API designer Experience API

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This is a RAML 1.0 API Specification of the API Designer Experience API. It defines the operations to design and manage API Specifications and API Fragments from Design Center.

The API enables you to work and handle the different resources when designing and managing a RAML API Specification / Fragment. The operations included are the following.

  • List projects or create a new projects for a specific organization and owner.
  • Get an existing project and its details or delete an existing project.
  • List branches or create new ones for a specific project.
  • Create, delete or modify files in a specific branch.
  • Publish to Exchange or search for dependencies.


The API requires a previous authentication. For every request, send the following headers that you can get after authenticating in the Anypoint Platform:

   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
   -H 'x-organization-id: <org-id>'
   -H 'x-owner-id: <user-id>'

The organization ID is your organization's unique identifier (UUID), which can be obtained by the organization owner (or any user with Admin privilege) accessing to the Anypoint Platform's Organizations page. For more details on how to obtain the organization ID, please refer to the Access Management API organizations endpoint documentation

The owner ID is your user's unique identifier (UUID), which is NOT related to the username. It can be obtained by the organization owner (or any user with Admin privilege) accessing to the Anypoint Platform's Users page. For more details on how to obtain a given user ID, please refer to the Access Management API users endpoint documentation

If you don't have a value for the token, please refer to step one at the Getting Started section.

Getting Started

Find the Getting Started guide here.

Usage Examples

Find the API Usage Examples here.

API Reference

Find the API Designer Experience API Reference here.

