cs-credits-sapi icon


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This API allows you to verify the status of credit applications by receiving specific search parameters. It returns detailed information about the application status, client identification, and any related errors for efficient case tracking and management


🏠 Home - CS Credits System API (SAPI)

Welcome to the CS Credits System API (SAPI) documentation. This API facilitates secure operations and integration with the Visual Time Legacy System, enabling efficient credit insurance management and status tracking.

🌐 Base Information

  • API Title: CS Credits System API (SAPI)
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Base URL:

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Authentication: Ensure you have the required client_id and OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for secure access.
  2. Base URL: Use the provided Base URL as the prefix for all API endpoints.
  3. Headers: Add the following headers in your API requests:
    -H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

📍 Endpoints

1️⃣ POST /subscriptions/check-status

  • Description: Check the status of credit insurance.
  • Request Example:
    curl -X POST "https://cs-credits-sapi.cloudhub.com/subscriptions/check-status" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
      -d '{ "exampleField": "exampleValue" }'

2️⃣ PUT /subscriptions/{idRequest}

  • Description: Update the status of a specific credit insurance request.
  • Path Parameter:
    • idRequest (number) - The ID of the credit insurance request.
  • Request Example:
    curl -X PUT "https://cs-credits-sapi.cloudhub.com/subscriptions/255025" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
      -d '{ "status": "approved" }'

⚠️ Error Handling

Standard HTTP status codes are used for error handling:
- 200 OK - Request successful.
- 400 Bad Request - Missing/invalid parameters.
- 401 Unauthorized - Authentication failure.
- 404 Not Found - Resource not found.
- 500 Internal Server Error - Server error.

📞 Support

For any questions or issues, please contact the API support team COORDINACION DESARROLLO DE SERVICIOS Y APLICACIONES DE INTEGRACIONES.


  • Documentation adjusted in February 2025.
  • For additional information, contact: epalma@fgs.co
