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Get BillingAccountDetailsByServiceId - TMF666 GET


This retrieves the billingAccount details for the service/subscriber number.

Key Considerations:

  1. This is implemented for businessIDs (JM,BB,TT,CW,AG,VC,LC,TC,KY,AI,KN,MS,GD,VG,BS,DM and LCPR).
  2. The implementation is available for liberate and cerillion for CWC markets.
  3. The account details can be fetched for fixed serivces.
  4. The service number for CWC can be provided with or without country code and BU codes.
  5. The account details can be fetched for FIXED non voice services as well along with voice services.

Sample responses for CWC/BTC markets:

  • liberate Response
  • Cerillion Response

Sample responses for LCPR:

  1. Response when the service number is present in both DynamoDB(Mobile) and CSG(Fixed)
    • PRDynamoAndSlbosNonTMFResp
  2. Response when the service number is present only in DynamoDB
    • PRDynamoNonTMFResp
  3. Response when the service number is present only in CSG
    • PRSlbosNonTMFResp
  4. LCPR Success Response (when targetSystem == "sfdc" and lob == "postpaid")
    • PRPostpaidSFResp
  5. LCPR Success Response (when targetSystem == "sfdc")
    • PRPrepaidSFResp
