Partner Manager v2 Partners API

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The Partner Manager v2 Partners API allows you to access details related to your trading partners. this includes the partners name, description, logo, address, contacts, and subsequently assets associated to the partner such as identifiers, digital certificates, endpoints, message types, and message flows. This API enables you to:

  • Obtain details for all trading partners you interact with.
  • You can then Create new partners, Obtain details associated to a specific partner, or even Create or Delete a specific partner.
  • You can create of change information related to a partner such as - Obtain details for a specific contact associated to a partner, Create or Delete a specific contact associated to a partner.
  • Obtain details for a specific identifier associated to a partner. Create or Delete a specific identifier associated to a partner.
  • Obtain details for a specific digital certificate associated to a partner. Create or Delete a specific digital certificate associated to a partner.
  • Obtain details for a specific endpoint associated to a partner. Create or Delete a specific endpoint associated to a partner.
  • Obtain details for a specific message flow associated to a partner. Create or Delete a specific message flow associated to a partner.
  • Obtain details for message formats (such as X12) associated to transactions with a partner, and their associated X12 configurations.
  • Create and Delete message configurations associated to transactions with a partner.
  • Get deployment information associated to a message flow.

Note: Access to this API requires an Anypoint Partner Manager v2 subscription.

Getting Started

To begin using the Partner Manager v2 Partners API, you need to obtain the following details.

Your Anypoint organization Id

To obtain your organization id, please refer to the article here.

The Anypoint environment Id

You need the Anypoint environment Id for the environment in context to which you are obtaining the stored B2B transaction payload. To obtain your environment id, within your Anypoint management console go to Access Management >> Environments. Click on the environment name corresponding to the environment you are interested in obtaining the id for. The URL in your browser's address bar shows the environment Id at the end.

Environment Id Example -

Authentication details

To authenticate against the API, you will need to use an OAuth 2.0 token from the Anypoint Platform.

For more information on using the API, see the API reference.


If the Partner Manager v2 Partners API is not working, contact MuleSoft support and provide the following information.

  • The operation that is not working correctly and the associated request.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
