Account Management Biz Api
Brief Description
The RAML provides orchestration to downstream System Layer.
The Account API provides standardized mechanism for the management of billing and settlement accounts, as well as for financial accounting (account receivable) either in B2B or B2B2C contexts. It allows creation, update and retrieval of account information either in a B2B2C relationship context (creation of mass market customer billing account within a “Billing on Behalf of” process for example) or in a B2B context (creation of a billing/settlement account for a partner or B2B customer). It also allows creation and query of bill items allowing partners or B2B customer to check their invoice.
Accounts typically refer to parties and party roles. However the management of party and party roles is out of the scope of this API. The TMF APIs Party Management, Customer Management and Party Role Management can be used for this purpose.
Account Management API manages the following data resources:
- Account Resource: Account is the abstract base entity for all account entities, which are FinancialAccount, PartyAccount and the two sub-classes BillingAccount and SettlementAccount.
- Billing Account Resource: A party account used for billing purposes. It includes a description of the bill structure (frequency, presentation media, format and so on). It is a specialization of entity PartyAccount.
- Settlement Account Resource: A party account used for settlement purposes. It includes a description of the bill structure (frequency, presentation media, format and so on). It is a specialization of entity PartyAccount.
- Financial Account Resource: An account of money owed by a party to another entity in exchange for goods or services that have been delivered or used. A financial (account receivable account/account payable) aggregates the amounts of one or more party accounts (billing or settlement) owned by a given party.
- Billing Cycle Specvification Resource: A detailed description of when to initiate a billing cycle and the various sub steps of a billing cycle.
- Bill Format Resource: A detailed description of the way in which a bill is presented.
- Bill Presentation Media Resource: A mean of communicating a bill, supported by the associated bill format. For example, post mail, email, web page.
- Notification Resource: 10 notifications are defined for this API
- Notifications related to PartyAccount:
- PartyAccountAttributeValueChangeEvent
- PartyAccountStateChangeEvent
- Notifications related to BillingAccount:
- BillingAccountAttributeValueChangeEvent
- BillingAccountStateChangeEvent
- Notifications related to SettlementAccount:
- SettlementAccountAttributeValueChangeEvent
- SettlementAccountStateChangeEvent
- Notifications related to FinancialAccount:
- FinancialAccountCreateEvent
- FinancialAccountAttributeValueChangeEvent
- FinancialAccountStateChangeEvent
- FinancialAccountDeleteEvent
- Notifications related to PartyAccount:
API Current State
Testing Phase
Base URI Summary of Methods
- Development
- Test
- Pre-Prod
- Prod
Transport Protocol(s)
3 Layer architecture flow diagram
Sequence Diagram
Quality of Service (QoS)
Avg. Response Time (Secs)
Avg. Payload Size (KB/MB)
Max Payload Size (KB/MB)
Avg. Volumes (per day)
Peak Volumes
Peak Volumes Timespan
High Availability
Service Level Agreement
There are no constraints applicable to this API.
Average/Peak Response time depends on the size of payload and speed and other network and processing factors.