The following provides details of testing Mulesoft Documents System API. These should be used to validate the results
Name | Use | Addresses / Apps |
Postman | This environment is available for integration to test, to ensure that calls to the API’s are technically correct and that the responses received are handled as expected. This environment is available for system, integration and user acceptance testing. | Postman Mulesoft Collection API: mdc-datascape |
MDC DEV | This environment is to test that, what is returned in POSTMAN GET is accurate in the DEV Environment | |
MDC QA | This environment is to test that, what is returned in POSTMAN GETS is accurate in the QA Environment | |
Documents Test Case
Positive Cases
Suggested Test Cases | Expected Result |
/datascape/engagement/v1/property-files/container/PN174860?private=false&searchBy=propertyno&onlyCurrent=false&application=propertyfiles&company=datacom-mulesoft | Returns matching container information (success - 200) |
/datascape/engagement/v1/property-files/file/12260216?company=MDC&application=muleApp&searchBy=propertyno&onlyCurrent=false&private=false | Returns matching binary file (success - 200) |
Negative Cases
Suggested Test Cases | Expected Result |
/records/12260216?company=mdc-mulesoft&application=propertyfiles (without correlationId) | No correlationId (error - 400) |
/records/9999999?company=mdc-mulesoft&application=propertyfiles | Not Found (error - 404) |