Title: bcs-management-exp
Version: 1.0.4
Protocols: HTTPS
URI Sandbox: https://bcs-management-exp-api-dev.us-e1.cloudhub.io
URI QA: https://bcs-management-exp-api-qa.us-e1.cloudhub.io
URI Live: https://bcs-management-exp-api-prod.us-e1.cloudhub.io
The API will offer consumers a connection to the APIs without having to go through a load balancer. It is currently implemented in the Remittance initiative ( Catalogs, Customer Inquiry, Payment Inquiry, Remittance Payment) and SPI( Consult Keys, Create Keys, Update Key):
- Remittances - Consult catalog.
Operation developed with the objective of making queries to the Shares and Securities database in order to obtain updated information regarding parameters whose value may change over time, understanding that for the process of sending or paying remittances, manage updated information.
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
catalogueName | Catalog name, accepted values: [Ciudades, Departamentos, DepartamentoDAS, Motivos, NivelEmpleo, Ocupaciones, Paises, PaisDAS, Parentescos, PaisMonedaDAS, Rangos, Recursos, TipoDocumentos, FormasPagos] | Ciudades | Yes |
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
key | Name of the field to filter. | GetById | No |
value | Value of the field to filter. | 99 | No |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Data:
- Response:
Field Name | Description | Type | Mandatory in |
responseDeatil.responseType.value | Result of the transaction ["OK", "ER"] | String | All |
responseDeatil.errorCode | Code that is generated to display an error (Mandatory in case of error). | String | |
responseDeatil.errorDesc | Detailed description of the error (Mandatory in case of error). | String | |
responseDeatil.errorType | Type of the error that is generated (Mandatory in case of error). | String | |
catalogue.nameCatalogue | Name of catalogue. | String | All |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.stateProv | Department code. | String | Departamentos, Ciudades |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.country | ISO country code. | String | Departamentos, Paises, PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.name | Department Name. | String | Departamentos, Motivos, NivelEmpleo, Ocupaciones, Paises, PaisMonedasDAS, Parentescos, Recursos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.status | Registry Status. | String | All |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.cityId | City identifier and DANE code. | String | Ciudades |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.city | Name city. | String | Ciudades |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagforeign | Flag that indicates whether the city is foreign or not. | Boolean | Ciudades |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.reason | Reason identifier and abbreviation. | String | Motivos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.additionalData.name | Reason type name defined for Western Union. | String | Motivos, NivelEmpleo, Ocupaciones, Paises, PaisMonedasDAS, Parentescos, Recursos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.rank | Abbreviation that represents the level of employment or Rank. | String | NivelEmpleo, Rangos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.jobTitle | Occupation identifier and abbreviation. | String | Ocupaciones |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.required | Flag that indicates if the occupation requires additional information about the company. | Boolean | Ocupaciones |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.certCode | Economic activity code associated with the occupation. | String | Ocupaciones |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.additionalData.required | Flag that indicates whether the occupation needs to be related to an employment level. | Boolean | Ocupaciones |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.countryId | Country code. | String | Paises |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.curCode | Currency abbreviation. | String | PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagAcceptTransferOrPayment | Flag that indicates whether the country has direct money service to the bank. | Boolean | PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagApprovalMin | Flag that indicates if the country has the money service in minutes. | Boolean | PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagApprovalDay | Flag that indicates if the country has the next day money service. | Boolean | PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.active | Currency abbreviation. | String | PaisMonedasDAS |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.relationshipType | Identifier and abbreviation of the relationship in the database. | String | Parentescos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.rankAmt | Range of amount intervals defined for Acc&Valores. | String | Rangos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.additionalData.rankAmt | Amount interval range defined for Western Union. | String | Rangos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.MinCurAmt.amt | Minimum money range. | String | Rangos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.MaxCurAmt.amt | Maximum money range. | String | Rangos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.type | Concept type identifier or abbreviation. | String | Rangos, TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.originResources | Resource identifier and abbreviation. | String | Recursos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.govIssueIdentType | Acronym or main abbreviation to identify the type of document. | String | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.govIssueIdentName | General name of the identification type. | String | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.additionalData.type | Identification Type Nomenclature for Western Union. | String | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagApprovalSend | Flag that indicates whether the type of document is authorized to send remittances. | Boolean | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagApprovalReceive | Flag that indicates whether the type of document is authorized for the payment of remittances. | Boolean | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagDueDT | Flag indicating whether the ID type should have an expiration date. | Boolean | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | Identification Type Nomenclature for Beetle System. | String | TipoDocumentos |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.pmtType | Unique identifier of the database record. | String | FormasPago |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.desc | Description of the payment method. | String | FormasPago |
msgResponse[].catalogueInfo.flagGmf | Flag that indicates whether, depending on the payment method, GMF is applied or not. | Boolean | FormasPago |
Example of Body Response:
- Ciudades:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Ciudades"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"cityId": "05001",
"stateProv": "05",
"city": "MEDELLIN",
"flagforeign": false,
"status": "A"
- Departamentos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Departamentos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"stateProv": "05",
"country": "CO",
"name": "ANTIOQUIA",
"status": "A"
- Motivos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Motivos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"reason": "AHOINV",
"name": "Ahorro/Inversión",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Saving/Investments"
"status": "A"
- Nivel Empleo:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "NivelEmpleo"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"rank": "NIV1",
"name": "Nivel inicial",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Entry Level"
"status": "A"
- Ocupaciones:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Ocupaciones"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"jobTitle": "AGEINM",
"required": true,
"name": "Agente inmobiliario/de seguros/de ventas",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Sales/Insurance/Real Estate ",
"required": true
"certCode": "9609",
"status": "A"
- Paises:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Paises"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"country": "AD",
"name": "Andorra",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Andorra"
"countryId": "376",
"status": "A"
- PaisMonedasDAS:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "PaisMonedaDAS"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"country": "AB",
"curCode": "USD",
"additionalData": {
"name": "US Dollar"
"flagAcceptTransferOrPayment": false,
"flagApprovalMin": true,
"flagApprovalDay": false,
"active": true,
"status": "A"
- Parentescos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Parentescos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"relationshipType": "AMG",
"name": "Amigos",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Friend"
"status": "A"
- Rangos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Rangos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"rank": "VLRACT1",
"type": "VLRACT",
"rankAmt": "$ 0 - $ 7,000,000.00",
"additionalData": {
"rankAmt": "$ 0 - $ 7,000,000.00"
"minCurAmt": {
"amt": 0.00
"maxCurAmt": {
"amt": 7000000.00
"status": "A"
- Recursos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "Recursos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"originResources": "AHORR",
"name": "Ahorro",
"additionalData": {
"name": "Savings"
"status": "A"
- Tipo de Documentos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "TipoDocumentos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"govIssueIdentType": "C.C.",
"GovIssueIdentName": "Cédula de CiudadanÃa",
"type": "2",
"additionalData": {
"type": "B"
"flagApprovalSend": true,
"flagApprovalReceive": true,
"flagDueDT": false,
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC"
"status": "A"
- FormasPagos:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"catalogue": {
"nameCatalogue": "FormasPagos"
"msgResponse": [
"catalogueInfo": {
"pmtType": "C",
"desc": "CHEQUE",
"flagGmf": true,
"status": "A"
Error Code Response:
HTTPCode | ErrorCode | ErrorType | Description |
400 | AV027 | Revisar información enviada exista en base de datos AV027 | "El dato ingresado no existe en la base de datos. - No se encontraron resultados." |
400 | AV107 | Revisar información enviada exista en base de datos AV107 | "No se encontraron datos para retornar la consulta - No se encontraron resultados." |
400 | AV052 | Revisar información enviada exista en base de datos AV052 | "No se obtuvieron resultados, verifique que la información enviada sea válida." |
- Remittances - Consult customer.
This service allows consult remittances basic data.
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
identserialnum | Customer identification number. [Minimum characters: 1 , Maximum characters: 20. Pattern: ^[a-zA-z,0-9,\W.]*$] | 12334432 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
govIssueIdentType | Customer identification type. | C.C. | Yes |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Data:
- Response:
Name | Description | Type | Comments |
responseType.value | Indicates if the service obtained a correct response (true) or if, on the contrary, inconsistencies were found (false) | String | requestResult |
listAddress[].postAddr.idItem | Identifier assigned to the address stored in the database. | Number | data.clienteDirecciones.id |
listAddress[].postAddr.cspRefId | Identifier assigned to the client in the database. | Number | data.clienteDirecciones.idCliente |
listAddress[].postAddr.addrType | Identifier assigned to the type of address that the client has, there are two types of addresses: RESI and EMPR, in case the client has two types of address, two objects will be displayed with the same number of fields. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.idTipoDireccion |
listAddress[].postAddr.addr1 | This field will store the address information. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.direccion |
listAddress[].phoneNum.cellPhone | This field will store the contact phone information that is related to the address. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.telefono |
listAddress[].phoneNum.phone | This field will store the contact cell phone number information that is related to the address. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.celular |
listAddress[].postAddr.postalCode | This field will store the zip code information where the address is physically located. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.codigoPostal |
listAddress[].postAddr.cityId | This field will store the information of the city identifier where the address is located, for Colombian cities this information corresponds to the assigned DANE code, for foreign cities it corresponds to the acronym. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.idCiudad |
listAddress[].postAddr.city | This field will store additional information about the city where the address is located. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.detalleCiudad |
listAddress[].postAddr.stateProv | This field will store additional information about the state or department where the address is located. | String | data.clienteDirecciones.detalleEstado |
beneficiary[].personInfo.idItem | Identifier assigned to the recipient in the database. | Number | data.clienteDestinatarios.id |
beneficiary[].personInfo.cspRefId | Identifier assigned to the client in the database that is directly related to the recipient. | Number | data.clienteDestinatarios.idCliente |
beneficiary[].personInfo.identSerialNum | Recipient identification number. | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.documentoDestinatario |
beneficiary[].personInfo.emailAddr | Recipient email. | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.correoElectronicoDestinatario |
beneficiary[].personInfo.firstName | Recipient's first name. | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.primerNombre |
beneficiary[].personInfo.middleName | Recipient's middle name | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.segundoNombre |
beneficiary[].personInfo.lastName | Recipient's first last name. | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.primerApellido |
beneficiary[].personInfo.secondLastName | Recipient's second last name. | String | data.clienteDestinatarios.segundoApellido |
senderPmtInfo[].idItem* | Identifier assigned to the financial concept in the database. | String | data.clienteFinancieras.id |
senderPmtInfo[].cspRefId | Identifier assigned to the client in the database that is directly related to the financial concept. | String | data.clienteFinancieras.idCliente |
senderPmtInfo[].type | Concept identifier in the database, 4 concepts are managed: VLRING, VLRPAS, VLREGR and VLRACT. | String | data.clienteFinancieras.idTipoConcepto |
senderPmtInfo[].rank | Range identifier for the financial concept, a range is an interval between values ​​that determines the amount that is directly related to a financial concept, each concept handles different types of IdRange. | String | data.clienteFinancieras.idRango |
personInfo.cspRefId | Identifier assigned to the client in the database. | String | data.id |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.identSerialNum | Customer identification number. | String | data.documentoCliente |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | Customer identification type. | String | data.idTipoDocumento |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.issDt | Date of issue of the client's identity document. | String | data.fechaExpedicion |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.expCityId | City identifier (DANE Code) where the client's identification document was issued. | String | data.idCiudadExpedicion |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.city | Additional information about the city of dispatch, if you do not have information, send this field with empty double quotes. | String | data.detalleCiudadExpedicion |
personInfo.personName.firstName | Customer's first name. | String | data.primerNombre |
personInfo.personName.middleName | middle name of the client, if you do not have this information; Send this field with empty double quotes. It can have more than one word. | String | data.segundoNombre |
personInfo.personName.lastName | Client's first last name. It can have more than one word. | String | data.primerApellido |
personInfo.personName.secondLastName | Second last name of the client, if you do not have this information; Send this field with empty double quotes. It can have more than one word. | String | data.segundoApellido |
personInfo.emailAddr | Customer Email. | String | data.correoElectronico |
personInfo.birthDt | Client's date of birth. | String | data.fechaNacimiento |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.expDt* | Expiration date of the client's identity document, it is mandatory for some types of identification such as immigration card, passport, etc. If the ID type does not have an expiration date, this field will not appear. | String | data.fechaVencimiento |
personInfo.gender | Client sex identifier, M=Male and F=Female | String | data.idSexo |
personInfo.country | Identifier of the country (ISO code) where the client was born. | String | data.idPaisNacimiento |
personInfo.govIssueIdent.country | Identifier of the country (ISO code) where the client has nationality. | String | data.idNacionalidad |
personInfo.businessActivity.certCode | Code of economic activity in which the client works | String | data.ciiu |
personInfo.businessActivity.jobTitle | Identifier of the occupation that the client performs. | String | data.idOcupacion |
personInfo.businessActivity.rank | Identifier of the level of employment in which the client works. | String | data.idNivelEmpleo |
personInfo.businessActivity.flagPubExpPerson | Flag indicating whether the client is a publicly exposed person. 1=YES,0=NO | Boolean | data.pep |
personInfo.businessActivity.branchName | Name of the client's company, depending on the client's occupation, it will be mandatory to fill out information in this field, otherwise empty double quotes will be sent. | String | data.nombreEmpresa |
pmtReferences.createRefId* | Identifier of the ally from which the transaction is made. | String | data.idAliadoCreacion |
pmtReferences.branchId* | Identifier of the office from where the customer's transaction is made. | String | data.idOficinaCreacion |
pmtReferences.actualizeStatus.updateRefId* | Last partner to update customer information. | String | data.idAliadoActualizacion |
pmtReferences.actualizeStatus.branchId | Last office from which customer information was updated. | String | data.idOficinaActualizacion |
personInfo.clientTerminalSeqId | Customer identifier in the centralized customer database. | Number | data.idClienteMaestro |
personInfo.status | Flag that indicates whether the client is active or inactive to carry out transactions. A=Active and I=Inactive | String | data.idEstado |
compliance.termsConditions | Mandatory field to check that the client accepts the processing of personal data. | Boolean | data.tratamientoDatos |
compliance.personDataProcessing | Field to accept or not the commercial use treatment. | Boolean | data.tratamientoUsoComercial |
personInfo.upDt | Update date. | String | data.fechaActualizacion |
Example of Body Response:
"value": "OK"
"listAddress": [
"phoneNum": {
"phone": "3105556755",
"cellPhone": "3105556755"
"postAddr": {
"idItem": 2,
"cspRefId": 2,
"addrType": "RESI",
"addr1": "calle 30 #10-15",
"city": "Bogota",
"country": "Colombia",
"postalCode": "730001",
"cityId": "0112",
"stateProv": "calle 30 #10-15"
"beneficiary": [
"personInfo": {
"idItem": 2,
"cspRefId": 2,
"identSerialNum": "1234567890",
"emailAddr": "correo@gmail.com",
"lastName": "DE_FRANCISCO",
"secondLastName": "LOPEZ",
"firstName": "CARLOS",
"middleName": "MARIO"
"senderPmtInfo": [
"cspRefId": 2,
"type": "VLRING",
"rank": "VLRING"
"personInfo": {
"personName": {
"lastName": "CAPERA",
"secondLastName": "PAZ",
"firstName": "DIEGO",
"middleName": "MARIO"
"upDt": "2022-12-11",
"clientTerminalSeqId": 0,
"birthDt": "2022-12-11",
"country": "CO",
"emailAddr": "correo@gmail.com",
"businessActivity": {
"certCode": "086712",
"jobTitle": "PARREG",
"rank": "NIV1",
"flagPubExpPerson": true,
"branchName": ""
"cspRefId": 2,
"gender": "F",
"status": "Activo",
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "CC",
"identSerialNum": "1234567890",
"expCityId": "05001",
"issDt": "2022-12-11",
"city": "Bogota D.C",
"country": "CO"
"pmtReferences": {
"actualizeStatus": {
"updateRefId": "SUPGIR",
"branchId": "SUPGIR_01"
"compliance": {
"termsConditions": true,
"personDataProcessing": true
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER400"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Remittances - Consult Payments.
This service allows consult remittances basic data.
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
refId | Identifier of the payment to consult. [Maximum characters: 10. Pattern: ^[a-zA-z,0-9,\W.]*$] | 12334432 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Data:
- Response:
Name | Description | Type | Comments |
responseType.value | Indicates if the service obtained a correct response (true) or if, on the contrary, inconsistencies were found (false) | String | |
transaction.origDt | Date and time in which a response was obtained from the service. | String(Date) | |
transaction.spRefId | Transaction identifier for A&V | String | |
transaction.refId | MTCN code consulted. | String | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdFrom.curtAmt.amt | Value in the currency from which the payment was made. | Number | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdFrom.curtAmt.curCode | ISO code of the currency from which the payment was made abroad. | String | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdFrom.fullName | Nombre de la persona en el exterior que realiza el pago a Colombia. | String | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdFrom.country | ISO code of the country from where the payment transaction was made abroad. | String | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdFrom.stateProv | State and city from which the transaction is carried out abroad. | String | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdTo.curtAmt.amt | Value in pesos of the payment consulted. | Number | |
transaction.xFerInfo.depAcctIdTo.fullName | Name of the person in Colombia who will receive the payment. | String | . |
Example of Body Response:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"transaction": {
"origDt": "2023-12-17T00:00:00",
"spRefId": "7246",
"refId": "8219535213",
"xFerInfo": {
"depAcctIdFrom": {
"curtAmt": {
"amt": 20.00,
"curCode": "BRL"
"country": "BR",
"stateProv": "MT - Mato Grosso"
"depAcctIdTo": {
"curtAmt": {
"amt": 11097
"fullName": "NAVYA RADHIKA"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER400"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Remittances - Create Payments.
PagoRemesa is a service that was implemented so that a client can receive money sent by a sender who is located abroad. In order to receive the money, the client must provide personal, financial information, relationship with the sender, source of economic resources, etc. Once the service is consumed; the payment will be collected and its status in the system will change to 'Collected', that is, the payment will be collected only once.
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Data:
- Request:
Name | Description | Type | Comments |
pmtInfo.trnRqUID | Identifier of the trx for A&C, it will be sent in value 0. | String | |
pmtInfo.refId | MTCN code that identifies the transaction. | String | |
pmtInfo.additiionalData.reason | Identifier of the reason why the money was sent. | String | |
pmtInfo.additiionalData.originResources | Identifier of the resource that relates the origin of the money to be received. | String | |
pmtInfo.additiionalData.relationshipType | Identifier of the type of relationship between the sender and recipient. | String | |
pmtInfo.additiionalData.pmtType | Field where the payment method of the transaction is indicated. [C = Cheque, T = Transferencia, E = Efectivo] | String | |
pmtInfo.additiionalData.desc | Field intended to store additional information important to the trx. If you do not have information for this field, it must be sent empty between double quotes. | String | |
pmtInfo.adviser.adviserId | Document number that identifies the allied operator. | String | |
pmtInfo.adviser.adviserName | Allied operator first name. | String | |
pmtInfo.adviser.middleName | Middle name of the allied operator. If you do not have information for this field, it must be sent empty between double quotes. | String | |
pmtInfo.adviser.lastName | First surname of the allied operator. | String | |
pmtInfo.adviser.secondLastName | Second surname of the allied operator. If you do not have information for this field, it must be sent empty between double quotes. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.flagUpdate | Flag that indicates whether the client information in the database will be updated (TRUE) regarding the request sent. If you do not want to update the information, the field must be set to 'FALSE' | Boolean | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.cspRefId | Customer identifier in database. | Integer | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.identSerialNum | Customer identification number. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | Identifier of the type of customer identification document. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.issDt | Date of issue of the client's identity document. "YYYY-MM-DD" format. | Date | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.expCityId | Identifier of the city where the client issued their identity document. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.city | Additional information about the city where the client issued their identity document. If you do not have information for this field, it must be sent empty between double quotes. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.personName.firstName | Customer's first name. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.personName.middleName | Client's middle name. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.personName.lastName | Client's first last name. More than one word can be sent in this field. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.personName.secondLastName | Client's second last name. If you do not have information for this field, it must be sent empty between double quotes. More than one word can be sent in this field. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.emailAddr | Client email. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.birthDt | Client's date of birth. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". | Date | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.expDt | Expiration date for the customer's ID document. | Date | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.gender | Client gender identifier. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.country | Identifier (ISO code) of the country where the client was born. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.govIssueIdent.country | Identifier (ISO code) of the country where the client has nationality. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.certCode | Code of the economic activity associated with the client's occupation. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.jobTitle | Identifier of the occupation in which the client works. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.rank | Identifier of the employment level that is related to the position held by the client. | String | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.flagPubExpPerson | Flag that indicates if the client is a publicly exposed person. YES=TRUE, NO=FALSE. | Boolean | |
pmtInfo.personInfo.businessInfo.branchName | Name of the company where the client works, this field must be completed depending on the client's occupation, otherwise it can be sent between empty double quotes. | String | |
pmtInfo.pmtReferences.createRefId | Identifier of the ally from which the request is made. | String | |
pmtInfo.pmtReferences.branchId | Identificador de la oficina del aliado desde la cual se realiza la petición. | String | |
pmtInfo.pmtReferences.status | Client status in the system. A= Active, I=Inactive. The field can be enclosed in empty double quotes. | String | |
compliance.termsConditions | Mandatory field to check that the client accepts the processing of personal data. | Boolean | |
compliance.personDataProcessing | Field to accept or not the commercial use treatment. | Boolean | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].addrType | Identifier of the type of address that can be associated with the client (RESI or EMPR). Depending on the occupation, it will be mandatory to enter an 'EMPR' type address. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].addr1 | Specific description of the address to be associated with the client. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].cellPhone | Contact phone number for the associated address. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].phone | Customer contact cell phone number for the associated address. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].postalCode | Postal code associated with the registered address. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].cityId | Identifier of the city where the associated address is located. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].city | Additional information about the city where the address is located. | String | |
pmtInfo.listAddress[].stateProv | Additional information about the state or department where the address is located. | String | |
pmtInfo.senderPmtInfo[].type | Identifier of the type of financial concept to be associated with the client, an arrangement must be associated for each concept: VLRING (income value), VLRPAS (liability value), VLREGR (expenditure value) and VLRACT (asset value) | String | |
pmtInfo.senderPmtInfo[].rank | Identifier of the range of values ​​that is applied for the financial concept. | String | . |
- Response:
Name | Description | Type | Comments |
responseType.value | Indicates whether the service obtained a correct response (Ok) or, on the contrary, inconsistencies were found (Er) | String | |
pmtInfo.spRefId | Consecutive of the Trx in the A&V database. | String | |
pmtInfo.originDt | Date and time in which a response was obtained from the service. Format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" | Date | |
pmtInfo.refId | MTCN code. | String | |
pmtInfo.depAcctIdTo.curAmt.amt | Value in pesos of the payment. | Number | |
pmtInfo.depAcctIdFrom.curAmt.amt | Value in the currency from which the payment was made. | Number | |
pmtInfo.intRateInfo.amt | Value of the exchange rate in Colombian pesos. | String | |
pmtInfo.intRateInfo.curAmt.amt | Value of the exchange rate in the foreign currency. | Number | |
pmtInfo.taxPmtInfo.gmfInfo.amt | Value of 4x1000 applied to the transaction in COP. | Number | |
pmtInfo.taxPmtInfo.fee.amt | Value of the commission applied in the transaction in COP. | Number | |
pmtInfo.taxPmtInfo.amt | Value of IVA applied in the transaction in COP. | Number | |
pmtInfo.desc | Field that returns information about specific comments for the transaction. | String | |
pmtInfo.submitOffice.branchName | Current prefix for the ally's office. | String | |
pmtInfo.submitOffice.branchId | Current consecutive number available in the ally's office. | String | |
pmtInfo.status | Indicates the final status of the transaction: US (Usual), IU (Unusual), RW (Rejected). | String | . |
Example of Body Request:
"pmtInfo": {
"additionalData": {
"reason": "REGALO",
"originResources": "AHORR",
"reationshipType": "AMG",
"desc": "PRUEBA",
"pmtType": "E"
"senderPmtInfo": [
"type": "VLRACT",
"rank": "VLRACT1"
"type": "VLREGR",
"rank": "VLREGR1"
"type": "VLRING",
"rank": "VLRING3"
"type": "VLRPAS",
"rank": "VLRPAS5"
"personInfo": {
"personName": {
"lastName": "GONZALEZ",
"secondLastName": "URZOLA",
"firstName": "DANIEL",
"middleName": "TATIANA"
"businessInfo": {
"branchName": "BCS"
"certCode": "0010",
"jobTitle": "EMPPLU",
"birthDt": "1994-12-12",
"country": "CO",
"emailAddr": "corre@correo.com",
"flagUpdate": true,
"cspRefId": 0,
"rank": "NIV1",
"gender": "F",
"flagPubExpPerson": false,
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "C.C.",
"identSerialNum": "1234",
"expCityId": "11001",
"issDt": "2012-12-12",
"city": "BOGOTA",
"expDt": "2024-03-15",
"country": "CO"
"listAddress": [
"cellPhone": "123",
"stateProv": "BOGOT",
"addrType": "RESI",
"phone": "123",
"city": "BOGOT",
"postalCode": "11001",
"cityId": "11001"
"cellPhone": "123",
"stateProv": "BOGOT",
"addrType": "EMPR",
"phone": "231",
"city": "BOGOT",
"postalCode": "11001",
"cityId": "11001"
"adviser": {
"adviserId": "W9M7R1A9",
"adviserName": "EDISON",
"middleName": "EDISON",
"lastName": "EDISON",
"secondLastName": "EDISON"
"pmtReferences": {
"createRefId": "",
"branchId": "0106",
"status": "A"
"refId": "123445433",
"trnRqUID": "0"
"compliance": {
"termsConditions": true,
"personDataProcessing": true
Example of Body Response:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"pmtInfo": {
"spRefId": "1111",
"originDt": "2023-03-14 18:20:38",
"refId": "123445433",
"depAcctIdTo": {
"curtAmt": {
"amt": 8624
"depAcctIdFrom": {
"curtAmt": {
"amt": 2
"intRateInfo": {
"amt": 4311.5385,
"curtAmt": {
"amt": 0.0002319
"taxPmtInfo": {
"amt": 0,
"gmtInfo": {
"amt": 34
"fee": {
"amt": 0
"desc": "",
"submitOffice": {
"branchName": "SP02",
"branchId": "25"
"status": "US"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER400"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- Remittances - Consult Tirilla.
The objective of this service is to generate payment slips for the transactions carried out by the client. The slips are generated only per transaction, therefore, the service will receive the transaction ID and the MTCN as a parameter. The expected response is the strip string in base 64 format which must be converted to PDF.
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
trnRqUID | Transaction identifier for A&V. | 1234 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
refId | Unique identifier resulting from the transaction. | 12344 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example |
X-Invoker-Channel | Channel of origin of consumption | 007 |
X-Invoker-ATMId | Amt code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-BranchId | Office code | 1102 |
X-Invoker-TerminalId | Term code | |
X-Invoker-Component | Component | |
X-Invoker-UserIPAddress | Client IP Address | |
X-Invoker-ServerIPAddress | Server IP Address | |
X-Invoker-UserMACAddress | Client MAC Address | 0E-A5-38-F7-C3-09 |
X-Invoker-ProcessDate | Process date | 2023-05-02 |
X-Invoker-TxId | Id TX | |
X-Invoker-SessionKey | Session key | 112w3w*b8a-1cfe9cdd35a1 |
X-Invoker-Source | Origin | |
X-Invoker-Country | Country | CO |
X-Invoker-ProcessBpmId | ID BPM process | |
X-Invoker-ProcessId | Process ID | PRI2210323310590452 |
X-Invoker-Network | Net | 0032 |
X-Invoker-subChannel | Subchannel with which the transaction must be registered. | 01 |
X-Invoker-User | User | CC10009287 |
X-Invoker-Action | Action | |
X-Invoker-Destination | Destination | |
X-Invoker-ModifierUser | Modification | |
X-Invoker-ReferencedNumber | Reference number | |
X-Invoker-RequestNumber | Request number | 12345 |
X-Invoker-CustId | Used to identify the user who logs in | |
client_id | Customer identifier | 154-111-1111-222 |
client_secret | Customer key | 1122222-222-333 |
Authorization | Barear token | Barear 2312323 |
Accept | Accept type format | content-type |
Mapping Data:
- Response:
Field Name | Description | Type | Mandatory in |
responseDeatil.responseType.value | Result of the transaction ["OK", "ER"] | String | |
trnImage.binData | Normal Tirilla in base 64.. | String | |
trnImage.file.binData | DOE Tirilla in base 64. This Tirilla is only generated for shipping transactions that exceed a certain parameterized value. | String | . |
Example of Body Response:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
"trnImage": {
"file": {
- Register(create) a new key (POST):
This endpoint will register a new key and associate the user and account data in a single request.
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
X-RqUID | El identificador de mensaje | c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f. | message-uuid para para la FDI | SI |
X-SPRefId | Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas a las API | 95acdbfd-eeab-53f7-95b7-708a1337f609 | request-app-id para la FDI | SI |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2001-03-22T10:00:28.420Z | customer-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z | entity-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
Request Example:
"transaction": {
"idItem": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f"
"personInfo": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "6011341540651850",
"middleName": "6011341540651850",
"lastName": "6011341540651850",
"secondLastName": "6011341540651850"
"govIssueIdent": {
"identSerialNum": "1234567890",
"govIssueIdentType": "CC"
"personType": "PN"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"acctId": "6011341540651850",
"bankId": "1020",
"signInfo": {
"value": "6011341540651850"
"cryptSecret": {
"contentType": "ID",
"type": "TFY",
"value": "guh"
Success Response Example:
// Pendiente Validar
"transaction": {
"trnRqUid": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-a2f933d5fe66",
"origDt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28.000Z",
"rquId": "acxff62e-6f12-42de-9012-1e7304418abd"
"custStatus": {
"idItem": "d8ad8825-5cdf-5316-b791-018dee8e2c56",
"type": "MERCHANTID",
"value": "76.71",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "TFY"
"status": "SUSPEND",
"startDt": "2005-08-11T15:52:40.807Z",
"upDt": "2002-03-07T06:28:58.898Z"
"custRec": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "Maude",
"middleName": "Lettie Beck",
"lastName": "Curtis",
"secondLastName": "Watson"
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "NUIP",
"identSerialNum": "1002003001"
"personInfo": {
"personType": "PJ"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"trnRqUid": "b3a840de-6236-58e3-9634-d59ddb2d8aee",
"acctId" : "3445745657",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lu"
"bankId": "1020" ,
"bankName" : "Bancolombia"
Response Error Example:
// pendiente a validar si quedaria de esta forma
"responseType": {
"value": "ER500"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "",
"errorDesc": "",
"errorType": ""
- SPI - Consult Keys.
This endpoint allows users to get the details of a specific key using its ID.
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
iditem | The unique identifier of entity. | 746737287299072 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example | Mandatory |
refId | The unique identifier of the key to query. | b6ff31c9-5b15-5c5a-9d19-9613ab4a9558 | Yes |
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
X-RqUID | El identificador de mensaje | c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-12654765af2f. | message-uuid para para la FDI | SI |
X-SPRefId | Este identificador permite identificar los registros de las llamadas a las API | 95acdbfd-eeab-53f7-95b7-708a1337f609 | request-app-id para la FDI | SI |
X-StartDt | Fecha y hora de la solicitud del cliente capturada por la entidad de terceros | 2001-03-22T10:00:28.420Z | customer-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
X-UpDt | Fecha y hora de solicitud de entidad de terceros | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z | entity-request-dt para la FDI | SI |
Mapping Data:
- Response:
Field Name | Description or Mapping | Type | Mandatory in |
responseDeatil.responseType.value | Resultado de la transacción | String | |
transaction.trnRqUid | Identificador de mensaje usado para trazabilidad | String | |
transaction.origDt | Tiempo y hora en que la peticion fue hecha | Date-time | |
transaction.rquId | Idetificador en app usado para trazabilidad | String | |
custStatus.idItem | Contiene información relacionada al Idetificador de item | String | |
custStatus.type | Tipo de llave | String | |
custStatus.value | Informacion relacionada al valor | String | |
custStatus.CryptSecret.type | Sistema de pago inmediato de bajo valor | String | |
custStatus.status | Estado | String | |
custStatus.startDt | Fecha de creación | Date-time | |
custStatus.updDt | Fecha de actualización | Date-time | |
custRec.personName.firstName | Primer Nombre | String | |
custRec.personName.middleName | Segundo Nombre | String | |
custRec.personName.lastName | Primer Apellido | String | |
custRec.personName.secondLastName | Segundo Apellido | String | |
custRec.govIssueIdent.govIssueIdentType | Tipo de identificación. | String | |
custRec.govIssueIdent.identSerialNum | Numero de la identificación. | String | |
custRec.personInfo.personType | Tipo de usuario, Persona natural o Persona juridica. | String | |
entpr.entprDesc | El nombre del comerciante. | String | |
depAcctId.trnRqUid | Identificador. | String | |
depAcctId.acctType | Tipo de cuenta | String | |
depAcctId.acctId | El numero de cuenta al que se asociara la clave. | String | |
depAcctId.signInfo.value | Firmante | String | |
depAcctId.bankId | Identificador de banco. | String | |
depAcctId.bankName | Nombre de la institución financiera. | String | . |
Example of Body Response:
"transaction": {
"trnRqUid": "c4e6bd04-5149-11e7-b114-a2f933d5fe66",
"origDt": "2017-07-21T17:32:28.000Z",
"rquId": "acxff62e-6f12-42de-9012-1e7304418abd"
"custStatus": {
"idItem": "d8ad8825-5cdf-5316-b791-018dee8e2c56",
"type": "MERCHANTID",
"value": "76.71",
"cryptSecret": {
"type": "guh"
"status": "SUSPEND",
"startDt": "2005-08-11T15:52:40.807Z",
"upDt": "2002-03-07T06:28:58.898Z"
"custRec": {
"personName": {
"firstName": "Maude",
"middleName": "Lettie Beck",
"lastName": "Curtis",
"secondLastName": "Watson"
"govIssueIdent": {
"govIssueIdentType": "NUIP",
"identSerialNum": "1002003001"
"personInfo": {
"personType": "PJ"
"entpr": {
"entprDesc": "Ruby Maxwell"
"depAcctId": {
"trnRqUid": "b3a840de-6236-58e3-9634-d59ddb2d8aee",
"acctId" : "3445745657",
"signInfo": {
"value": "lu"
"bankId": "1020" ,
"bankName" : "Bancolombia"
Example Response Error:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER400"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "CodigoError",
"errorDesc": "Descripcion del error",
"errorType": "Tipo de Error"
- Customer Payment Status Report (POST):
This endpoint will use to send by an instructed agent to the upstream party in the payment chain. It is used to inform this party about the positive or negative status of an instruction (either single or file). It is also used to inform about a pending instruction.
Request Data:
Name | Description | Example | Comments | Required |
client_id | Identificador del cliente | f1b1247... | SI | |
client_secret | Clave del cliente | b124731b4... | SI | |
Authorization | Token Generado | Bearer WxN_AU... | SI | |
Content-Length | Indica el tamaño anticipado del cuerpo de la carga útil. Solo se envÃa si hay cuerpo. | 1024 | NO | |
Accept | Indica la versión de API que el cliente quiere que utilice el servidor | / | NO | |
Content-Type | Indica la versión especÃfica de la API utilizada para enviar el cuerpo de la carga útil. | application/json | NO | |
Date | Fecha y hora en que se envió la solicitud | 2001-12-22T05:47:25.367Z | NO | |
X-Forwarded-For | Es un estándar de facto para identificar el origen de la dirección IP de un cliente conectado a un servidor web a través de un proxy HTTP o un balanceador de carga | | NO | |
RBMFROM | Es un campo estándar no HTTP utilizado por la API para identificar al remitente de la solicitud HTTP. El campo debe ser establecido por el remitente original de la solicitud | 3b0e349b-3126-4ef7-9ca8-b4230c5b1ef3 | SI | |
RBMTO | Es utilizado por la API para identificar el origen del mensaje de la solicitud HTTP | 3b0e349b-3126-4ef7-9ca8-b4230c5b1ef6 | NO | |
RBMURI | utilizado por la API para la verificación de firmas, debe contener el URI de servicio en el siguiente flujo de la transacción | pagos | NO | |
RBMHTTP-Method | utilizado por la API para la veri-ficación de fir-mas, debe con-tener el método HTTP de servicio invocando (HTTP-VERB) | POST | NO | |
RBMDigest | utilizado por la API para aplicar una firma en la solicitud de ex-tremo a extremo, de la transacción. | bcstda | NO | |
RBMEncryption | Utilizado por la API para aplicar encriptacion | SHA-256 | NO | |
RBMSignature | Utilizado por la API para aplicar cifrado de extremo a extremo a la carga útil de la transacción | zxcljvoi-zuu09wqqpowipoalksdflksjdgx-clvkjl0s909asdf | NO |
Request Example:
"CstmrPmtStsRpt": {
"GrpHdr": {
"MsgId": "f007badf-9d05-48d0-813b-feeac6e85774",
"CreDtTm": "2022-02-28T14:07:02"
"OrgnlGrpInfAndSts": {
"OrgnlMsgId": "d50c92ad-47fd-4ba3-896a-6eeb8c14108f",
"OrgnlMsgNmId": "pain001",
"OrgnlCreDtTm": "2022-02-28T14:08:16",
"OrgnlNbOfTxs": "1",
"OrgnlCtrlSum": "100000.00",
"GrpSts": "ACCP",
"StsRsnInf": {
"Rsn": {
"Cd": "NT00",
"Prtry": "Aceptado"
"AddtnlInf": "845564185167"
"OrgnlPmtInfAndSts": {
"OrgnlPmtInfId": "fbc0f86f-8c30-4efc-811d-6bbdb1133850"
Success Response Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "OK"
Response Error Example:
"responseType": {
"value": "ER"
"responseDetail": {
"errorCode": "9066",
"errorDesc": "Los datos introducidos no son correctos, favor de verificar",
"errorType": "Bad Request"