Title: customers-management-sys
Version: 1.0.0
Protocols: HTTPS
URI Sandbox: [https://apis.dev.bancocajasocial.co/customers-management/v1]
URI QA: [https://apis.noprod.bancocajasocial.co/customers-management/v1]
URILive: [https://apis.bancocajasocial.co/customers-management/v1]
This service allows Management of customers-management-sys Information, which allows the following operations:
- Validation-Customer (GET):
Operation Validation of existing client in the bank
Uri Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
mnemonic | Mnemonic | YES | Minimum characters: 2 , Maximum characters: 20 , | CC1234444 |
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
cellphone | Cellphone number | YES | Maximum characters: 20 | 0000040 |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | |
X-Invoker-User | User | |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Response OK
Field BCS (campo) | DESCRIPCI脫N | UBICACI脫N | TIPO |
responseType.value | tipo Respuesta | Body | String |
depAcctId.flagExist | tiene Cuenta | Boolean | String |
cardAcctId.flagExist | tiene Tarjeta | Boolean | String |
Mapping Response Error
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
responseType.value | NA | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | Codigo de error | |
responseDetail.errorDesc | Descripci贸n del Error | |
responseDetail.errorType | Tipo de Error |
- Authentication
This method allows the client to be authenticated with the Bank by validating the credentials sent in the incoming message.
POST: /customers-management/v1/customer/authentication:
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
Accept | / | SI | ||
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | EL campo canalOrigen es de 10 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | SI | ||
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | EL campo codigoTerminal es de 8 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | NO | ||
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | El identificador de la aplicaci贸n se utiliza para la trazabilidad. Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas. Ejemplo: b11412654765af2f. | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Country | Country | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Network | Net | NO | ||
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered | SI | ||
X-Invoker-User | User | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification user | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-CustId | CustId | NO | ||
x-invoker-ally | SPI ally | SI |
Canonical Request Body:
Field Name | Description | Type | Comments |
govIssueIdent.mnemonic | Identificaci贸n del cliente, es la concatenaci贸n del tipo de identificaci贸n con el n煤mero de documento. Se env铆a el tipo de documento (de 2 posiciones) y el n煤mero de identificaci贸n. | String | Requerido si |
custPswdInfo.cryptPswd | Contrase帽a del cliente la cual debe venir cifrada desde el canal. | String(Cifrado) | Encriptado a AES |
custPswdInfo.pswdInfo.type | Indica c贸mo se realiz贸 la toma de los datos de autenticaci贸n desde el canal. T Restricciones Valores posibles: 1.- Manual 2.- Biometric | String | Requerido si |
custPswdInfo.transaction.trnType | Indica el proceso en el cual se est谩 realizado la autenticaci贸n, si es por primera vez debe enviarse el valor de LoginPrimeraVez Valores posibles: 1.- FirstTime 2.- Login 3.- Register | String | Requerido si |
custPswdInfo.transaction.cryptPswd | Cadena que representa el FaceId o TouchId del cliente, en los casos de autenticaci贸n con biom茅trico se debe enviar. Longitud m谩xima: 64 Ser谩 obligatorio en caso que se envi茅 en el campo proceso el valor LoginPrimeraVez | String | Requerido si |
custPswdInfo.transaction.code | El c贸digo interno para el canal. | String | Requerido si |
Request Example:
"govIssueIdent" : {
"mnemonic" : "CC10196070"
"custPswdInfo" : {
"cryptPswd" : "1234",
"pswdInfo" : {
"type" : "Biometric"
"transaction" : {
"trnType" : "FirstTime",
"cryptPswd" : "1234",
"code" : "1234"
Canonical Response Body:
Field Name | Description | Type | Comments |
personInfo.fullName | Nombres y apellidos del cliente separados por espacio en caso de tener m谩s de uno. | String | Requerido si |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | Identificaci贸n del cliente, con el tipo de identificaci贸n. | String | Requerido si |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.identSerialNum | Identificaci贸n del cliente, con el n煤mero de documento. | String | Requerido si |
personInfo.lastTrnDt | Fecha del 煤ltimo ingreso realizado por el cliente | DateTime | Requerido si |
responseType.value | tipoRespuesta | String | Manejar validacion del ER o OK |
responseDetail.errorCode | codigoError | String | N煤mero de identificaci贸n del error |
responseDetail.errorDesc | descripcionError | String | Describe el tipo de error que se present贸 durante la ejecuci贸n. |
responseDetail.errorType | tipoError | String | Describe si el error fue de base de datos o de regla de negocio. |
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"personInfo": {
"fullName": "example",
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC",
"identSerialNum": "123123"
"lastTrnDt": ""
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
Diagram of sequence.
- Form
This method allows you to consult the basic information of a client (natural or legal person) for entering the registration of a business form.
GET: /customers-management/v1/trade/{mnemonic}/form:
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
Accept | / | SI | ||
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | EL campo canalOrigen es de 10 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | No | |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | NO | ||
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | EL campo codigoTerminal es de 8 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | NO | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | NO | ||
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | El identificador de la aplicaci贸n se utiliza para la trazabilidad. Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas. Ejemplo: b11412654765af2f. | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Country | Country | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Network | Net | NO | ||
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered | SI | ||
X-Invoker-User | User | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification user | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | SI | ||
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-CustId | CustId | NO | ||
x-invoker-ally | SPI ally | NO |
Uri Params:
Field Name | Description | Type | Comments |
mnemonic | Identificaci贸n del cliente, es la concatenaci贸n del tipo de identificaci贸n con el n煤mero de documento. Se env铆a el tipo de documento (de 2 posiciones) y el n煤mero de identificaci贸n. | Uri Param | Requerido si |
Canonical Response Body:
Field Name | Description | Type | Comments |
personInfo.ContactInfo.cellphone | Numero de Celular | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.GovIssueIdent.GovIssueIdentType | Tipo de identificaci贸n | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.GovIssueIdent.IdentSerialNum | N煤mero de identificaci贸n | String | Requerido no |
BusinessInfo.GovIssueIdent.GovIssueIdentType | Tipo de identificaci贸n del comercio (en caso que sea una persona natural sin establecimiento de comercio se enviar谩 el tipo de documento del cliente) | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.ContactInfo.Phone | Tel茅fono fijo | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.postAddr.country | Pa铆s | String | Requerido no |
BusinessInfo.personName.fullName | Raz贸n Social (en caso que sea una persona natural sin establecimiento de comercio se enviar谩 el nombre del cliente) | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.LastName | Apellidos del cliente | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.postAddr.cityId | Ciudad | String | Requerido no |
BusinessInfo.GovIssueIdent.IdentSerialNum | N煤mero de identificaci贸n del comercio (en caso de que sea una persona natural sin establecimiento de comercio se enviar谩 el n煤mero del documento del cliente) | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.postAddr.stateProv | Departamento | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.Names | Nombres del cliente | String | Requerido no |
BusinessInfo.postAddr.Addr1 | Direcci贸n del comercio (en caso de que sea una persona natural sin establecimiento de comercio se enviar谩 la direcci贸n del cliente) | String | Requerido no |
personInfo.ContactInfo.EmailAddr | Correo electr贸nico | String | Requerido no |
responseType.value | tipoRespuesta | String | Manejar validacion del ER o OK |
responseDetail.errorCode | codigoError | String | N煤mero de identificaci贸n del error |
responseDetail.errorDesc | descripcionError | String | Describe el tipo de error que se present贸 durante la ejecuci贸n. |
responseDetail.errorType | tipoError | String | Describe si el error fue de base de datos o de regla de negocio. |
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"personInfo": {
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC",
"identSerialNum": "1234567890"
"contactInfo": {
"cellphone": "1234567890",
"phone": "1234567899",
"emailAddr": "yotengogmail@gmail.com"
"postAddr": {
"country": "Colombia",
"cityId": "63470",
"stateProv": "63000"
"names": "JACINTA KAREM",
"lastName": "LUCAS HERMOSA"
"businessInfo": {
"govIssueIdent": {
"identSerialNum": "1234567890"
"personName": {
"fullName": "abcs advance"
"postAddr": {
"Addr1": "avenida patria 15b"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
Diagram of sequence.
- Register(create) a new key (POST):
This endpoint will register a new key and associate the user and account data in a single request.
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
X-RqUID | El identificador de mensaje | c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f. | message-uuid para para la FDI | SI |
X-SPRefId | Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas a las API | 95acdbfd-eeab-53f7-95b7-708a1337f609 | request-app-id para la FDI | SI |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2001-03-22T10:00:28.420Z | customer-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z | entity-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
Request Example:
"transaction": {
"idItem": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f"
"personInfo": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "6011341540651850",
"middleName": "6011341540651850",
"lastName": "6011341540651850",
"secondLastName": "6011341540651850"
"govIssueIdent": {
"identSerialNum": "1234567890",
"govIssueIdentType": "CC"
"personType": "PN"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"acctId": "6011341540651850",
"bankId": "1020",
"signInfo": {
"value": "6011341540651850"
"cryptSecret": {
"contentType": "ID",
"type": "TFY",
"value": "guh"
Success Response Example:
// Pendiente Validar
"transaction": {
"trnRqUid": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-a2f933d5fe66",
"origDt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28.000Z",
"rquId": "acxff62e-6f12-42de-9012-1e7304418abd"
"custStatus": {
"idItem": "d8ad8825-5cdf-5316-b791-018dee8e2c56",
"type": "MERCHANTID",
"value": "76.71",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "TFY"
"status": "SUSPEND",
"startDt": "2005-08-11T15:52:40.807Z",
"upDt": "2002-03-07T06:28:58.898Z"
"custRec": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "Maude",
"middleName": "Lettie Beck",
"lastName": "Curtis",
"secondLastName": "Watson"
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "NUIP",
"identSerialNum": "1002003001"
"personInfo": {
"personType": "PJ"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"trnRqUid": "b3a840de-6236-58e3-9634-d59ddb2d8aee",
"acctId" : "3445745657",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lu"
"bankId": "1020" ,
"bankName" : "Bancolombia"
Mapping Response Headers
Name | Description | Example |
X-RqUID | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 21cb1916-be70-55ed-8bad-758fc4b2d911 |
X-SPRefId | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 87bef576-f9ae-5198-ba4e-4299aaa93726 |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2019-07-19T00:20:57.886Z |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2009-06-06T00:10:11.708Z |
X-CreatedDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud de servicio | 2009-08-17T02:24:46.942Z |
X-EndDt | Fecha y hora de respuesta del servicio | 2015-09-09T09:01:40.547Z |
Response Error Example:
// pendiente a validar si quedaria de esta forma
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Get key (GET):
This endpoint will Consult Keys SPI.
Request Data:
Uri Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
iditem | entity Id | YES | type: string , maxLength: 36 , minLength: 1 , pattern: "^[0-9]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | 8349032221 |
refid | Contains information related to unique identifier of the key to update. | YES | type: string , maxLength: 50 , minLength: 1 , pattern: "^[0-9A-z-]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | b6ff31c9-5b15-5c5a-9d19-9613ab4a9558 |
Name | Description | Example |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear s43d4g54g45 |
X-RqUID | message uuid | 0eee894f-c64f-5787-8098-f20194319958 |
X-SPRefId | request app id | 95acdbfd-eeab-53f7-95b7-708a1337f609 |
X-StartDt | customer request dt | 2001-03-22T10:00:28.420Z |
X-UpDt | entity request dt | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z |
X-OpenDt | transaction reference | 2001-02-11T21:10:10.701Z |
Success Response Example:
"transaction": {
"trnRqUid": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-a2f933d5fe66",
"origDt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28.000Z",
"rquId": "acxff62e-6f12-42de-9012-1e7304418abd"
"custStatus": {
"idItem": "d8ad8825-5cdf-5316-b791-018dee8e2c56",
"type": "MERCHANTID",
"value": "76.71",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "guh"
"status": "SUSPEND",
"startDt": "2005-08-11T15:52:40.807Z",
"upDt": "2002-03-07T06:28:58.898Z"
"custRec": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "Maude",
"middleName": "Lettie Beck",
"lastName": "Curtis",
"secondLastName": "Watson"
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "NUIP",
"identSerialNum": "1002003001"
"personInfo": {
"personType": "PJ"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"trnRqUid": "b3a840de-6236-58e3-9634-d59ddb2d8aee",
"acctId" : "3445745657",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lu"
"bankId": "1020" ,
"bankName" : "Bancolombia"
Mapping Response Headers
Name | Description | Example |
X-RqUID | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 21cb1916-be70-55ed-8bad-758fc4b2d911 |
X-SPRefId | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 87bef576-f9ae-5198-ba4e-4299aaa93726 |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2019-07-19T00:20:57.886Z |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2009-06-06T00:10:11.708Z |
X-CreatedDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud de servicio | 2009-08-17T02:24:46.942Z |
X-EndDt | Fecha y hora de respuesta del servicio | 2015-09-09T09:01:40.547Z |
Response Error Example:
// pendiente a validar si quedaria de esta forma
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Update key (PUT):
This endpoint for update keys SPI.
Uri Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
iditem | entity Id | YES | type: string , maxLength: 36 , minLength: 1 , pattern: "^[0-9A-z-]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f |
refid | Contains information related to unique identifier of the key to update. | YES | type: string , maxLength: 50 , minLength: 1 , pattern: "^[0-9A-z-]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | b6ff31c9-5b15-5c5a-9d19-9613ab4a9558 |
Mapping Request
Name | Description | Required | Type | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
custStatus.status | status | No | String - Enum | enum: - "ACTIVE" - "INACTIVE" - "SUSPEND" - "LOCK" - "CANCEL" | SUSP |
custStatus.cryptSecret.type | spbvi | No | String | maxLength: 3 pattern: "^[0-9A-z-]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | str |
depAcctId.acctType | account Type | Yes | String - Enum | enum: - "SAVING_ACCOUNT" - "CURRENT_ACCOUNT" - "LOW_DEPOSIT" - "ORDINARY_DEPOSIT" - "INCLUSIVE_LOW_AMOUNT" | SAVING_ACCOUNT |
depAcctId.acctId | account Number | Yes | String | maxLength: 34 minLength: 1 pattern: "^[0-9]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | 6.01134E+15 |
depAcctId.signInfo.value | account.signer | Yes | String | String maxLength: 36 minLength: 1 pattern: "^[a-zA-z_,0-9,\W.]* __COMPONENT_PLACEHOLDER__ quot; | lemwolwasa |
Request Example:
"custStatus": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "str"
"depAcctId": {
"acctType": "SAVING_ACCOUNT",
"acctId": "6011341540651850",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lemwolwasa"
Name | Description | Example |
client_id | client id | 21234535 |
client_secret | client secret | 21234535 |
Authorization | Bearer token | Bearer s43d4g54g45 |
X-RqUID | message uuid | 0eee894f-c64f-5787-8098-f20194319958 |
X-SPRefId | request app id | 95acdbfd-eeab-53f7-95b7-708a1337f609 |
X-StartDt | customer request dt | 2001-03-22T10:00:28.420Z |
X-UpDt | entity request dt | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z |
X-OpenDt | transaction reference | 2001-02-11T21:10:10.701Z |
Accept | Accept type format | |
content-type |
Mapping Response
# | Field BCS (campo) | Mapper | Description | Type |
1 | transaction.trnRqUid | meta.messageUid | String | |
2 | transaction.origDt | meta.requestDt | String | |
3 | transaction.rquId | meta.requestAppId | String | |
4 | custStatus.idItem | data.id | String | |
5 | custStatus.type | data.keyType | String | |
6 | custStatus.value | data.keyValue | String | |
7 | custStatus.cryptSecret.type | data.spbvi | String | |
8 | custStatus.status | data.status | String | |
9 | custStatus.startDt | data.createdDt | String | |
10 | custStatus.upDt | data.updateDt | String | |
11 | custRec.personName.firstName | data.user.firstName | String | |
12 | custRec.personName.middleName | data.user.secondName | String | |
13 | custRec.personName.lastName | data.user.firstLastName | String | |
14 | custRec.personName.secondLastName | data.user.secondLastName | String | |
15 | custRec.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | data.user.documentType | String | |
16 | custRec.govIssueIdent.identSerialNum | data.user.documentNumber | Number | |
17 | custRec.personInfo.personType | data.user.userType | String | |
18 | entpr.entprDesc | data.user.merchantName | String | |
19 | depAcctId.trnRqUid | data.account.id | String | |
20 | depAcctId.acctType | data.account.accountType | String | |
21 | depAcctId.acctId | data.account.accountNumber | String | |
22 | depAcctId.signInfo.value | data.account.signer | String | |
23 | depAcctId.bankId | data.account.entityCode | Number | |
24 | depAcctId.bankName | data.account.entityName | String |
Request Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"transaction": {
"trnRqUid": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-a2f933d5fe66",
"origDt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28.000Z",
"rquId": "acxff62e-6f12-42de-9012-1e7304418abd"
"custStatus": {
"idItem": "d8ad8825-5cdf-5316-b791-018dee8e2c56",
"type": "MERCHANTID",
"value": "76.71",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "guh"
"status": "SUSPEND",
"startDt": "2005-08-11T15:52:40.807Z",
"upDt": "2002-03-07T06:28:58.898Z"
"custRec": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "Maude",
"middleName": "Lettie Beck",
"lastName": "Curtis",
"secondLastName": "Watson"
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "NUIP",
"identSerialNum": "1002003001"
"personInfo": {
"personType": "PJ"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"trnRqUid": "b3a840de-6236-58e3-9634-d59ddb2d8aee",
"acctId" : "3445745657",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lu"
"bankId": "1020" ,
"bankName" : "Bancolombia"
Mapping Response Headers
Name | Description | Example |
X-RqUID | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 21cb1916-be70-55ed-8bad-758fc4b2d911 |
X-SPRefId | El identificador del mensaje se utiliza para la trazabilidad. | 87bef576-f9ae-5198-ba4e-4299aaa93726 |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2019-07-19T00:20:57.886Z |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2009-06-06T00:10:11.708Z |
X-CreatedDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud de servicio | 2009-08-17T02:24:46.942Z |
X-EndDt | Fecha y hora de respuesta del servicio | 2015-09-09T09:01:40.547Z |
- Create people (POST):
This method allows you to enroll a Bank client to act as the Payer in the Immediate Payments application.
Name | Description | Example | TIPO |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 | String |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 | String |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 | String |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | ||
X-Invoker-Component | Component | ||
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 | |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 | |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | ||
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | ||
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | ||
X-Invoker-Country | Country | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | ||
X-Invoker-Network | Net | ||
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | ||
X-Invoker-User | User | ||
X-Invoker-Action | Action | ||
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | ||
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | ||
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | ||
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | ||
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | ||
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 | |
client_secret | Customer key | ||
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 | |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Request
Name | Mapping | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
govIssueIdent.mnemonic | nemonico | Customer identification is the concatenation of the identification type with the document number. | TRUE | 36 | CC1012380907 |
depAcctId.bankInfo.bankIdc | infoCuenta.banco | Bank code with which the Originator is registered | TRUE | 36 | 0032 |
depAcctId.acctType | infoCuenta.tipo | Type of account registered by the Payer | TRUE | 3 | SDA/DDA |
depAcctId.acctId | infoCuenta.numero | Account number registered by the Payer | TRUE | 3 | 030054242 |
"govIssueIdent": {
"mnemonic": "CC1012380907"
"depAcctId": {
"acctType": "SDA",
"acctId": "030054242",
"bankInfo": {
"bankId": "0032"
Mapping Request OK
Field BCS (campo) | DESCRIPCI脫N | UBICACI脫N | TIPO |
responseType.value | tipoRespuesta | Tipo de Respuesta (Ok) |
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
Mapping Response Error
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
responseType.value | tipoRespuesta | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | codigoError | Codigo de error |
responseDetail.errorDesc | descripcionError | Descripci贸n del Error |
responseDetail.errorType | tipoError | Tipo de Error |
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Customer Accounts
This method allows you to get the accounts .
GET: /customers-management/v1/accounts/{mnemonic}:
Uri Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
mnemonic | Mnemonic | YES | Minimum characters: 2 , Maximum characters: 20 , | CC1234444 |
Query parameters
Name | Description | Required |
role | Nombre del rol del cliente en el ecosistema Pagos Inmediatos que est谩 consultando las cuentas. role: COMERCIO, ORDENANTE | YES |
initialRecord | Indica el n煤mero del registro a partir del cual se desea retornar las m煤ltiples cuentas del cliente. | NO |
totalRecords | N煤mero de registros que se desea retornar de las m煤ltiples cuentas del cliente. | NO |
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
Accept | / | SI | ||
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | EL campo canalOrigen es de 10 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | SI | ||
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | EL campo codigoTerminal es de 8 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | NO | ||
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | El identificador de la aplicaci贸n se utiliza para la trazabilidad. Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas. Ejemplo: b11412654765af2f. | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Country | Country | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Network | Net | NO | ||
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered | SI | ||
X-Invoker-User | User | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification user | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-CustId | CustId | NO | ||
x-invoker-ally | SPI ally | SI |
Response Body:
Mapping Response OK
Field BCS (campo) | DESCRIPCI脫N | UBICACI脫N | TIPO |
responseType.value | Tipo respuesta | Body | String |
resultsPagesGeneric.totalRecords | N煤mero de registros retornados | Body | String |
listAccounts[].depAcctId.acctType | Valores posibles: Ahorro, Corriente | Body | String |
listAccounts[].depAcctId.acctId | N煤mero de la cuenta del cliente. 24026061135, 21002787533 | Body | String |
listAccounts[].product.productType | Tipo producto | Body | String |
listAccounts[].curAmt.amt | Saldo disponible en la cuenta del cliente, los 煤ltimos 2 d铆gitos son decimales | Body | Number |
listAccounts[].acctBal.amt | Saldo total en la cuenta del cliente, los 煤ltimos 2 d铆gitos son decimales | Body | Number |
Mapping Response Error
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
responseType.value | NA | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | Codigo de error | |
responseDetail.errorDesc | Descripci贸n del Error | |
responseDetail.errorType | Tipo de Error |
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"resultsPagesGeneric": {
"totalRecords": 8
"listAccounts": [
"depAcctId": {
"acctType": "Ahorro",
"acctId": "100023569871"
"product": {
"productType": "AHORROS"
"amt": 5733894.28
"curAmt": {
"amt": 5733894.28
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
Diagram of sequence.
- Devices
This method allows you to update the device from which the client is accessing the App.
PUT: /customers-management/v1/devices:
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
Accept | / | SI | ||
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | SI | ||
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | EL campo canalOrigen es de 10 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | SI | ||
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | EL campo codigoTerminal es de 8 caracteres y va con ceros a la izquierda antes del primer car谩cter hasta completar el tama帽o del campo | SI | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | NO | ||
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | El identificador de la aplicaci贸n se utiliza para la trazabilidad. Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas. Ejemplo: b11412654765af2f. | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Country | Country | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Network | Net | NO | ||
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered | SI | ||
X-Invoker-User | User | NO | ||
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification user | NO | ||
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | NO | ||
X-Invoker-CustId | CustId | NO | ||
x-invoker-ally | SPI ally | SI |
Request Body:
Name | Mapping | Description | Required | Example |
govIssueIdent.mnemonic | nemonico | Customer identification is the concatenation of the identification type with the document number. | TRUE | CC1012380907 |
devRec.devId | devId | Unique device identifier for the transaction. | TRUE | 12342s |
Response Body:
Mapping Response OK
Field BCS (campo) | DESCRIPCI脫N | UBICACI脫N | TIPO |
responseType.value | tipo Respuesta | Body | String |
Mapping Response Error
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
responseType.value | NA | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | Codigo de error | |
responseDetail.errorDesc | Descripci贸n del Error | |
responseDetail.errorType | Tipo de Error |
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
Diagram of sequence.
- Update Ordering Customer
This method allows the client to update an ordering account
PUT: /accounts-management/v1/customer/{mnemonic}:
Request Data:
Uri Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
mnemonic | Mnemonic | YES | Minimum characters: 2 , Maximum characters: 20 , | CC1234444 |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | |
X-Invoker-User | User | |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Canonical Request Body:
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
bankInfo.acctType | Type of registered account | YES | Enum values: SDA DDA | SDA |
bankInfo.acctId | Registered account number | YES | ^[帽Aa-zA-z,0-9_ ,.\W]*$ | 030054242 |
bankInfo.bankInfo.bankId | Bank code with which you register | YES | ^[0-9]*$ | 0032 |
Request Example:
"depAcctId": {
"acctType": "SDA",
"acctId": "030054242",
"bankInfo": {
"bankId": "0032"
Canonical Response Body:
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
responseType.value | NA | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | Codigo de error | |
responseDetail.errorDesc | Descripci贸n del Error | |
responseDetail.errorType | Tipo de Error |
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ERROSB-380000"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "OSB-380000",
"errorDesc": "Se presenta un fallo con el servicio: -TPESVCFAIL(11):0:0:Unknown(923795923):QMNONE(0):0actualizarOrdenante_RN_TO_EBSOSB-380000actualizarOrdenante_RN_TO_EBSresponse-pipeline",
"errorType": "EXP"
Diagram of sequence.
- Consult payer (GET):
This method allows you to query a customer of the bank acting as originator in the immediate payment application.
GET: /accounts-management/v1/customer/{mnemonic}
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Required |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 07 | YES |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 | NO |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 | NO |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | NO | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | | YES |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | | NO |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 | YES |
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 | NO |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 | NO |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | process date | 2024-10-10 | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 | NO |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 | NO |
X-Security-CustLoginId | UserLogin | abc | NO |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 | YES |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 | NO |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | NO | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | NO | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | 12321545 | YES |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 | NO |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | NO | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 | YES |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 | YES |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 | YES |
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
mnemonic | Mnemonic | YES | Minimum characters: 2 , Maximum characters: 20 , | CC19444454 |
Canonical Response Body:
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) |
personInfo.mnemonic | datosBasicos.nemonico | identificacion del cliente, es la concatenaci贸n del tipo de identificaci贸n con el n煤mero de documento. |
personInfo.fullName | datosBasicos.nombre | Nombres y apellidos del cliente separados por espacio en caso de tener m谩s de uno |
personInfo.cellphone | datosBasicos.numeroCelular | Numero de celular del cliente |
personInfo.emailAddr | datosBasicos.correoElectronico | Correo electronico del cliente |
personInfo.depAcctId.bankInfo | datosBasicos.infoCuenta.banco | Codigo de banco con el cual se regsitra el ordenante |
personInfo.depAcctId.acctTyoe | datosBasicos.infoCuenta.tipo | tipo de cuenta registrada por el ordenante |
personInfo.depAcctId.acctId | datosBasicos.infoCuenta.numero | numero de cuenta registrada por el ordenante |
responseType.value | NA | Tipo de Respuesta (ERR) |
responseDetail.errorCode | Codigo de error | |
responseDetail.errorDesc | Descripci贸n del Error | |
responseDetail.errorType | Tipo de Error |
Request Example:
GET: /accounts-management/v1/customer/CC19444454
Success Response Example:
"personInfo": {
"mnemonic": "CC19444454",
"cellphone": "3124712991",
"emailAddr": "geovanniherrero@bcs.com"
"depAcctId": {
"bankId": "0013",
"acctType": "10",
"acctId": "030054242"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ERR500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "00001",
"errorType": "DAT"
- Consult Commerce (GET):
This method allows you reviw a Bank client to act as a Merchant in the Immediate Payments application, the message specification is specified by Redeban so that it is common to multiple financial entities.
GET: /customers-management/v1/businessinfo/{orgIdNum}
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Required |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 07 | YES |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 | NO |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 | NO |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | NO | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | NO | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | | YES |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | | NO |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 | YES |
X-Invoker-ServerMACAddress | Server MAC Address | | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 | NO |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | NO | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 | NO |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | NO | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | NO | |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | process date | 2024-10-10 | NO |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 | NO |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 | NO |
X-Security-CustLoginId | UserLogin | abc | NO |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 | YES |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 | NO |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | NO | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | NO | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | NO | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | 12321545 | YES |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 | NO |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | NO | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 | YES |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 | YES |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 | YES |
Name | Description | Required | Pattern / Min-Max value | Example |
orgIdNum | orgIdNum | YES | Minimum characters: 2 , Maximum characters: 10 , | 102081 |
Canonical Response OK Body:
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) | Tipo-Tama帽o | Ejemplo |
BusinessInfo.GovIssueIdent.GovIssueIdentType | comercio.infoComercio.tipoDocumento | Tipo de documento del comercio | String-2 | 1 |
BusinessInfo.GovIssueIdent.IdentSerialNum | comercio.infoComercio.numeroDocumento | N煤mero de documento para el comercio | String-15 | 800234523 |
BusinessInfo.name | comercio.infoComercio.nombreComercio | Nombre del Comercio | String-40 | Papeler铆a de la esquina |
BusinessInfo.orgIdNum | comercio.infoComercio.codigoUnico | Codigo unico del comercio | String-10 | 10203040 |
BusinessInfo.curAmtRate | comercio.infoComercio.mdr | MDR del comercio si este dato se encuentra en SEI (Aplica para comercios categor铆a 4) | String-7 | 1 |
BusinessInfo.flagPresent | comercio.infoComercio.ventaPresente | flag para venta presente | String-5 | 1 |
BusinessInfo.flagNoPresent | comercio.infoComercio.ventaNoPresente | flag para venta no presente | String-5 | |
BusinessInfo.status.statusCode | comercio.infoComercio.codigoEstado | C贸digo de estado del comercio. Enviado en actualizaciones | String-2 | |
BusinessInfo.status.statusDesc | comercio.infoComercio.estado | Nombre del estado del comercio. Enviado en actualizaciones | String-30 | |
BusinessInfo.channel | comercio.infoComercio.canalEnrolamiento | Canal por el cual se enrol贸 el comercio en Pagos Inmediatos | String-3 | |
BusinessInfo.LegalPerson.GovIssueIdent.GovIssueIdentType | comercio.infoRepresentanteLegal.tipoIdentificacion | Tipo de identificaci贸n para el representante legal | String-2 | |
BusinessInfo.LegalPerson.GovIssueIdent.IdentSerialNum | comercio.infoRepresentanteLegal.numeroIdentificacion | Numero identificacion del representante legal | String-15 | |
BusinessInfo.LegalPerson.fullName | comercio.infoRepresentanteLegal.nombre | Nombre completo del representante legal | String-60 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.personInfo.country | comercio.infoContacto.pais | C贸digo ISO 3166-1 del pa铆s | String-3 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.stateProv | comercio.infoContacto.departamento | C贸digo DANE del departamento | String-2 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.neighborhood | comercio.infoContacto.ciudad | C贸digo DANE de la ciudad | String-5 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.addr1 | comercio.infoContacto.direccion | Direccion del comercio | String-40 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.Cellphone | comercio.infoContacto.celular | Numero celular del comercio | String-15 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.phoneNum | comercio.infoContacto.telefono | Tel茅fono fijo del comercio | String-15 | |
BusinessInfo.ContactInfo.postAddr.emailAddr | comercio.infoContacto.email | Correo electr贸nico del comercio | String-60 | |
BusinessInfo.resultInfo.code | comercio.infoResultado.codigo | C贸digo del resultado al consumo del servicio | String-7 | |
BusinessInfo.resultInfo.desc | comercio.infoResultado.descripcion | Descripcion del resultado al consumo del servicio | String-60 |
Canonical Response ERR Body:
Field BCS (campo) | MAPPER | Description(Descripcion) | Tipo-Tama帽o | Ejemplo |
responseType.value | consultarComercioResponse.cabeceraSalida.tipoRespuesta | C贸digo del resultado al consumo del servicio | ||
responseType.errorCode | consultarComercioResponse.cabeceraSalida.codigoError | C贸digo del resultado al consumo del servicio | ||
responseType.errorDesc | consultarComercioResponse.cabeceraSalida.descripcionError | Descripcion de error | ||
responseType.errorType | consultarComercioResponse.cabeceraSalida.tipoError | Tipo de error |
Request Example:
GET: /customers-management/v1/businessinfo/102081
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"businessInfo": {
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC",
"identSerialNum": "1007641"
"name": "rappi",
"orgIdNum": "102081",
"curAmt": {
"rate": "1"
"flagPresent": null,
"flagNotPresent": null,
"status": {
"statusCode": null,
"statusDesc": null
"channel": null,
"legalPerson": {
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC",
"identSerialNum": "1007641"
"fullName": "juan perez"
"contactInfo": {
"personInfo": {
"country": "1"
"postAddr": {
"stateProv": "1",
"neighborhood": "1",
"addr1": "cr 55 55 55",
"cellphone": "3123432423",
"phoneNum": "543534543",
"emailAddr": "string"
"resultInfo": {
"code": "CB00000",
"desc": "Comercio consultado correctamente en PPII."
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ERR500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "00001",
"errorType": "DAT"