credentials, configurations, etc.) in the properties file or in CloudHub from Runtime Manager > Manage Application > Properties. The sections that follow list example values.

Application Configuration

Application Configuration

  • http.port 9090
  • page.size 200

Syncing policy for accounts

  • account.sync.policy syncAccount

Note: The property account.sync.policy can take any of the two following values:

  • doNotCreateAccount: If the propety has no value assigned to it, the application does nothing ito the account and just moves the contact over.
  • syncAccount: It tries to create the contact's account if this is not pressent in the Salesforce instance.

Database Connector Configuration

  • localhost
  • db.port 3306
  • db.user user-name
  • db.password user-password
  • db.databasename dbname

Note: If you need to connect to a different database, provide the JAR file for the library, and change the value of that field in the connector.

Salesforce Connector Configuration

  • sfdc.username
  • sfdc.password JoanBaez456
  • sfdc.securityToken ces56arl7apQs56XTddf34X

SMTP Services Configuration

  • smtp.port 587
  • smtp.user
  • smtp.password password

Email Details

  • mail.from
  • mail.subject Batch Job Finished Report

API Calls

Salesforce imposes limits on the number of API calls that can be made. Therefore calculating this amount is important to consider. Contact Migration template calls to the API can be calculated using the formula:

1 + X + X + X / 200

X is the number of contacts to be synchronized on each run.

Divide by 200 because by default, contacts are gathered in groups of 200 for each upsert API call in the commit step.

For instance if 10 records are fetched from origin instance, then 31 API calls are made (1 + 10 + 10 + 10) - if the sync account policy is enabled.

Customize It!

This brief guide intends to give a high level idea of how this template is built and how you can change it according to your needs.

As Mule applications are based on XML files, this page describes the XML files used with this template.

More files are available such as test classes and Mule application files, but to keep it simple, we focus on these XML files:

  • config.xml
  • businessLogic.xml
  • endpoints.xml
  • errorHandling.xml


Configuration for connectors and configuration properties are set in this file. Even change the configuration here, all parameters that can be modified are in properties file, which is the recommended place to make your changes. However if you want to do core changes to the logic, you need to modify this file.

In the Studio visual editor, the properties are on the Global Element tab.


The functional aspect of this template is implemented on this XML, directed by a flow that checks for Salesforce creations or updates. The several message processors constitute four high level actions that fully implement the logic of this template:

  1. During the Input stage, the template goes to the database and queries all existing contacts that match the filter criteria.
  2. During the Process Records stage, each database contact is checked by name against Salesforce, if it has an existing matching objects in database.
  3. The account associated with a database contact is migrated to an account associated with a contact in Salesforce. The matching is performed by querying a Salesforce instance for an entry with same name as the database account name.
  4. The upsert of a contact in Salesforce is performed.
  5. Finally during the On Complete stage, the template logs output statistics data on the console and sends email.


This is the file where you can find the inbound and outbound sides of your integration app.

This template uses an HTTP Listener connector as the way to trigger the use case.

Inbound Flow

HTTP Listener Connector - Start Report Generation

  • ${http.port} is set as a property to be defined either on a property file or in CloudHub environment variables.
  • The path configured by default is migratecontacts that you are free to change to the one you prefer.
  • The host name for all endpoints in your CloudHub configuration is localhost. CloudHub routes requests from your application domain URL to the endpoint.
  • The endpoint is a request-response and a result of calling it, is that the response fetches the total records by the criteria specified.


This is the right place to handle how your integration reacts depending on the different exceptions.

This file provides error handling that is referenced by the main flow in the business logic.


Published by
MuleSoft Organization
Published onSep 27, 2018
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.1.x

Asset versions


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