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Hybris Sales UX API

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Service Qualification API is one of the Pre-Ordering Management API families. Service Qualification. API's goal is to provide service technical eligibility in the context of the interaction.

Base URI Parameter

businessIdstringMbusinessId string M Business unit identifier. Example: “JM”,”PA”,”CR”,”PR”


Correlation-IDstringOThis is a unique identifier for the current call chain that can be used to tie together log entries on multiple layers. Could be uuid value, Min 16 Characters Example: 644e1dd7-2a7f-18fb-b8ed-ed78c3F92c2b
channelIdstringC/MDefalut value : ECOM
lobstringODefines line of business. Example: "FIXED"

Security Headers

client_idstringMClient Id value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value. Eg: 6f0ed16a7b494d76b2d60e05bc3b3332
client_secretstringMClient secret value for Client Id Enforcement policy. Environment Specific Value, eg: e4CD4D43449846aA9D8Cb9c43fAd324a
This API is available for all five BUs (JM, PA, CR, PR ). Below are the key points
  1. API expects the below-mentioned query parameters
offsetIntegerthe starting point of the page to be searched (number of records to be skipped).N
limitIntegerDefines the number of records to be retrieved.N
searchCriteriaObjectValue will be JSON object with URL encoding. All fields are optional in a JSON object.M



"id": "9090",
"streetNr": "225",
"streetName": "Strathmore",
"postcode": "5004",
"locality": "Brighton",
"city": "Brighton",
"stateOrProvince": "SA",
"country": "Australia",
"latitude": "1.430937",
"longitude": "43.597208"


  1. SouthBound Systems For Jamaica, Panama and Costa Rica, ArcGIS is providing serviceability information. For LCPR, Marvin DB is providing serviceability information. For Chile, Siebel is providing serviceability information.
  2. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name” represents access technology type like (FTTX, HFC, CU).

Key Points for Jamaica

  1. For Jamaica, only latitude and longitude are expected from the front end. Mule API will throw an error if these details are missing.

searchCriteria = {

"latitude": "10.03",


URL encoded: searchCriteria= %7B%0A%09%22latitude%22%3A%20%2210.03%22%2C%0A%09%22longitude%22%3A%2284.04%22%0A%7D%0A

  1. Service qualification response may have multiple service qualification items (serviceQualificationItem[]) based on polygons returned by ArcGIS (sorted by access technology priority (FTTX, HFC, CU) and address class priority).
  2. In HFC, network mode can be FUDIG, ANDIG and ANALO.
  3. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name =” priority” represents priority of polygon.FTTX = priority 1

HFC = priority 2

Copper/CU = priority 3

  1. As we are not getting commercial status, plant capacity and return type(Full-duplex and half-duplex), we are assuming that

a. All addresses are commercially available.

b. Node has capacity available to serve location.

c. VOD (video on demand) may not be available for some locations, but we will not be able to tell customers as this info does not exist in GIS in Jamaica.

  1. In response, if all serviceQualificationItem have the same priority polygons with the same address class, priority will be given to the polygon that appears at the first index in the array.
  2. In response, if serviceQualificationItem[] is an empty array means no polygon coverage for requested longitude and latitude hence no serviceability.
  3. In response, if “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic[x]/name” =”node_status” and “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic[x]/value”=”E” location is serviceable. If “value” is “P” or “U”, location i s not serviceable.
  4. If response has only one serviceability object with priority 3 and serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name = CU then location is not serviceable.
  5. If response has only one serviceability object with serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name =HFC and serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic[x]/name = "netModeHfc" and value = "ANALO" then location is not serviceable.

Response for JM

        "instantSyncQualification": true,
        "queryServiceQualificationDate": "2022-09-15T08:33:58.225Z",
        "searchCriteria": {
            "service": {
                "place": [
                        "geographicLocationRefOrValue": {
                            "@type": "GeographicLocation",
                            "geometry": [
                                    "x": "17.982278",
                                    "y": "-76.824238"
        "serviceQualificationItem": [
                "id": "1275",
                "service": {
                    "feature": [
                            "name": "FTTX",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "priority",
                                    "value": "1"
                                    "name": "polygonId",
                                    "value": 1275
                                    "name": "name",
                                    "value": "WSGFDH78"
                                    "name": "msanId",
                                    "value": "WESX"
                                    "name": "globalId",
                                    "value": "{30C50AF7-4A41-45CE-9A4E-7C89D4359C89}"
                                    "name": "shapeLength",
                                    "value": 2848.4291333418605
                                    "name": "node_status",
                                    "value": "E"
                                    "name": "cab_combo",
                                    "value": "WSGFDH78"
                    "serviceCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "tvType",
                            "value": "IPTV"
                            "name": "voiceType",
                            "value": "SIP"
                            "name": "broadBandType",
                            "value": "GPON"
                            "name": "bbMaxUploadSpeed",
                            "value": "100Mbs"
                            "name": "bbMaxDownLoadSpeed",
                            "value": "100Mbs"
                    "place": [
                            "id": "WSG"
                    "state": "feasibilityChecked"
                "id": "3422",
                "service": {
                    "feature": [
                            "name": "HFC",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "priority",
                                    "value": "2"
                                    "name": "polygonId",
                                    "value": 3422
                                    "name": "node",
                                    "value": "JM-00-209"
                                    "name": "name",
                                    "value": "JM-00-209"
                                    "name": "hub",
                                    "value": "H0"
                                    "name": "netModeHfc",
                                    "value": "ANDIG"
                                    "name": "globalId",
                                    "value": "{EF7C4349-AE52-4065-8985-A3825DE42CAB}"
                                    "name": "shapeLength",
                                    "value": 2591.7853616515213
                                    "name": "node_status",
                                    "value": "E"
                    "serviceCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "tvType",
                            "value": "AVS"
                            "name": "voiceType",
                            "value": "SIP"
                            "name": "broadBandType",
                            "value": "DOCSIS"
                            "name": "bbMaxUploadSpeed",
                            "value": "10 Mbs"
                            "name": "bbMaxDownLoadSpeed",
                            "value": "50 Mbs"
                    "place": [
                            "name": "THIRD STREET, KINGSTON"
                    "state": "feasibilityChecked"
        "state": "done"

Key Points for Panama

  1. For Panama, only latitude and longitude are expected from the front end. Mule API will throw an error if these details are missing.

searchCriteria = {

"latitude": "10.03",


URL encoded: searchCriteria= %7B%0A%09%22latitude%22%3A%20%2210.03%22%2C%0A%09%22longitude%22%3A%2284.04%22%0A%7D%0A

  1. Service qualification response may have multiple service qualification items (serviceQualificationItem[]) based on polygons returned by ArcGIS (sorted by access technology priority (FTTX, HFC).
  2. In HFC, network mode is FUDIG only for Panama,
  3. As we are not getting commercial status, plant capacity and return type(Full-duplex and half-duplex), we are assuming that a. All addresses are commercially available. b. Node has capacity available to serve location. c. VOD (video on demand) may not be available for some locations, but we will not be able to tell customers as this info does not exist in GIS.
  4. In response, if all serviceQualificationItem have the same priority polygons, priority will be given to the polygon that appears at the first index in the array.
  5. In response, if serviceQualificationItem[] is an empty array means no polygon coverage for requested longitude and latitude hence no serviceability.

Arcgis Field Description

1availableDateOpening date for saleDate10A Status Field and the available Date Will need to be provided for any future polygons If not informed or not aviailable CRM will consider this location as ready for service Mm/dd/yyyyyyesyesMm/dd/yyyyy
2NodeCluster of contiguous home passed (2K tipically)char50yesnoOnly apply in HFC
3SubnodeLogical division of Node, e.g: 4 subnodes per nodechar50Not used in CWPNo Used
4ONHFC Optical Node (Troba in Spanish)CharNot used in CWPNo Used
5CMTSCMTS IDCharNot avialbale in CWPyesnoOnly apply in HFC
6NET_MODE_HFCNetwork mode HFCChar5CWP always “FUDIG” (full digital)yesnoOnly apply in HFC
7OLTOLT IDcharNot avialbale in CWPnoyesOnly apply in FTTH
8FDHFiber Distribution Hub aka CabinetCharnoyesOnly apply in FTTH
9FDPFiber Distribution Point, aka NAP, aka TerminalCharnoyesOnly apply in FTTH
10accessTechAccess Net typeChar6FTTx, HFCyesyesFTTx, HFC
11BBTypeBroadband Technology TypeChar10GPON /DOCSIS / UNFEASIBLEyesyesGPON /DOCSIS
12BBMaxUpSpeedUpload Speed for InternetInt10yesyes
13BBMaxDownSpeedDownload Speed for InternetInt10Not necessary for ecommerce first phasesyesyes
14TVTypeTV Technology TypeChar10IPTV /Digital HFC /Analog HFC / UNFEASIBLEyesyesIPTV /Digital HFC
15VoiceTypeVoice Technology TypeChar10TOIP /TDM /UNFEASIBLEyesyesTOIP
16DistrictDistrito geográficoCharyesyes
17addressClassLocation classsChar10Rural, Metropolitan. Is important as Rural data may be les accurateNo used
18PriorityCommercial PriorityCharFiber - 1, HFC Metro- 2, HFC Rural- 3yesyes1-FTTH 2-HFC
19SegmentoclienteCustomer segmentTBDTBDyesyesA/B/C/D
20LongitudeLongFloat11Signed and up to 7 decimal placesyesyes
21LatitudeLatFloat11Signed and up to 7 decimal placesyesyes
22AppNameSystem identifier from where ArcGis is invoked, for tracking purposeschar20Hybris, SGO, Liberate, etc

Response for PA

        "instantSyncQualification": true,
        "queryServiceQualificationDate": "2022-08-24T06:51:30.991Z",
        "searchCriteria": {
            "service": {
                "place": [
                        "geographicLocationRefOrValue": {
                            "@type": "GeographicLocation",
                            "geometry": [
                                    "x": "9.025482",
                                    "y": "-79.516297"
        "serviceQualificationItem": [
                "id": "21504",
                "expectedServiceAvailabilityDate": "2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                "category": {
                    "id": "21504",
                    "name": "B",
                    "@referredType": "economySegment"
                "service": {
                    "feature": [
                            "name": "HFC",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "priority",
                                    "value": "2"
                                    "name": "node",
                                    "value": "8-SC-ED-ED-009-00"
                                    "name": "name",
                                    "value": "8-SC-ED-ED-009-00"
                                    "name": "addressClass",
                                    "value": "_"
                                    "name": "netModeHfc",
                                    "value": "FUDIG"
                                    "name": "oltId",
                                    "value": "-"
                                    "name": "globalId",
                                    "value": "{538E816A-BD14-4F4D-A363-7B179889552B}"
                                    "name": "shapeLength",
                                    "value": 0.06220896756986875
                                    "name": "folderpath",
                                    "value": "MAST3R Coverage/CWP/Panama"
                                    "name": "FDH",
                                    "value": "_"
                                    "name": "FDP",
                                    "value": "0"
                                    "name": "HUB",
                                    "value": "PDA"
                    "serviceCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "tvType",
                            "value": "Digital HFC"
                            "name": "voiceType",
                            "value": "TOIP"
                            "name": "broadBandType",
                            "value": "DOCSIS"
                            "name": "bbMaxUploadSpeed",
                            "value": 15
                            "name": "bbMaxDownLoadSpeed",
                            "value": 600
                    "place": [
                            "id": "ED"
                    "state": "feasibilityChecked"
        "state": "done"

Key Points for CostaRica

  1. In Costa Rica, the ArcGIS system expects Latitude and Longitude value for serviceability. API will throw an error if Lat and Long are missing in the request.

searchCriteria = {

"latitude": "10.03",


URL encoded: searchCriteria= %7B%0A%09%22latitude%22%3A%20%2210.03%22%2C%0A%09%22longitude%22%3A%2284.04%22%0A%7D%0A

  1. Service qualification response may have multiple service qualification items (serviceQualificationItem[]) based on polygons returned by ArcGIS (sorted by access technology priority (FTTH, HFC) and address class priority).
  2. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name” represents access technology type FTTH or HFC.
  3. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name =” priority” represents priority of polygon. • Fiber – priority 1• HFC (address class =” Metro”) - priority 2• HFC (address class =” Rural”) - priority 3
  4. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem/service/feature/featureCharacteristic/name =” addressClass” represents the below mentioned polygon address class. • Metro• Rural
  5. In response, if all serviceQualificationItem have the same priority polygons with the same address class, priority will be given to the polygon that appears at the first index in the array.
  6. In response, if all serviceQualificationItem objects have the same priority (overlapping HFC polygons), but the address class has a different value (Metro or Rural ), then priority will be based on the address class.
  7. In response, if serviceQualificationItem[] is an empty array means no polygon coverage for requested longitude and latitude hence no serviceability.

Key Points for Chile

  1. For Chile, the searchCriteria query param value will be JSON object with URL encoding#Example:

searchCriteria= { "latitude": "10.03", "longitude":"84.04"}

URL encoded: %7B%0A%09%22latitude%22%3A%20%2210.03%22%2C%0A%09%22longitude%22%3A%2284.04%22%0A%7D%0ANote:

In case of missing query param or longitude and latitude or Id, API will throw an error.

The MuleSoft API response will have a maximum number of 100 queryServiceQualification objects, sorted by GIS_ID (place.id) for requested latitude and longitude values. 100 records restriction is from the Siebel side and is configurable.

In BSS, there may be more than 100 records corresponding to the requested latitude and longitude value. For getting the rest of the available records, the front end needs to set the offset value as 101 and hit the API again with the same payload. If the total number of records is less than 100 means no more records are available in BSS.For example, if Siebel finds 120 records for requested latitude and longitude for the first get call (Initial offset value is 1), the API will return the first 100 queryServiceQualification objects.

- If the offset is 21, the API will return the last 100 records.
- If the offset 11, the API will return the records from 11th to 110.
  1. Custom response header “x-result-count” returns the number of items returned in the response body. It can be used to set offset value for iterative API call.
  2. If no offset is sent by the front end, then the default Offset value is 1.
  3. In the API response, the field “serviceQualificationItem.service.place.id” returns GIS House ID for the house. House id is mandatory for customer registration..
  4. In API response, field serviceQualificationItem/service/serviceType represents the services available for installation. If serviceType=” null” means no service available on a given address hence no serviceability. Other possible values are,


Please Note:

. Voice –No standalone Voice sell in Ecomm (almost zero sales so out of scope).

Internet – No standalone internet sell in Ecomm.

if the location has 3PLAY customer can have any combination for 2PLAY or 1PLAY.

  1. In response, field “serviceQualificationItem.service.feature.name” returns Network type/technology type: FTTH or HFC and is required for serviceability decision.
  2. In response, field serviceQualificationItem.service. feature. feature Characteristic. name =”returnType” represents the mode of transmission. This field needs to be considered if feature.name=HFC. This field doesn’t impact serviceability but impacts user experience.
  3. If returnType value =”FULLDUPLEX”, the customer can enjoy VOD (video on demand). VOD is free of charge and included for free for all customers those lives in a place where the network is a fullduplex.
  4. If returnType value =”HALFDUPLEX”, the customer can not enjoy VOD (video on demand).
  5. In API response if field “serviceQualificationItem.service.serviceCharacteristic.name =” comercialStatus” and value = “N” It means no serviceability.
  6. In the API response, if the field “serviceQualificationItem.service.serviceCharacteristic.name =”addressStatus” and value = “INACTIVE” means the address is invalid hence no serviceability..
  7. In the API response, if field serviceQualificationItem.service.serviceCharacteristic.name ="isNodeCapacityFull" and Value =” Y” then it means Node is not able to serve any new address hence no serviceability.
  8. In the API response, if field serviceQualificationItem.service.feature.name = “HFC” and serviceQualificationItem.service.serviceCharacteristic.name="networkMode" and Value = “ANALO” Or “ANPRE” OR “SINRE” then as per business there will be no TV offer available in hybris for customer hence no serviceability and customer must be redirected to “Click to Call”This rule is not applicable to FTTH.
  9. Please find below table for Serviceability summery


Key points for Puerto Rico

  1. In Puerto Rico, the local Marvin DB (copy of CSG DB) system expects a unique House ID to provide Services available on that specific house. API will throw an error if House ID is missing in the request.


searchCriteria = {"id": "662423423"}

The value will be JSON object with URL encoding.

  1. Service availability response may have multiple service available items based on Local Marvin DB and sorted by access technology like TV/VOICE/INTERNET/1GB_OFFER
  2. As Puerto Rico eCom's requirement is to check only 4 services on an address, API will return the status of the services.
  3. Technology details, ‘FTTH or COAX’ has been added in response and eCom can consider it if there is any requirement, while these are not available in Marvin DB in all the records.
  4. attribute "startMode" will define about the location is self install or not and possiable values of "startMode" are 1) selfInstallEnabled - Location eligable to self install2) selfInstallDisabled - Location not-eligable to self install3) unknown - location would be new or techinicain not visited

Response Body

Media type representation is application/json.

Code Status: 200

        "instantSyncQualification": true,
        "queryServiceQualificationDate": "2021-05-07T04:14:37.180-04:00",
        "serviceQualificationItem": [
                "id": "321432452",
                "expectedServiceAvailabilityDate": "2021-04-09T00:00:00.000-04:00",
                "service": {
                    "feature": [
                            "name": "TV",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "Status",
                                    "value": "ACTIVE"
                            "name": "INTERNET",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "Status",
                                    "value": "DISCO"
                            "name": "VOICE",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "Status",
                                    "value": "NEVER"
                            "name": "1GB_offer",
                            "featureCharacteristic": [
                                    "name": "Status",
                                    "value": "N"
                    "place": [
                            "id": "00909000011645",
                            "@type": "BO",
                            "geographicLocationRefOrValue": {
                                "geometry": [
                                        "x": "18.1415",
                                        "y": "18.3535"
                                "@type": "GeographicLocation"
                    "serviceCharacteristic": [
                            "name": "NetworkType",
                            "value": "Fiber"
                            "name": "InternetSource",
                            "value": "A"
                            "name": "PoleNumber",
                            "value": "P06949"
                            "name": "VertexCode",
                            "value": "720010010"
                            "name": "BusinessUnit",
                            "value": "7900"
                    "state": "feasibilityChecked"
        "state": "done"
