Australian Patent Search API

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The Australian Patent Search API allows for the searching of Australian Patent data.



The Australian Patent Search API allows you to search for Australian Patents and retrieve data related to that Patent.

Base URL


The base URL for the Test instance of Australian Patent Search API is:


The base URL for the Production instance Australian Patent Search API is:


Australian Patent Search API has two endpoints, a quick search and a get by Patent Number.

Quick Search

There are currently two quick search endpoints:


The quick search endpoint enables a user to search for a list of Patents that match the given criteria. The request allows users to return either a list of Patent Numbers based on the search, or basic details for each Patent returned.

Method: POST
Request Path: /search/quick

Get By Patent Number

This endpoint allows users to get all of the information about a given Patent. The response contains all publicly available information about the Patent.

Method: GET
Request Path: /patent/{ipRightIdentifier}

Response Format

All responses are in JSON
