Manage Order API
The Manage Order API returns the following error codes and messages.
API error code | Http status code | Http status message | Endpoint | Description |
401-86 | 401 | Unauthorized | ALL | Indicates that authentication credentials haven't been provided in the request header or the credentials provided are incorrect. Check if the correct authentication credentials are in the header and try again. |
429-89 | 429 | Too many requests | ALL | Occurs when a request is blocked due to rate limit restrictions. Learn more about API rate limits |
FCO-400-30 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder /amendOrder /getOrderDetails /cancelOrder | Occurs when the Order ID provided belongs to another customer. Check the Order ID is correct and try again. |
FCO-400-31 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when the notificationPreference attribute is set to Notify but an email address wasn’t supplied. To receive notifications, provide an email address. To stop receiving notifications, change the notificationPreference to Opt Out. |
FCO-400-32 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when a Product Offering ID isn't from a supported Product Family Type. Check you’ve supplied the correct Product Offer ID and try again. |
FCO-400-33 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when the CSE Product Offering ID you’ve provided isn't from the correct Product Family Type. Check you’ve supplied the correct CSE Product Offering ID and try again. |
FCO-400-34 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when an locationOfEquipment hasn’t been provided. This is required for submitting orders for Business or Education product offers. Provide the locationOfEquipment and try again. |
FCO-400-35 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when a disconnect order can’t be created, because a modification to a product characteristic on the product offer was requested during order creation. Ensure there are no modification requests on your order, and try again. |
FCO-400-36 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when a product characteristic for an order is not associated with the product offer in use. Ensure you have provided product characteristics that correspond to the product offer, and try again. |
FCO-400-37 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when an Order ID is not from a valid Family Type, such as Bitstream or PONFAS Distribution. Check the Order ID is correct and try again. |
FCO-400-38 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when the Product Offering ID supplied in the create order request doesn’t match the order feasibility request. To ensure your order is feasible you need to provide the same values in both requests. If you want to change the Product Offering ID resubmit a new feasibility request. |
FCO-400-39 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when the CSE Product Offering ID supplied in the create order request doesn’t match the order feasibility request. To ensure your order is feasible you need to provide the same values in both requests. If you want to change the CSE Product Offering ID resubmit a new feasibility request. |
FCO-400-40 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when an ONT ID is supplied in the Create Order request. To ensure the system provisions the service to the correct ONT, remove the ONT ID and try again. |
FCO-400-41 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when the voiceRequired attribute is supplied in the Create Order request. Remove the voiceRequired attribute and try again. |
FCO-400-42 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when an interaction is raised but can’t be completed by Chorus, due to its current state. Check you’ve supplied the correct Order ID and try again. |
FCO-400-43 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the Order ID you’ve supplied doesn’t have a pending question that requires an answer at this time. Check the Order ID and try again. |
FCO-400-44 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when an answer is supplied on an order but is not possible due to the current order state. Check you’ve supplied the correct Order ID and try again. |
FCO-400-45 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the value supplied in the answer to a question is not valid, or was not provided when mandatory for the Order ID. Ensure you’re answering the question with the relevant value (ACCEPT, APPROVE, REJECT, EXTEND, ACKNOWLEDGE) and try again. |
FCO-400-46 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the reason note supplied in the answer to a question is not valid, or was not provided when mandatory for the Order ID. Ensure you’re answering the question with the note specific to the question and try again. |
FCO-400-47 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when an escalation is requested but can’t be completed by Chorus, due to its current state. Check the order you’re trying to escalate is not in a Feasibility or a Closed state and try again. |
FCO-400-48 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a request for escalation is made on an order that has already been escalated. An Order ID can only be escalated if it’s not in an escalated state. |
FCO-400-49 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when an escalation is requested but a reason and comment haven't been provided for Chorus. To proceed, resubmit your escalation request with a reason and comment. |
FCO-400-50 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when interaction details haven't been supplied. Check you’ve supplied a value for the interactionText attribute and try again. |
FCO-400-51 | 400 | Bad request | /deleteOrder | Occurs when a cancellation is requested on an order but is not possible due to the current order state. Check you’ve supplied the correct Order ID and try again. |
FCO-400-52 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder /amendOrder | Occurs when you haven’t supplied the minimum mandatory contacts needed to submit an order. For: - Residential offers with a site visit/CSE, at least 1 Site Contact must be provided. - Business or Education offers with a site visit/CSE, at least 1 Site Contact, 1 Order Contact and 1 IT Contact must be provided. |
FCO-400-53 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder /amendOrder | Occurs when the attribute Project Name wasn’t expected to be supplied for order. Remove the Project Name value and try again. |
FCO-400-54 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when you’ve requested a Disconnect Primary or Secondary order type but supplied a connectRFSDateTime. Check you’ve supplied a disconnectRFSDateTime for the order type requested and try again. |
FCO-400-55 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when you’ve supplied a disconnectRFSDateTime for an order without a Disconnect RFS. Check you’ve supplied a connectRFSDateTime for the order type requested and try again. |
FCO-400-56 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the current order state doesn't allow product characteristics to be updated. Check the Order ID or wait for the order state to update and try again. |
FCO-400-57 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the current order type doesn't allow non-CSE product characteristics to be amended. Check the Order ID and try again. |
FCO-400-58 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the Product Offering ID supplied in the amend order request doesn’t match the create order request. To ensure your order remains feasible, provide the same values in both requests. To change the Product Offering ID, resubmit a new feasibility request. |
FCO-400-59 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the CSE Product Offering ID supplied in the amend order request doesn’t match the create order request. To ensure your order remains feasible, provide the same values in both requests. To change the CSE Product Offering ID, resubmit a new feasibility request. |
FCO-400-60 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a characteristic supplied doesn't match the characteristics we have for the order. Check the characteristics you’re trying to amend and try again. |
FCO-400-62 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder /createOrder | Occurs when a Billing Account number couldn’t be validated or wasn’t supplied. Check the Billing Account number and try again. |
FCO-400-63 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the previous amend order request hasn’t been completed. Wait for the previous request to complete before trying to amend the order again. |
FCO-400-64 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the field you’ve amended is a read only field, which is defined during order feasibility. Check the details, remove the unsupported characteristic and try again. |
FCO-400-65 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a value you’ve supplied isn’t compatible with the product offer’s product characteristics. Check the details, remove any unsupported characteristics and try again. |
FCO-400-66 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a change to order details is requested on an order but is not possible due to the current order state. Check the Order ID or wait for the order state to update and try again. |
FCO-400-67 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when an amend request is made but no change to the order was requested. When submitting an amend request, ensure you provide at least one change. |
FCO-400-69 | 400 | Bad request | /attachments | Occurs when an attachment ID belongs to another order. Check the attachment ID belongs to the order ID you’ve supplied and try again. |
FCO-400-70 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when your amendment request couldn’t be performed. For more information, see the Bad Request response for the details and explanation. If you're still unsure, contact your Chorus representative. |
FCO-400-71 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when mandatory appointment details for the order were incorrect or not supplied. Check the date and time supplied for the appointment is in the correct format and then try again. For more information, see the Bad Request response for the details and explanation. |
FCO-400-72 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when mandatory appointment details for the order weren’t reserved or confirmed. Check the appointment was successfully reserved or confirmed and then try again. For more information, see the Bad Request response for the details and explanation. |
FCO-400-73 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when your order creation request couldn’t be performed. For more information, see the Bad Request response for the details and explanation. If you're still unsure, contact your Chorus representative. |
FCO-400-74 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when a create order request is submitted but isn't possible due to the current order state. Check the Order ID is in the correct state to be created and try again. |
FCO-400-75 | 400 | Bad request | /createOrder | Occurs when a location or service has been changed after a feasibility request was completed. To continue submit a new feasibility request at the location. |
FCO-400-76 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when the Order ID you’ve supplied doesn’t have a question that needs to be answered or the answer provided is not valid. Check the Order ID is correct and try again |
FCO-400-77 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a value for extendBy wasn’t supplied but EXTEND was requested as the answer to an open question. Review the notification for all outcomes or provide a value for extendBy and try again. |
FCO-400-78 | 400 | Bad request | /amendOrder | Occurs when a value for extendBy was supplied but answerValue EXTEND wasn’t requested as the answer to an open question. Review the notification for all outcomes or provide EXTEND as the answerValue and try again. |
FCO-400-85 | 400 | Bad request | ALL | Occurs when there is an issue with the syntax, message or header of a request. Check the syntax and formatting of the request and ensure all required parameters are included. |
FCO-401-84 | 401 | Unauthorized | ALL | Occurs when an organisation name can't be found for authentication purposes. Check your organisation credentials are correct and try again. If the problem persists, contact your Chorus representative. |
FCO-404-0 | 404 | Not found | ALL | Occurs when a resource can't be found. Check if you've supplied the correct resource and try again. |
FCO-404-19 | 404 | Not found | /createOrder /amendOrder /getOrderDetails /cancelOrder | Occurs when an Order ID can’t be found. Check the Order ID and try again. |
FCO-404-68 | 404 | Not found | /attachments | Occurs when an attachment ID can’t be found. Check the attachment ID and try again. |
FCO-405-0 | 405 | Method not allowed | ALL | Indicates that the requested method isn't supported for the resource. Choose another method and try again. |
FCO-406-0 | 406 | Not acceptable | ALL | Occurs when a request doesn’t list acceptable response content types that can be returned. Check you've listed acceptable content types and try again. |
FCO-415-0 | 415 | Unsupported | ALL | Indicates that a request doesn’t contain a content type that is recognised. Try again using a recognisable content type. |
FCO-500-0 | 500 | Internal server error | ALL | Occurs when a Chorus internal server error has occurred. Try again and if the problem persists, contact your Chorus representative. |
FCO-501-0 | 501 | Not implemented | ALL | Indicates that the requested resource hasn't been implemented yet. For more information, contact your Chorus representative. |
FCC-503-0 | 503 | Service Unavailable | ALL | System is currently unavailable due to maintenance in progress. Please try again later. For more information, contact your Chorus Service Delivery Manager. |