Product Entitlement Customer Experience API

(0 reviews)


Manual testing

The Postman collection that follows can be used for manually testing this API. Due to limitations with Exchange, it cannot be
provided as an attachment so must be copied and pasted into Postman to use it. Postman supports online and offline use, but this guide assumes online use.

How to import the collection into Postman

These instructions are for Postman 9 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Postman, please consult the
documentation which came with that version.

  1. Select the entire JSON document below and copy to the clipboard.
  2. Click the Import button above the left hand navigation pane in Postman.
  3. Click the Raw text tab.
  4. Paste the JSON document into the text area from the clipboard.
  5. Click Continue
  6. Verify that the correct API name is shown and the format is a Postman Collection.
  7. Click Import.
  8. Your collection will be shown in the left hand navigation pane.
  9. Click the horizontal ellipsis (...) next to the name of your collection.
  10. Click Edit.
  11. Select Variables.
  12. Update the initial value and current value of the baseHost variable to the environment you want to connect to. For example, for the sandbox instance, enter
  13. Click Persist All in the top right-hand corner of the tab.
  14. Click Save in the top right-hand corner of the collection window.
  15. Select the Authorization tab and enter appropriate credentials to access the API. For security reasons these are not included in the JSON.

Security testing

The Postman collection can also be used for security testing this API using Netsparker. You will need to save the copied
text to a file and import it into Netsparker manually. For more information, consult the Netsparker documentation.

Postman collection

  "info" : {
    "name" : "Product Entitlement Customer Experience API",
    "version" : "0.0.50",
    "schema" : ""
  "item" : [ {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
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        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements" ],
        "query" : [ {
          "key" : "search",
          "description" : "Product Entitlement Search",
          "disabled" : true
        } ]
      "description" : "Get Product Entitlements\n    \nCustomerUser\n------------ \nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* Search Query Parameters\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n"
    "response" : [ {
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements" ],
          "query" : [ {
            "key" : "search",
            "description" : "Product Entitlement Search",
            "disabled" : true
          } ]
        "description" : "Get Product Entitlements\n    \nCustomerUser\n------------ \nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* Search Query Parameters\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
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        "value" : "application/json"
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      "body" : "{\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"84373\",\n            \"uri\": \"\",\n            \"customer\": {\n                \"id\": \"aSapCustomerId12345\",\n                \"name\": \"Customer Name\",\n                \"blocked\": false\n            },\n            \"product\": {\n                \"id\": \"PL405\",\n                \"uri\": \"\",\n                \"name\": \"ADB-400 Domain Bridge\",\n                \"eula\": {\n                    \"id\": \"1fa4af12-d980-47bb-b157-e52b15be115a\",\n                    \"uri\": \"\"\n                },\n                \"standardDeliveryMethod\": \"developer\"\n            },\n            \"salesOrderItem\": {\n                \"id\": \"1\",\n                \"salesOrder\": {\n                    \"id\": \"ORDER-12345\"\n                },\n                \"eccn\": \"3E002\",\n                \"package\": \"PKG000P05\",\n                \"soldThrough\": \"subscription\"\n            },\n            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  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:        \n* = {id}\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Product Entitlement found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:        \n* = {id}\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
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    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
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        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
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          "description" : "Product Release Search",
          "disabled" : true
        } ],
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          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get Product Releases relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* Search Query Parameters\n* ProductRelease._internal.customerCanUse = true\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Product Releases found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases",
          "protocol" : "https",
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          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases" ],
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            "disabled" : true
          } ],
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            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get Product Releases relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* Search Query Parameters\n* ProductRelease._internal.customerCanUse = true\n"
      "code" : 200,
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  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{releaseid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "releaseid",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Product Release relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Product Release found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "releaseid",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Product Release relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
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      } ],
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    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{releaseid}/artifact/{artifactid}",
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        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
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          "type" : "string"
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          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Artifact that exists within one Product Release.\n\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* ProductRelease.artifacts[id: {id}] or ProductRelease.artifacts[].releatedArtifacts[id: {id}] or ProductRelease.artifacts[].packagedArtifacts[id: {id}]\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id} endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Artifact found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
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            "key" : "releaseid",
            "type" : "string"
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            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Artifact that exists within one Product Release.\n\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* ProductRelease.artifacts[id: {id}] or ProductRelease.artifacts[].releatedArtifacts[id: {id}] or ProductRelease.artifacts[].packagedArtifacts[id: {id}]\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id} endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"6f68387d-fa93-4821-b8ab-f032bd874c0c\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"name\": \"AR500-DA-10034-r1p0-00rel0\",\n    \"description\": \"AMBA 5 CHI Architecture Specification\",\n    \"type\": \"documentation\",\n    \"categoryTags\": [\n        \"ARCDOC\"\n    ],\n    \"fileName\": \"MP064-r1p0-00rel0.tgz\",\n    \"fileSize\": 454574745,\n    \"md5\": \"66d1c5b6f3ac5246d5e8689b10e42c85\",\n    \"entitlement\": {\n        \"id\": \"84373\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"release\": {\n        \"id\": \"6d4d5bd3-053b-48a3-a78f-f77d3baa1de3\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    }\n}\n"
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    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{releaseid}/artifact/{artifactid}/http",
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      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid/http",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "http" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
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        }, {
          "key" : "releaseid",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "artifactid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get Presigned URL to download artifact using HTTP protocol. Artifacts may be downloaded via signed \nURL (HTTP) or Transfer Specs ([FASP](\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* Presigned URL to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Artifact found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid/http",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "http" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "releaseid",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "artifactid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get Presigned URL to download artifact using HTTP protocol. Artifacts may be downloaded via signed \nURL (HTTP) or Transfer Specs ([FASP](\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* Presigned URL to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"downloadUrl\": \"\"\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{releaseid}/artifact/{artifactid}/fasp",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
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        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "fasp" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "releaseid",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "artifactid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get transfer spec to download artifact using FASP protocol. Artifacts may be downloaded via signed \nURL (HTTP) or Transfer Specs ([FASP]( \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* TransferSpec to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Artifact found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid/fasp",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "fasp" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "releaseid",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "artifactid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get transfer spec to download artifact using FASP protocol. Artifacts may be downloaded via signed \nURL (HTTP) or Transfer Specs ([FASP]( \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* TransferSpec to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"data\": {\n        \"transfer_specs\": [\n            {\n                \"transfer_spec\": {\n                    \"token\": \"I_AM_AN_ON_PREM_TOKEN_vTZy2hpunYftIJwvXUJsjcQsXpg72-XBUAAE-fNm4g4ugwrn8J6ZsAekL_2MTA\",\n                    \"direction\": \"receive\",\n                    \"cipher\": \"aes-128\",\n                    \"tags\": null,\n                    \"sshfp\": \"onpremhassshfingerprintbac86613e3a51e5\",\n                    \"authentication\": \"token\",\n                    \"paths\": [\n                        {\n                            \"source\": \"51e22cf6-6e0a-4439-a9d3-ef85a943abec.tgz\",\n                            \"destination\": \"AT510-GRP-r0p0-rel.tgz\"\n                        }\n                    ],\n                    \"source_root\": \"\",\n                    \"destination_root\": \"\",\n                    \"target_rate_cap_kbps\": 500000,\n                    \"rate_policy_allowed\": \"high\",\n                    \"rate_policy\": \"high\",\n                    \"target_rate_kbps\": 150000,\n                    \"min_rate_cap_kbps\": 0,\n                    \"min_rate_kbps\": 0,\n                    \"lock_min_rate\": false,\n                    \"remote_host\": \"\",\n                    \"remote_user\": \"transferuser\",\n                    \"ssh_port\": 33001,\n                    \"fasp_port\": 33001,\n                    \"http_fallback\": true,\n                    \"http_fallback_port\": 443\n                }\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{releaseid}/artifact/{artifactid}/download-check",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid/download-check",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "download-check" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "releaseid",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "artifactid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Check if artifact download is allowed by current user (verify all point-in-time download compliance checks).\nA signedURL will not be generated and no associated download logging will occur.\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* Presigned URL to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Artifact found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/releases/:releaseid/artifact/:artifactid/download-check",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "releases", ":releaseid", "artifact", ":artifactid", "download-check" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "releaseid",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "artifactid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Check if artifact download is allowed by current user (verify all point-in-time download compliance checks).\nA signedURL will not be generated and no associated download logging will occur.\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nArtifact will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/releases/{id}/artifact/{id} endpoint.\n\nThe following validation must occur *before* Presigned URL to download artifact is generated:                \n* An Arm Account Customer JWT containing IP address and Profile Location context is required \n* ProductEntitlement.compliance.status = 'compliant'\n* in [[].id] \n* in [[].id] \n* = null OR ProductEntitlement/downloadEula.agreementUrl = null\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"result\": \"success\"\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/eula",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/eula",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "eula" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get End User License Agreement (EULA) for download by current Entitlement User for one Product Entitlement\n\nChecks for outstanding EULA agreement relating to Product Entitlement and current Entitlement User. \nWhen agreementUrl not null, an agreement is required for current user before download is permitted.\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign (createHasAgreed): POST /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountid}/clickwraps/{clickwrapid}/agreements \n-> UserAgreementResponse          \nSee:                      \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Product Entitlement Download EULA Request found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/eula",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "eula" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get End User License Agreement (EULA) for download by current Entitlement User for one Product Entitlement\n\nChecks for outstanding EULA agreement relating to Product Entitlement and current Entitlement User. \nWhen agreementUrl not null, an agreement is required for current user before download is permitted.\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign (createHasAgreed): POST /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountid}/clickwraps/{clickwrapid}/agreements \n-> UserAgreementResponse          \nSee:                      \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **use rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"fd233f04-c6b3-47ee-815a-4db0a8209c09\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"entitlement\": {\n        \"id\": \"123\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"eula\": {\n        \"id\": \"fd233f04-c6b3-47ee-815a-4db0a8209c09\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"agreementUrl\": \"\",\n    \"links\": {\n        \"eula-agreements\": \"\",\n        \"releases\": \"\"\n    }\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/history",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/history",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "history" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get Download History relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nDownload History will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Download History\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Download History found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/history",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "history" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get Download History relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement.rightTo = \"download\"\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nDownload History will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Download History\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"numberOfItems\": 1,\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"5ba8bb6c-4643-4805-9719-ad5d8806f46d\",\n            \"uri\": \"\",\n            \"downloadAt\": \"2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z\",\n            \"downloadMethod\": \"http\",\n            \"entitlement\": {\n                \"id\": \"123\",\n                \"uri\": \"\"\n            },\n            \"release\": {\n                \"id\": \"1a08bb6b-2643-4805-9719-ad5d8806f43b\",\n                \"uri\": \"\",\n                \"name\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13\"\n            },\n            \"user\": {\n                \"email\": \"\",\n                \"ipV4\": \"\",\n                \"geoIpCountry\": {\n                    \"id\": \"GB\"\n                }\n            },\n            \"artifact\": {\n                \"id\": \"3ec4da39-806f-4af7-9d9f-de76684a20b0\",\n                \"uri\": \"\",\n                \"name\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13\",\n                \"description\": \"Technical Reference Manual\",\n                \"fileName\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13.tgz\",\n                \"fileSize\": 49549849684,\n                \"md5\": \"66d1c5b6f3ac5246d5e8689b10e42c85\"\n            }\n        }\n    ]\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/history/{historyid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/history/:historyid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "history", ":historyid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "historyid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Download History relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nDownload History will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/history endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Download History found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/rights/download/history/:historyid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "rights", "download", "history", ":historyid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "historyid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Download History relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nDownload History will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/rights/download/history endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"5ba8bb6c-4643-4805-9719-ad5d8806f46d\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"downloadAt\": \"2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z\",\n    \"downloadMethod\": \"http\",\n    \"entitlement\": {\n        \"id\": \"123\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"release\": {\n        \"id\": \"1a08bb6b-2643-4805-9719-ad5d8806f43b\",\n        \"uri\": \"\",\n        \"name\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13\"\n    },\n    \"user\": {\n        \"email\": \"\",\n        \"ipV4\": \"\",\n        \"geoIpCountry\": {\n            \"id\": \"GB\"\n        }\n    },\n    \"artifact\": {\n        \"id\": \"3ec4da39-806f-4af7-9d9f-de76684a20b0\",\n        \"uri\": \"\",\n        \"name\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13\",\n        \"description\": \"Technical Reference Manual\",\n        \"fileName\": \"MP064-r1p0-04rel13.tgz\",\n        \"fileSize\": 49549849684,\n        \"md5\": \"66d1c5b6f3ac5246d5e8689b10e42c85\"\n    }\n}\n "
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/users",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get Entitlement Users relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Entitlement User\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Entitlement User found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get Entitlement Users relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Entitlement User\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"numberOfItems\": 2,\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"\",\n            \"uri\": \"\",\n            \"email\": \"\",\n            \"entitlement\": {\n                \"id\": \"123\",\n                \"uri\": \"\"\n            },\n            \"rights\": {\n                \"canView\": true,\n                \"canUse\": true,\n                \"preferences\": {\n                    \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n                }\n            },\n            \"validFrom\": \"1900-01-01\",\n            \"validTo\": \"2199-12-31\",\n            \"enabled\": true\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"\",\n            \"uri\": \"\",\n            \"email\": \"\",\n            \"entitlement\": {\n                \"id\": \"123\",\n                \"uri\": \"\"\n            },\n            \"rights\": {\n                \"canView\": true,\n                \"canUse\": true,\n                \"preferences\": {\n                    \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n                }\n            },\n            \"validFrom\": \"1900-01-01\",\n            \"validTo\": \"2199-12-31\",\n            \"enabled\": true\n        }\n\n    ]\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /entitlements/{id}/users/{userid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "userid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Entitlement Users relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/users endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Entitlement User found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "userid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Entitlement Users relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nProduct Releases will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /entitlements/{id}/users endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"email\": \"\",\n    \"entitlement\": {\n        \"id\": \"123\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"canView\": true,\n        \"canUse\": true,\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    },\n    \"validFrom\": \"1900-01-01\",\n    \"validTo\": \"2199-12-31\",\n    \"enabled\": true\n}\n"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "PUT /entitlements/{id}/users/{userid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "PUT",
      "body" : {
        "mode" : "raw",
        "raw" : "{\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"canView\": true,\n        \"canUse\": true,\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n",
        "options" : {
          "raw" : {
            "language" : "json"
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "userid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Create or Update one Entitlement User relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nEntitlement User may only be updated according to the following criteria:\n* ProductEntitlement.characteristics.virtual = false            \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **update rights** to Entitlement User\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Entitlement User created",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "PUT",
        "body" : {
          "mode" : "raw",
          "raw" : "{\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"canView\": true,\n        \"canUse\": true,\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n",
          "options" : {
            "raw" : {
              "language" : "json"
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "userid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Create or Update one Entitlement User relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nEntitlement User may only be updated according to the following criteria:\n* ProductEntitlement.characteristics.virtual = false            \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **update rights** to Entitlement User\n"
      "code" : 201
    }, {
      "name" : "Entitlement User updated",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "PUT",
        "body" : {
          "mode" : "raw",
          "raw" : "{\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"canView\": true,\n        \"canUse\": true,\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n",
          "options" : {
            "raw" : {
              "language" : "json"
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "userid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Create or Update one Entitlement User relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nEntitlement User may only be updated according to the following criteria:\n* ProductEntitlement.characteristics.virtual = false            \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **update rights** to Entitlement User\n"
      "code" : 204
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "PATCH /entitlements/{id}/users/{userid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "PATCH",
      "body" : {
        "mode" : "raw",
        "raw" : "{\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n",
        "options" : {
          "raw" : {
            "language" : "json"
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "userid",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Update one Entitlement User relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nEntitlement User may only be updated according to the following criteria:\n* ProductEntitlement.characteristics.virtual = false            \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **update rights** to Entitlement User\n\nor\n\n* CustomerUser has **update rights (preferences.* only)** to Entitlement User. Only the preferences object may be included in request body.  \n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Entitlement User updated",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "PATCH",
        "body" : {
          "mode" : "raw",
          "raw" : "{\n    \"rights\": {\n        \"preferences\": {\n            \"notification\": \"product-release\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n",
          "options" : {
            "raw" : {
              "language" : "json"
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/entitlements/:id/users/:userid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "entitlements", ":id", "users", ":userid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "userid",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Update one Entitlement User relating to one Product Entitlement\n\nEntitlement User may only be updated according to the following criteria:\n* ProductEntitlement.characteristics.virtual = false            \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nProduct Entitlement will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Product Entitlement\n* ProductEntitlement._internal.customerCanUse = true \n\nEntitlement User will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **update rights** to Entitlement User\n\nor\n\n* CustomerUser has **update rights (preferences.* only)** to Entitlement User. Only the preferences object may be included in request body.  \n"
      "code" : 204
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /eula/{id}",
    "description" : "EULA resources",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one EULA (latest version)\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}\n-> clickwrapVersionResponse\nSee:\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nEULA will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to EULA\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one EULA (latest version)\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}\n-> clickwrapVersionResponse\nSee:\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nEULA will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to EULA\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"1fa4af12-d980-47bb-b157-e52b15be115a\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"versionNumber\": 5,\n    \"name\": \"Simplified example EULA\",\n    \"status\": \"active\",\n    \"createdAt\": \"2021-05-04T16:41:41.090Z\",\n    \"requireReacceptance\": true\n}\n"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /eula/{id}/agreements",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id/agreements",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id", "agreements" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get EULA Agreements\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}/users\n-> clickwrapAgreementsResponse.userAgreements[]\nSee:                        \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nEULA agreements will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to EULA agreement\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "EULA Agreements found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id/agreements",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id", "agreements" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get EULA Agreements\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}/users\n-> clickwrapAgreementsResponse.userAgreements[]\nSee:                        \n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nEULA agreements will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to EULA agreement\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"1fa4af12-d980-47bb-b157-e52b15be115a\",\n            \"uri\": \"\",\n            \"eula\": {\n                \"id\": \"fd233f04-c6b3-47ee-815a-4db0a8209c09\",\n                \"uri\": \"\"\n            },\n\n            \"user\": {\n                \"email\": \"\"\n            },\n            \"versionNumber\": 5,\n            \"status\": \"agreed\",\n            \"history\": {\n                \"createdAt\": \"2021-05-04T16:41:41.090Z\",\n                \"agreedAt\": \"2021-05-04T16:42:42.090Z\"\n            }\n        }\n    ],\n    \"numberOfItems\": 1\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /eula/{id}/agreements/{agreementid}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id/agreements/:agreementid",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id", "agreements", ":agreementid" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "agreementid",
          "type" : "string"
        }, {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one EULA Agreement\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}/agreements/{agreementId}\n-> UserAgreementResponse          \nSee:\n\nEULA Agreements will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /eula/agreements endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "EULA Agreement found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/eula/:id/agreements/:agreementid",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "eula", ":id", "agreements", ":agreementid" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "agreementid",
            "type" : "string"
          }, {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one EULA Agreement\n\nObtained via proxied call to Docusign: GET /clickapi/v1/accounts/{accountId}/clickwraps/{clickwrapId}/agreements/{agreementId}\n-> UserAgreementResponse          \nSee:\n\nEULA Agreements will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /eula/agreements endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"1fa4af12-d980-47bb-b157-e52b15be115a\",\n    \"uri\": \"\",\n    \"eula\": {\n        \"id\": \"fd233f04-c6b3-47ee-815a-4db0a8209c09\",\n        \"uri\": \"\"\n    },\n\n    \"user\": {\n        \"email\": \"\"\n    },\n    \"versionNumber\": 5,\n    \"status\": \"agreed\",\n    \"history\": {\n        \"createdAt\": \"2021-05-04T16:41:41.090Z\",\n        \"agreedAt\": \"2021-05-04T16:42:42.090Z\"\n    }\n}\n"
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        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "countries" ]
      "description" : "Get Countries including Open General Export Licence (OGEL) and sanctioned status\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nCountries will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Country\n"
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      "name" : "Countries found",
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          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "countries" ]
        "description" : "Get Countries including Open General Export Licence (OGEL) and sanctioned status\n\nCustomerUser\n------------\nCountries will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* CustomerUser has **view rights** to Country\n"
      "code" : 200,
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      "body" : "{\n    \"numberOfItems\": 249,\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"id\": \"AD\",\n            \"description\": \"Andorra\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"AE\",\n            \"description\": \"United Arab Emirates\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"AF\",\n            \"description\": \"Afghanistan\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": true,\n            \"groups\": []\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"AG\",\n            \"description\": \"Antigua and Barbuda\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n 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\"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"VI\",\n            \"description\": \"Virgin Islands (U.S.)\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"VN\",\n            \"description\": \"Vietnam\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"VU\",\n            \"description\": \"Vanuatu\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"WF\",\n            \"description\": \"Wallis and Futuna Islands\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"WS\",\n            \"description\": \"Samoa\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"YE\",\n            \"description\": \"Yemen\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": true,\n            \"groups\": []\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"YT\",\n            \"description\": \"Mayotte\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"ZA\",\n            \"description\": \"South Africa\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"ZM\",\n            \"description\": \"Zambia\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": \"ZW\",\n            \"description\": \"Zimbabwe\",\n            \"ogel\": false,\n            \"sanctioned\": false,\n            \"groups\": [\n                \"non-sanctioned\"\n            ]\n        }\n    ]\n}"
    } ]
  }, {
    "name" : "GET /countries/{id}",
    "request" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "url" : {
        "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/countries/:id",
        "protocol" : "https",
        "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
        "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "countries", ":id" ],
        "variable" : [ {
          "key" : "id",
          "type" : "string"
        } ]
      "description" : "Get one Country including Open General Export Licence (OGEL) and sanctioned status\n\nCountry will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /countries endpoint.\n"
    "response" : [ {
      "name" : "Countries found",
      "originalRequest" : {
        "method" : "GET",
        "url" : {
          "raw" : "https://{{baseHost}}/{{basePath}}/countries/:id",
          "protocol" : "https",
          "host" : "{{baseHost}}",
          "path" : [ "{{basePath}}", "countries", ":id" ],
          "variable" : [ {
            "key" : "id",
            "type" : "string"
          } ]
        "description" : "Get one Country including Open General Export Licence (OGEL) and sanctioned status\n\nCountry will be filtered according to the following criteria:\n* = {id}                                                        \n* same criteria as per GET /countries endpoint.\n"
      "code" : 200,
      "_postman_previewlanguage" : "json",
      "header" : [ {
        "key" : "Content-Type",
        "value" : "application/json"
      } ],
      "body" : "{\n    \"id\": \"AF\",\n    \"description\": \"Afghanistan\",\n    \"ogel\": false,\n    \"sanctioned\": true,\n    \"groups\": []\n}"
    } ]
  } ],
  "variable" : [ {
    "key" : "baseHost",
    "value" : ""
  }, {
    "key" : "basePath",
    "value" : "/e-product-entitlement-customer/v1"
  } ]
