
(0 reviews)
All SGO experience API resources will be addressed here after in this section


sgo-ux is the new experience layer for SGO channel (Sistema de Gestion de Ordenes). For Panama uses.

The base URI is : https://host:port/sgo-ux/v1/{businessId}

Below given uses cases are implemented with the mentioned resources under

UseCase wise resources

get Handset subsidy --> /promotion(GET)

Detect Active Subsidy --> /activeSubsidy/{id} (GET)

Get Pricing Plans --> /productOfferings (GET)

Get Secondary Products Available for Sale --> /secondaryProducts (GET)

Fetch spare Service Number --> /logicalResource (GET)

Reserve Service Number --> /logicalResource (PATCH)

Release Service Number --> /logicalResource (PATCH)

Search SIM Number --> /physicalResource/{id} (GET)

Reserve SIM Number --> /physicalResource (PATCH)

Release SIM Number --> /physicalResource (PATCH)

Get Products By Service Account --> /productsForServiceAccount (GET)

Get Employee Details --> /employee (GET)

getArea --> /area (GET)

Get Billing Account By Type/Id --> /billingAccount/{id} (GET)

Fetch Packages --> /catalog (GET)

Package By Id --> /catalog/{id} (GET)

List Services --> /service (GET)

Unpaid Invoice --> /invoice (GET)

Post Product Order --> /productOrder (POST)

create Customer --> /customer (POST)

Get Products --> /products (GET)

Get Pricing plans --> /pricingPlans (GET)

Get Priding plans by id --> /pricingPlans/{id} (GET)
