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The System Utilities API documentation. This API provides secure access to a variety of system management utilities, including basic table operations, messaging, security features, file management, insurance services, claims processing, and more


🏠 Home - System Utilities API

Welcome to the System Utilities API documentation. This API provides secure access to a variety of system management utilities, including basic table operations, messaging, security features, file management, insurance services, claims processing, and more.

🌐 Base Information

  • API Title: System Utilities API
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Base URL:

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Authentication: Ensure you have the required client_id and OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for secure access.
  2. Base URL: Use the provided Base URL as the prefix for all API endpoints.
  3. Headers: Add the following headers in your API requests:-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

📍 Endpoints

1️⃣ GET /Utilities/v1/basicTables/{action}

  • Description: Retrieve basic table data based on the specified action.

  • Path Parameter: action (number) - Defines the type of basic table operation.

  • Example Request:


curl -X GET "https:///v1/Utilities/basicTables/5" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

2️⃣ POST /Utilities/v1/messaging/sendEmail

  • Description: Send an email with a custom subject, content, and recipient.

  • Request Body:



"subject": "Sample Email",

"content": "Hello, this is a test email.",

"to": "recipient@example.com"


  • Example Request:


curl -X POST "https:///v1/Utilities/messaging/sendEmail" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

-d '{"subject":"Sample Email","content":"Hello, this is a test email.","to":"recipient@example.com"}'

3️⃣ GET /security/otpcode

  • Description: Generate a One-Time Password (OTP) for secure authentication.

  • Query Parameters:

    • to (string) - Recipient of the OTP.

    • expiry (integer) - Expiry time for the OTP (1-1000 seconds).

  • Example Request:


curl -X GET "https:///v1/security/otpcode?to=user@example.com&expiry=300" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

4️⃣ POST /files/shares

  • Description: Upload a file securely to the system.

  • Request Body: Binary file data in application/octet-stream.

  • Example Request:


curl -X POST "https:///v1/files/shares" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

--data-binary "@/path/to/your/file.txt"

5️⃣ GET /claims

  • Description: Retrieve all policies associated with a specific claim ID.

  • Query Parameters:

    • claimId (string) - The ID of the claim.

    • system (string) - The system to which the claim belongs (e.g., "VisualTime").

  • Example Request:


curl -X GET "https:///v1/claims?claimId=3&system=VisualTime" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

6️⃣ POST /files/blobs

  • Description: Upload blob files to the server.

  • Request Body: Binary file data.

  • Example Request:


curl -X POST "https:///v1/files/blobs" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

--data-binary "@/path/to/blobfile"

7️⃣ GET /insurance/channel/product

  • Description: Retrieves insurance products available for a specific sales channel.

  • Query Parameters: saleChannelId (string).

  • Example Request:


curl -X GET "https:///v1/insurance/channel/product?saleChannelId=123" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"

8️⃣ POST /insurance/issuing-of-policy/save

  • Description: Saves insurance policy issuance details.

  • Request Body: Policy data in JSON format.

  • Example Request:


curl -X POST "https:///v1/insurance/issuing-of-policy/save" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

-d '{"policyNumber": "12345678", "insuredName": "John Doe"}'

9️⃣ GET /cosmos/query

  • Description: Executes a custom query against a Cosmos DB.

  • Request Body: JSON-formatted query parameters.

  • Example Request:


curl -X POST "https:///v1/cosmos/query" \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \

-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

-d '{"query": "SELECT * FROM c"}'

⚠️ Error Handling

Standard HTTP status codes are used for error handling:

  • 200 OK - Request successful.
  • 400 Bad Request - Missing/invalid parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized - Authentication failure.
  • 404 Not Found - Resource not found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Server error.

📞 Support

For any questions or issues, please contact the API support team COORDINACION DESARROLLO DE SERVICIOS Y APLICACIONES DE INTEGRACIONES.


  • Documentation adjusted in February 2025.
  • For additional information, contact: epalma@fgs.co
