Search API
Your financial institution no longer has to struggle when performing account validation with this new API because Social Security Numbers (SSN) lookups just got easier! Inquiries for SSNs may be performed now in real-time at the press of a button.
The following endpoints are consumable with this API:
- /connex/ssninquiry: Retrieve a member’s name and SSN on an account. This API requires using the Encryption API as a pre-requisite. Refer to the Technical Notes in the Search API.
- /omaha/find-account: Perform account search without account number. This endpoint uses the following input parameters: the SNN or Miscellaneous Fields 1 - 10 & 13.
Use Case Examples:
- Perform a search for the member’s name and social security number when a member service representative is performing member validation on a call with a member.
- Search for accounts without having the account number using the SSN or the noted Miscellaneous Fields. If you have the account number, use the Account Information API’s GetCAP endpoint.