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Create Order - Add Line (TMF 622 POST)

This operation will create the AddLine Order in Salesforce

Note - To work this fucntionality, the field "@type" not empty and value should be equal to "AddLine" in request body




businessIdstring2 letter ISO 3166 country code (TT, BB, JM, PA, PR etc.) identifying the business unit.Y
client_idstringThe client_id identifying the channel.Y
client_secretstringPassword associated with the client_id.Y
X-Correlation-IDstringIdentifier that correlates HTTP request between a client and server. Any identification model (UUDI, checksum, etc.) can be used, as long as it is a unique value to differentiate a transaction.Y

cURL request

curl --location 'https://esb-cloud-dev.lla.com/dev/sfdc-sys/v1/PR/productOrder' \
--header 'X-Correlation-Id: 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3F92c2b' \
--header 'client_id: 784c9a6dd7ae49768816cab57fcf1fa1' \
--header 'client_secret: 187b259EB77441babbF611d2646C670d' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "channel": [
            "name": "Digital"    //sourceSystem
    "@type": "AddLine",    //requestType
    "description": "Add New Line",    //reason
    "externalId": "127280366378939",   //sourceOrderId
    "billingAccount": {
        "id": "1231231-157657",     //bancan
        "name": "bancan",
        "@type": "AccountRef"
    "payment": [
            "id": "24324243242"      //transactionId
    "productOrderItem": [
            "product": {
                "productCharacteristic": [
                        "name": "consents",
                        "valueType": "Object",
                        "value": {
                            "consentLanguage": "EN/ES",    //consentLanguage
                            "consents": [
                                    "type": "GeneralTnC",     //type
                                    "id": "GeneralTnC",       //id
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",     //consentTextVersion
                                    "state": "Consented"       //state
                                    "type": "AutoPay",
                                    "id": "AutoPay",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "InsuranceConsent",
                                    "id": "InsuranceConsent",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "TradeInConsent",
                                    "id": "TradeInConsent",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "id": "MktPrefEmail",
                                    "type": "MktPrefEmail",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "MktPrefPostal",
                                    "id": "MktPrefPostal",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "MktPrefCall",
                                    "id": "MktPrefCall",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "MktPrefText",
                                    "id": "MktPrefText",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "InstConsent",
                                    "id": "InstConsent",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "BillingPrefEmail",
                                    "id": "BillingPrefEmail",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                                    "type": "BillingPrefPostal",
                                    "id": "BillingPrefPostal",
                                    "consentTextVersion": "2",
                                    "state": "Consented"
                        "name": "deliveryAddress",
                        "valueType": "Object",
                        "value": {
                            "street1": "11237 ",    //street1
                            "street2": "CALLE JAZMIN",    //street2
                            "city": "SANTA ISABEL",       //city
                            "postalcode": "007573126",    //postalcode
                            "state": "PR",        //state
                            "country": "US",      //country
                            "deliveryType": "Mail Delivery",    //deliveryType
                            "deliverySpeed": "Standard"         //deliverySpeed
                        "name": "lineDetails",
                        "valueType": "array",
                        "value": [
                                "lineNumber": "1",    //lineNumber
                                "planDetails": {
                                    "msisdn": "2432666644",    //msisdn
                                    "nokiaReservationId": "234234234",    //nokiaReservationId
                                    "planSku": "PR_B2C_ULT_Starter_MB_Line",    //planSku
                                    "simType": "Physical SIM/Dynamic SIM",     //simType
                                    "aliasFirstName": "John",      //aliasFirstName
                                    "aliasLastName": "Luis",       //aliasLastName
                                    "addOnDetails": [
                                            "addonName": "Liberty International Passport",     //addonName
                                            "addonId": "PR_B2C_Mobile_IntRmg_Voice",       //addonId
                                            "attributeCode": "PR_B2C_Mb_ATT_Roaming_Add_On_Plan",     //attributeCode
                                            "attributeValue": "Internation Day Pass $10/day"         //attributeValue
                                            "addonName": "International Calling",
                                            "addonId": "PR_B2C_Mobile_International_Calling",
                                            "attributeCode": "PR_B2C_Mb_ATT_Voice_Add_On_Plan",
                                            "attributeValue": "International calling Add-ons $10"
                                            "addonName": "Liberty Home & Road Assistance",
                                            "addonId": "PR_B2C_Liberty_Home_Roadside_Assistance",
                                            "attributeCode": "PR_B2C_MB_ATT_Liberty_Assistance_Plan",
                                            "attributeValue": "Liberty Home and Roadside Assistance"
                                "deviceDetails": {
                                    "deviceSku": "106655",        //deviceSku
                                    "reservationId": "85299",     //reservationId
                                    "installments": true,         //installments
                                    "installmentDetails": {
                                        "term": "12",             //term
                                        "frequencyAmount": "55",  //frequencyAmount
                                        "financedAmount": "550",  //financedAmount
                                        "downpayment": "100",    //downpayment
                                        "downpaymentTax": "10"   //downpaymentTax
                                    "quickUpgrade": false,     //quickUpgrade
                                    "insurance": "1",      //insurance
                                    "byod": false       //byod
                        "name": "creditDetails",
                        "valueType": "Object",
                        "value": {
                            "creditScore": "780",    //creditScore
                            "creditSegment": "K",    //creditSegment
                            "creditScoreDate": "2021-07-26"    //creditScoreDate
                        "name": "PaymentDetails",
                        "valueType": "Object",
                        "value": {
                            "paymentCaptured": true    //paymentCaptured

Each of the request parameters is detailed.

nametype (Lenght)descriptionrequired
channelarrayA list of related channelsY
channel.namestring (20)Source System information for tracking purpose:
Expected value will be: IVR/Digital
descriptionstring (30)reason, Eg: "Add New Line"Y
externalIdstring (20)a unique id of the order from the source systemY
billingAccountobjecctAccount reference.Y
billingAccount.idstring (30)Account numberY
billingAccount.namestringName of the account, this is not passing to SalesforceN
billingAccount.@typestringReference type, this is not passing to SalesforceN
paymentarraypayment infoN
payment.idstring (30)Payment transactionId. Mandatory only if paymentCaptured is trueN
@typestring (20)request type information:
Expected value will be: 'AddLine'
Note- To work this functionality this type should be passed as 'AddLine'
productOrderItemarrayA list of product order itemsY
productOrderItem.productobjectA product ref or valueY
productOrderItem.product.productCharacteristicArrayDescribes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair.N
productOrderItem.product.productCharacteristic.nameStringName of the characteristicN
productOrderItem.product.productCharacteristic.valueStringThe value of the characteristicN
CONSENTS productCharacteristic values
characteristic nametype (Length)descriptionrequired
consentsobjectContainer for customer consentsY
consentLanguagestring (10)Language of the consents, Eg: EN or ESY
consents[].typestring (20)Type of the consentY
consents[].idstring (20)Id of the consentY
consents[].consentTextVersionstring (5)version of the consentY
consents[].statestring (20)state of the consent (Consented / Not Consented)Y
DELIVERY-ADDRESS productCharacteristic values
characteristic nametype (Length)descriptionrequired
deliveryAddressobjectDelivery AddressY
street1string (50)Street 1 of addressN
street2string (50)Street 2 of addressY
citystring (50)City nameY
postalcodestring (50)Postal codeY
statestring (50)State codeY
countrystring (50)Country codeY
deliveryTypestring (20)must be 'Mail Delivery'Y
deliverySpeedstring (20)must be 'Standard'Y
LINE-DETAILS productCharacteristic values
characteristic nametype (Length)descriptionrequired
lineDetailsarrayDetails of each line including plan and deviceY
lineNumberstring (5)1, 2,3 etc - its mandatory if lineDetails array is presentY
planDetailsobjectDetails of the planY
planDetails{}.msisdnstring (20)Plan msisdnY
planDetails{}.nokiaReservationIdstring (30)Nokia reservation id of the msisdnY
planDetails{}.planSkustring (60)The salesforce Product codeY
planDetails{}.simTypestring (30)Type of the simY
planDetails{}.aliasFirstNamestring (50)First name of the customer holding this lineY
planDetails{}.aliasLastNamestring (50)Last name of the customer holding this lineY
planDetails{}.addOnDetailsarrayAdd on detailsN
planDetails{}.addOnDetails[].addonNamestring (60)add-on nameY
planDetails{}.addOnDetails[].addonIdstring (60)add-on unique codeY
planDetails{}.addOnDetails[].attributeCodestring (60)attribute unique codeY
planDetails{}.addOnDetails[].attributeValuestring (60)attribute valueY
deviceDetailsobjectDevice detailsY
deviceDetails{}.deviceSkustring (20)sku of the deviceY
deviceDetails{}.reservationIdstring (20)SAP reservation id of the deviceY
deviceDetails{}.installmentsbooleantrue or falseN
deviceDetails{}.quickUpgradebooleantrue OR falseY
deviceDetails{}.insurancestring (20)1 OR 4 OR blankN
deviceDetails{}.byodbooleantrue OR falseN
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetailsobjectmandatory if Installments is trueN
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetails{}.termstring (5)The term of the installmentY
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetails{}.frequencyAmountstring (10)The monthly installment amountY
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetails{}.financedAmountstring (10)Total financed amountY
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetails{}.downpaymentstring (10)Down payment of the installmentY
deviceDetails{}.installmentDetails{}.downpaymentTaxstring (10)Tax of down paymentY
CREDIT-DETAILS productCharacteristic values
characteristic nametype (Length)descriptionrequired
creditDetailsobjectCredit infoN
creditScorestring (10)Credit scoreN
creditSegmentstring (5)credit SegmentN
creditScoreDatestring (20)Credit score captured dateN
PAYMENT-DETAILS productCharacteristic values
characteristic nametype (Length)descriptionrequired
PaymentDetailsobjectPayment infoY
paymentCapturedbooleanPayment Captured (true OR false)Y

Possible response success

This section defines all the possible data structures received by the client and that must be considered satisfactory at the time of responding to the method.

[ 200 ]

OK - update request processed successfully, response body contains an entity corresponding to the requested resource.

    "state": "acknowledged",
    "note": [
            "text": "Order request received Successfully"

Each of the request parameters is detailed.

statestringThe state of the orderN
notearrayExtra information about a given entity
note[].textstringText of the note

Possible response error

In this section all the possible data structures received by the client are defined and that must be considered as unsatisfactory when responding to the method.

[ 400 ]
    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "SF:PATCH_PRODUCTORDER",
            "description": "Required parameters missing"
[ 400 ]

Bad Request - the request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "The request is invalid or not properly formed.",
            "description": "The client sent too many requests and server is not able to serve them all at the moment"
[ 401 ]

Unauthorized - The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.

    "errors": [
            "code": 401,
            "message": "The user could not be authenticated for this request.",
            "description": "The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource"
[ 403 ]

Forbidden - Indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to fulfill it. If authentication credentials were provided in the request, the server considers them insufficient to grant access. The client SHOULD NOT automatically repeat the request with the same credentials. The client MAY repeat the request with new or different credentials.

[ 404 ]

Not Found - server has not found a resource with that URI. This may be temporary and permanent condition. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.

    "errors": [
            "code": 404,
            "message": "The request is invalid or not properly formed.",
            "description": "The requested operation failed because a resource associated with the request could not be found."
[ 405 ]

Method Not Allowed - HTTP method not allowed for this resource. The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI.

    "errors": [
            "code": 405,
            "message": "APIKIT:METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED",
            "description": "HTTP Method post not allowed for : /{businessId}/productOrder"
[ 429 ]

Too Many Requests - client has sent too many requests in a space of time (rate limiting). When a server is under attack or just receiving a very large number of requests from a single party, responding to each with a 429 status code will consume resources. Therefore, servers may drop connections or take other steps instead of responding with the 429 status code, when limiting resource usage.

    "errors": [
            "code": 429,
            "message": "Too Many Requests.",
            "description": "The requested operation failed because the client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time"
[ 500 ]

Internal Server Error - server encountered an error processing request. This should not happen normally, but it is a generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable.

    "errors": [
            "code": 500,
            "message": "The request failed due to an internal error.",
            "description": ""
[ 501 ]

Not implemented - indicates that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.

    "errors": [
            "code": 501,
            "message": "Not implemented",
            "description": "Operation PATCH /productOrder for Business Id: xxxx not implemented"
[ 502]

Bad Gateway - gateway is available but backend service is not. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.

[ 503 ]

Service Unavailable - temporary maintenance of service, try again later. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. If known, the length of the delay will be indicated in a Retry-After header. If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD handle the response as it would for a 500 response. Note: The existence of the 503 status code does not imply that a server will use it when becoming overloaded. Servers may simply refuse the connection.
