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Brief Description

The specification of the REST API for care app.

This API allows the following operations:

TMF-629 /customer/{id} (GET) : This API returns the customers details entity based on queryParams, uri params. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-666 /billingAccount/{id} (GET) : This API returns the account details entity based on queryParams, uri params. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-677 /usageConsumptionReport (GET) : This API provide ongoing information about usages related to any subscribed communication products (voice, data, TV) based on queryParams. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-640 /service/{id} (PATCH) : This API create a service for sim activations. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-670 /paymentMethod (POST) : This API creates an payment method for customers to pay for a product or service. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-676 /payment (POST) : This API create payment for customers to pay for a product or service. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-676 /payment(GET) : This API retrieves the payment made by the customer. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-681 /communicationMessage/send (POST): This API creates a new CommunicationMessage and send it. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-654 /topupBalance(POST): This API creates a TopupBalance entity. Also, it provides tax info with doing actual topup if we include the "reason" field in Request. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-637 /product(GET): This API returns the customers' products/subscriptions based on search criteria. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-678 /appliedCustomerBillingRate (GET) : List appliedCustomerBillingRate is used to retrieve all the items present in the bill other than Payment, Tax and Invoice types. This resource is implemented for PR Market Fixed customer. Please check API documentation here/)

TMF-678 /customerBill (GET): This operation list customer bill entities. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-678 /customerBill/id (GET): This operation Fetch CustomerBill Summary, PDF or TXT for given billReference. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-621 /troubleTicket (GET) : List troubleTickets is used to retrieve the tickets. This resource is implemented for CWC Market Fixed customers. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-638 /service (GET) : This resource is used to retrieve services and products. This resource is implemented for CWC Market for FIXED, PREPAID and POSTPAID customers. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-677 /queryUsageConsumption (GET) : This API covers the consumption levels of products, services or resources related to 0 or more parties. And so, we can search for remaining, global or used bucket values, or for exceptional consumption normally mentioned as out of bucket consumption. Please check API documentation here/

NON TMF /pricingPlan (GET) : This resource is used to retrieve pricingPlans for a given accountNumber. This resource is implemented for CWC Market for FIXED, PREPAID and POSTPAID customers. Please check API documentation here/

NON TMF /reset (POST) : This resource is used to resets the Equipment. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-621 /troubleTicket (POST) : This functionality is used to create trouble tickets. It is implemented for CWC Market Fixed customers. Please check API documentation here/

SuperApp Phase-1.1 specifications

TMF-622 /productOrder (POST) : This operation will allow you to create AddLine order in Salesforce. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-622 /productOrder/{id} (GET) : This operation will allow you to get the Quick Upgrade status for Device Upgrade from Salesforce. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-622 /productOrder/{id} (PATCH) : This operation will allow you to Upgrade the Device in Salesforce. Please check API documentation here/

TMF-622 /productOrder/{id} (PATCH) : This operation will allow you to create Add-On (International Roaming add-on) for existing Line in Salesforce. Please check API documentation here/
