CQC Syndication

(1 review)


Welcome to the portal for the CQC Syndication API.

This portal provides documentation about the services and data accessible through this API, along with information that will show you how to begin integration with your platform.

Technical users should visit the API summary or inspect the RAML specification using the links in this Portal. For more information about RAML, visit http://raml.org.

To view the document schema for the different types of responses available: Select the Summary link in the menu to the left. Click the relevant method (e.g. GET) of the resource in which you are interested. The main pane will then display examples and the schema.

This API documentation was last updated on 25/05/2023.

API details

This API has been designed in accordance with RESTful principles, and is accessible over HTTPS in the form of JSON documents.

**The base URL of the API is: https://api.cqc.org.uk/public/v1. For example, to retrieve details for provider RXL, do an HTTP GET on https://api.cqc.org.uk/public/v1/providers/RXL

No authentication is required. Please note that it is accessible via HTTPS only.

This API no longer supports TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1. Please make sure your API client uses TLS 1.2 or higher in order to connect.


If you want to give feedback or ask questions about this API, please email syndicationapi@cqc.org.uk

Terms of use

The information provided by this API is available under the Open Government Licence 3.0

Before you use this information, you should read and comply with the full terms of the licence.

In order to provide CQC's public data services we ask that all organisations consuming this API add an additional query parameter named partnerCode to all requests. If you are a CQC Syndication partner the value for this code will be provided to you, otherwise an informative but concise code representing your organisation should be chosen. For example:


Rate Limiting

Clients including a partnerCode in requests may make up to 2000 requests per minute. Higher request rates, or requests without a partnerCode may be subject to throttling. An API request that has been throttled will result in a HTTP response containing a status code 429 "Too Many Requests".
