AMC Application Manager

(2 reviews)



The Application Manager API exists to provide Mule Application management operations from Anypoint Control Planes to any Runtime Plane, with capabilities that include:

  • Deploying a Mule Application or API to a Mule Runtime
  • Scaling up or down a running application
  • Managing application settings (ie: properties)
  • Deleting a Mule Application Deployment
  • Changing artifact version or configurations of a deployment
  • Starting, Stopping or Restarting applications
  • etc.

Getting Started

To begin using the Application Manager API, you first should obtain an access token. See the Access Management API for more information.

For more information on using the API, see the API reference.


This API currently supports deployments to Runtime Fabric and CloudHub 2.0 targets only.


If the Application Manager API is not working, contact MuleSoft and provide information about this issue.

If possible, provide the following information to have a better understanding of the situation.

  • The operation that is not working correctly and the associated request.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
