Company API

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API Notebook

The Company API provides you instant access to company data in Belgium, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. The API enables you to get data on a company of your interest and integrate that in your own system.

In this Notebook we'll explore the resources that are currently available to you in the Company API. To run all the scripts, please click on Play notebook at the bottom of the page.

Create API client

First, we create a client to access the resources of the Company API:

To use access the company data through the resources, we provide a unique identification of the company of our interest.

Company Profile

Let us check the status of our call...

Great!!! our request has been successfully executed....

The body of the received response contains all company data. Please explore its content.

Branch offices

The Company API provides you also access to branch offices that a company might have. The following sub-resource enables to get a list of the branch offices.

Note: This resource is not yet enabled in this version of the API.

Credit scores

This resource provides you with Graydon score that give you Insights on creditworthiness of a company of your interest.

Let's check the credit recommendation Graydon advices for this company..

Opportunity scores

This resource provides Insights, eg. the Graydon Growth score, on a company of your interest.

Financial Summary

This resource provides key figures on financial state of the company of your interest.

Affiliations - Manager

This resource provides all managers (person or company) of the company of your interest.

Affiliations - Shareholders

This resource provides all shareholder (person or company) of the company of your interest.

Affiliations - Participations

This resource provides companies of which the company of your interest has shares of.

Affiliations - Group Structure

This resource provides the group structure (Ultimate mother company , Mother company, sister companies and daughter companies (subsidiaries)) of the company of your interest.

Affiliations - Declaration of liabilities

This resource provides:
1) the a list of companies for which a Declaration of liability has been filed in by the company of your interest and
2) the company that has filed a declaration of liability for you company of interest.
