API returns candidate result based on either date range or TRF number (cert number). If a customer sends both date range and TRF number, date range will be ignored, and record will be returned only for the given TRF number.
By default, candidate photo is excluded from the API response to reduce the response size. Customer can send photoFlag with 'Y' to include candidate photo in response.
API can return upto 2000 records in single request. If given date range query returns more than 2000 records, API would return error. In this case API consumer can either send pagination fields (page & limit) or reduce the date range to reduce the number of records.
API usage is restricted to 10,000 requests per day per customer.
Endpoint Details
Sandbox Resource URL |
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Prod Resource URL |
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GET /v1/ielts/result-verification
Request query parameters are mandatory or optional as given below
Either date range(startDateTime and endDateTime) or trfNumber should be supplied
Mandatory Fields
The API can be set up to use either the TRF Number, or a date range, as the key criteria.
If using a date range, the following fields are mandatory:
- startDateTime: Start value of last modified date range in UTC – this is usually the date on which the candidate shared their result with you and should be set to the earliest date from which you’re willing to accept a result. startDateTime format should be ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss") - an example of 24 September 2019, at 06:12:25, would be: 2019-09-24T06:12:25
- endDateTime: End value of last modified date range in UTC – this is usually the date on which the candidate shared their result with you and should be set to the latest date from which you’re willing to accept a result. endDateTime format should be ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss") – an example of 7 October 2019, at 06:12:25, would be: 2019-10-07T06:12:25
If using specific TRF Numbers, then instead of the 2 date fields, the following field is mandatory:
- trfNumber: unique certificate number for candidate(Example: 17UZ010772RAKN025A)
For both alternatives, there is one further mandatory field:
- photoFlag: PhotoFlag (Y/N). Flag to include or exclude the candidate photo in the response.
Optional Fields
- page: Page number. By default, If nothing is sent as part of this field the API response is restricted by 2000 records. If a query resulted in more than 2000 records, send additional request with incremented the page number to get the remaining set.
- limit: Number of records returned per page. Maximum value is 2000. Default value is 2000.
- OSRFlag: OSRFlag (Y/N). Flag to include or exclude the additional fields in the response.
Header Parameters
- Authorization (required): Consumer can use either Basic authentication or Bearer authentication for authorization.
- Basic authentication: Consumer need to send access token generated after performing a base64 encoding on the client ID and client secret values. You can use a website such as to get the base-64 encoded value by pasting in the Client ID and the Client Secret values, separated by a full colon. Format: Basic {Access_Token} Ex. Authorization: Basic VYCaP6VfOAAAJA2IFM9p8Gq9fWrk
- Bearer authentication: Consumer need to send access token obtained from Oauth API to authenticate. Format: Bearer {Access_Token} Ex. Authorization: Bearer VYCaP6VfOAAAJA2IFM9p8Gq9fWrk
- Accept (required): Defines the response content type. At the moment API supports application/json only. XML content type will be supported in the future.
Get an Access Token
To get an access token, pass your client credentials to Get Token Endpoint
More information on Token endpoint is available here.
Country Codes
Country | Country Code | Country | Country Code | Country | Country Code | ||
Other | 0 | Guinea | GIN | Réunion | REU | ||
Afghanistan | AFG | Guyana | GUY | Romania | ROU | ||
Albania | ALB | Haiti | HTI | Russian Federation | RUS | ||
Algeria | DZA | Honduras | HND | Rwanda | RWA | ||
American Samoa | ASM | Hong Kong | HKG | Saudi Arabia | SAU | ||
Andorra | AND | Hungary | HUN | Senegal | SEN | ||
Angola | AGO | Iceland | ISL | Serbia | SRB | ||
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | India | IND | Sierra Leone | SLE | ||
Argentina | ARG | Indonesia | IDN | Singapore | SGP | ||
Armenia | ARM | Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN | Slovakia | SVK | ||
Australia | AUS | Iraq | IRQ | Slovenia | SVN | ||
Austria | AUT | Ireland | IRL | Solomon Islands | SLB | ||
Azerbaijan | AZE | Israel | ISR | Somalia | SOM | ||
Bahamas | BHS | Italy | ITA | South Africa | ZAF | ||
Bahrain | BHR | Côte d'Ivoire | CIV | Spain | ESP | ||
Bangladesh | BGD | Jamaica | JAM | Sri Lanka | LKA | ||
Barbados | BRB | Japan | JPN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | ||
Belarus | BLR | Jordan | JOR | Saint Lucia | LCA | ||
Belgium | BEL | Kazakhstan | KAZ | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | ||
Belize | BLZ | Kenya | KEN | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | ||
Benin | BEN | Kiribati | KIR | Sudan | SDN | ||
Bermuda | BMU | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | PRK | Suriname | SUR | ||
Bhutan | BTN | Korea, Republic of | KOR | Swaziland | SWZ | ||
Bolivia, Plurinational State of | BOL | Kuwait | KWT | Sweden | SWE | ||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | Lao People's Democratic Republic | LAO | Switzerland | CHE | ||
Botswana | BWA | Latvia | LVA | Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | ||
Brazil | BRA | Lebanon | LBN | Taiwan | TWN | ||
Brunei Darussalam | BRN | Lesotho | LSO | Tanzania, United Republic of | TZA | ||
Bulgaria | BGR | Liberia | LBR | Thailand | THA | ||
Burkina Faso | BFA | Libya | LBY | Togo | TGO | ||
Cambodia | KHM | Liechtenstein | LIE | Tonga | TON | ||
Cameroon | CMR | Lithuania | LTU | Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | ||
Canada | CAN | Luxembourg | LUX | Tunisia | TUN | ||
Cayman Islands | CYM | Macao | MAC | Turkey | TUR | ||
Central African Republic | CAF | Madagascar | MDG | Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | ||
Chad | TCD | Malawi | MWI | Uganda | UGA | ||
Chile | CHL | Malaysia | MYS | Ukraine | UKR | ||
China (People's Republic of) | CHN | Maldives | MDV | United Arab Emirates | ARE | ||
Colombia | COL | Mali | MLI | United Kingdom | GBR | ||
Congo | COG | Malta | MLT | Uruguay | URY | ||
Costa Rica | CRI | Martinique | MTQ | Virgin Islands, U.S. | VIR | ||
Croatia | HRV | Mauritania | MRT | United States of America | USA | ||
Cuba | CUB | Mauritius | MUS | Uzbekistan | UZB | ||
Cyprus | CYP | Mexico | MEX | Holy See (Vatican City State) | VAT | ||
Czech Republic | CZE | Moldova, Republic of | MDA | Venezuela | VEN | ||
Denmark | DNK | Monaco | MCO | Viet Nam | VNM | ||
Djibouti | DJI | Mongolia | MNG | Yemen | YEM | ||
Dominican Republic | DOM | Montenegro | MNE | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | COD | ||
Ecuador | ECU | Morocco | MAR | Zambia | ZMB | ||
Egypt | EGY | Mozambique | MOZ | Zimbabwe | ZWE | ||
El Salvador | SLV | Myanmar | MMR | Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of | MKD | ||
Eritrea | ERI | Namibia | NAM | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | ||
Estonia | EST | Nauru | NRU | Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | ||
Ethiopia | ETH | Nepal | NPL | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJM | ||
Faroe Islands | FRO | Netherlands | NLD | Tajikistan | TJK | ||
Fiji | FJI | New Zealand | NZL | Turkmenistan | TKM | ||
Finland | FIN | Nigeria | NGA | Kosovo | XKX | ||
France | FRA | Norway | NOR | Virgin Islands, British | VGB | ||
French Guiana | GUF | Oman | OMN | British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT | ||
French Polynesia | PYF | Pakistan | PAK | French Southern Territories | ATF | ||
Gambia | GMB | Palestine | PSE | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HMD | ||
Georgia | GEO | Panama | PAN | Sint Martin (Dutch Part) | SXM | ||
Germany | DEU | Papua New Guinea | PNG | South Sudan | SSD | ||
Ghana | GHA | Paraguay | PRY | United States Minor Outlying Islands | UMI | ||
Greece | GRC | Peru | PER | Jersey | JEY | ||
Greenland | GRL | Philippines | PHL | Isle of Man | IMN | ||
Grenada | GRD | Poland | POL | Guernsey | GGY | ||
Guadeloupe | GLP | Portugal | PRT | UNKNOWN | UNK | ||
Guatemala | GTM | Puerto Rico | PRI | Unknown | XXX |
Error Codes
HTTP Code | Error Code | Error Message |
400 | 60001 | Message Not Processed: Mandatory Query Parameter is missing. |
401 | 70401 | Message Not Processed: Invalid Access token. Please provide valid access token. |
401 | 70402 | Message Not Processed: Missing Access token. Please provide valid access token. |
401 | 70405 | Message Not Processed: Access token expired. Please try again with valid token. |
403 | 70403 | Message Not Processed: Not allowed to access requested resource. Please contact support for the access. |
404 | 70404 | Message Not Processed: Requested resource is not found. |
500 | 60006 | Message Not Processed. There is some technical error while processing request. Please report this to Support team. |
503 | 70503 | Message Not Processed: One or more back-end is down. Please try again later. |
504 | 70504 | Message Not Processed: Back-end timed out. Please try again later. |