Connectivity Testing API icon

Connectivity Testing API

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An API for executing connectivity testing with internal or external API consumers



This API is designed for clients to test out the OAuth2 Security and general connectivity testing. The API supports RESTful GET, PUT, POST, UPDATE, PATCH, DELETE operations with a simple order header and line structure, though these resources respond with a mocked output. These API resource do not reflect real API resources that may be used in a QA or production environment.

You can view the API resources on the left hand side of the page for technical detail on the how to consume the API.

Connected Systems

This API is not connected to any real backend system - response data is mocked.


Bugs & Issues

Please contact your partner support representative for any additional support on this API

Solutions / Development

N / A


This API is protected using oAuth2. Please contact your partner support representative for information on how to retrieve an access token.

Supporting Documentation

N / A
