Results API

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API to get the results issued/released dates from OCR - Interchange , Centre /Qualification level embargos(exceptions) from CI - Direct and Scripts details & Candidate Result Status from EPS.



  • This API is used to fetch results issued/released dates from OCR or CI view, fetch candidate data and fetch and post the script data from RM API
  • Its being used by ATS consumers to get the results data.
API MethodREST EndpointDescriptionConsumers
1.GET/{version}/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/enquireServicesGet OCR-Interchange Results, Issued Result Dates(CI) and Released Result Dates(CI)ATS
2.POST/{version}/candidates/scriptsPOST candidate resultsATS
3.GET/{version}/candidates/scripts/pdf/{docStorePageId}GET RM scriptsATS
4.GET/{version}/candidates/resultStatus/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/ centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}GET result issue status of candidate from EPSATS
5.GET/{version}/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/qpIdentifiersGet the question paper details from LIBS for both CI & OCRATS
6.GET{version}/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}/components/{componentId}/resultEnquiryStatusGet the Result enquiry statusATS
7.GET{version}/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/resultStatusGet the Result statusATS

API architecture:





Sequence Diagram and Description:



ORS Results

Resource : GET: /v1/businessStreams/01/sessions/{ sessionId}/enquireServices

1.Input Request MessageThe consumer invokes the mule services along with credentials (client id and client secret) and X-TRANSACTION-ID(A code to track API calls end to end) via Mule Soft Secure API layer with the proper query params
2.Validate the user CredentialsDesktop user credentials are validated by the security API mule gateway layer
3.If validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf validation fails, service returns specific fault response
4.Send the request to Experience Layer APIThe Mule soft experience API Experience layer validated users request query parameters will redirect to the specific system API.
5.Send the request to System Layer APIThe request is processed further to ca -interchange-sapi where it calls the stored procedure.
6.If Validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf the request gets failed during the validation the exception is thrown by the System API to the Experience API secure layer.
7.Fault message redirection by the UserWhen Experience API layer Fails then it returns error message to the consumers
8.Connect to the databaseOCR Service System API establishes the connection with the database to retrieve the data from the database using Stored Procedure
9.a) Generic SQL connection Exception b) On connection failure, return error messageIf there is any connection failure during the step 5, the Oracle Exception is thrown by the service.
10.On successful connection,retrieve the data of entries, components, sessions, qualifications and center from database.After establishing successful DB connection, data of specific resource is retrieved from respective views.
11.Return responseReturns the success response.

CI Direct Results

Resource : GET: /v1/businessStreams/02/sessions/{sessionId}/enquireServices

1.Input Request MessageThe consumer invokes the mule services along with credentials (client id and client secret) and X-TRANSACTION-ID(A code to track API calls end to end) via Mule Soft Secure API layer with the proper query params
2.Validate the user CredentialsDesktop user credentials are validated by the security API mule gateway layer
3.If validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf validation fails, service returns specific fault response
4.Send the request to Experience Layer APIThe Mule soft experience API Experience layer validated users request query parameters will redirect to the specific system API.
5.If resultDateType is equal to issueThe request is processed further to call SP dbo.CentreWiseEmbargoInfo
6.If resultDateType is equal to releaseThe request is processed further to call SP dbo.Result_Release_Date_Validation
7.If Validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf the request gets failed during the validation the exception is thrown by the System API to the Experience API secure layer.
8.Fault message redirection by the UserWhen Experience API layer Fails then it returns error message to the consumers
9.Connect to the databaseSystem API establishes the connection with the database to retrieve the data from the database.
10.a) SQLServer connection Exception b) On SQL Server connection failure, return error messageIf there is any connection failure during the step 5, the SQL Exception is thrown by the service.
11.On successful connection,retrieve the data of entries, components, sessions, qualifications and center from database.After establishing successful DB connection, data of specific resource is retrieved from respective views.
12.Return responseReturns the success response.

RM Post Scripts/ Get PDF


POST: \v1\candidates\scripts

GET: \v1\candidates\scripts\pdf(docStorePageId)


1.Input Request MessageThe consumer invokes the mule services along with credentials (client id and client secret) and X-TRANSACTION-ID(A code to track API calls end to end) via Mule Soft Secure API layer with the proper query params
2.Validate the user CredentialsDesktop user credentials are validated by the security API mule gateway layer
3.If validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf validation fails, service returns specific fault response
4.Send the request to specific Led layered apiThe Mule soft experience API secure layer validated users request query parameters will redirect to the specific system API.
5.Validate the requestThe request is validated in the Mule System service API and if passed only then it is processed further to ca-eps-sapi
6.If Validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf the request gets failed during the validation the exception is thrown by the System API to the Experience API secure layer.
7.Fault message redirection by the UserWhen Experience API layer Fails then it returns error message to the consumers
8.Successful call to System APIThe request is processed further to call RM AUTH API
9.If RM token is generated successfullyThe request is processed further to call RM Post Scripts API
10.Connect to the RMSystem API establishes the connection with the RM to POST the data.
11.Return responseReturns the success response.

Get Issues Status from EPS


Resource : GET: /v1/candidates/resultStatus/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}

1.Input Request MessageThe consumer invokes the mule services along with credentials (client id and client secret) and X-TRANSACTION-ID(A code to track API calls end to end) via Mule Soft Secure API layer with the proper query params
2.Validate the user CredentialsDesktop user credentials are validated by the security API mule gateway layer
3.If validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf validation fails, service returns specific fault response
4.Send the request to specific Led layered apiThe Mule soft experience API secure layer validated users request query parameters will redirect to the specific system API.
5.Validate the requestThe request is validated in the Mule System service API and if passed only then it is processed further to ca-eps-sapi
6.If Validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf the request gets failed during the validation the exception is thrown by the System API to the Experience API secure layer.
7.Fault message redirection by the UserWhen Experience API layer Fails then it returns error message to the consumers
8.Successful call to System APIThe request is processed further to call RM AUTH API
9.If token validation is successfulThe request is processed further to call EPS GET Issued Status API
10.Connect to the EPS DBSystem API establishes the connection with the EPS to GET the data from SP.
11.Return responseReturns the success response.

GET CI Results from LIBS


Resource : GET: /v1/businessStreams/02/qpIdentifiers

1.Input Request MessageThe consumer invokes the mule services along with credentials (client id and client secret) and X-TRANSACTION-ID(A code to track API calls end to end) via Mule Soft Secure API layer with the proper query params
2.Validate the user CredentialsDesktop user credentials are validated by the security API mule gateway layer
3.If validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf validation fails, service returns specific fault response
4.Send the request to specific Led layered apiThe Mule soft experience API secure layer validated users request query parameters and uri parameters will redirect to the specific system API.
5.Validate the requestThe request is validated in the Mule System service API and if passed only then it is processed further to ca-eps-sapi
6.If Validation fails, service returns specific fault responseIf the request gets failed during the validation the exception is thrown by the System API to the Experience API secure layer.
7.Fault message redirection by the UserWhen Experience API layer Fails then it returns error message to the consumers
8.Connect to the databaseSystem API establishes the connection with the database to retrieve the data from the database.
9.a) Database connection Exception b) On Database connection failure, return error messageIf there is any connection failure during the step 5, the Exception is thrown by the service.
10.On successful connection,retrieve the data of entries, components, sessions, qualifications and center from database.After establishing successful DB connection, data of specific resource is retrieved from respective views.
11.Return responseReturns the success response.

Exception Handling:

  • Custom Error handler is used to handle API Kit errors as well as user defined errors.
  • HTTP endpoints have been configured with reconnection strategies with maximum of 2 retry attempts.

End Point details:

Results Experience API : /v1/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/enquireServices

1.Operation DescriptionRetrieve results data from OCR/CI Direct Database
2.URIGET: /v1/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/enquireServices
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-results-xapi 
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : \v1\candidates\scripts

1.Operation DescriptionAllows custmer to create the customerDirectives ATS request in RM
2.URIPOST: \v1\candidates\scripts
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-rm-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : \v1\candidates\scripts\pdf{docStorePageId}

1.Operation DescriptionTo Retrieve scripts from RM
2.URIGET: \v1\candidates\scripts\pdf{docStorePageId}
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-rm-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : /v1/candidates/resultStatus/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}

1.Operation DescriptionGET Result Issue status of Candidate from EPS
2.URIGET: /{version}/candidates/resultStatus/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-eps-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : /v1/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/qpIdentifiers

1.Operation DescriptionGet the Question Paper details from LIBS for both CI & OCR
2.URIGET: /{version}/businessStreams/{businessStreamId}/qpIdentifiers
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-libs-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : v1/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}/components/{componentId}/resultEnquiryStatus

1.Operation DescriptionGet the result enquiry status
2.URIGET: /{version}/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/centres/{centreId}/candidateNumber/{candidateNumber}/assessments/{assessmentCode}/components/{componentId}/resultEnquiryStatus
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-eps-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply

Results Experience API : v1/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/resultStatus

1.Operation DescriptionGet the result status
2.URIGET: /{version}/businessStream/{businessStreamId}/sessions/{sessionId}/resultStatus
3.Interface SourceATS Application
4.Interface Targetca-eps-sapi
8.Mode of Communication☐ Batch ☐ Message ☒ Real Time
9.Interface Pattern☐ Publish / Subscribe ☒ Request / Reply
