API Features Summary
This API connects to Datascape, Datascape Experience API and .NET to create or update related application details
API Overview
Property | Details |
Application Technical Name | mdc-rates |
Application Business Name | MDC Rates API |
Mule Application Type | API |
API Type | REST |
Business Domain | TBC |
Purpose of API | This API connects to Datascape, Datascape Experience API and .NET to create or update related application details |
API Owner | MDC Integration Team |
Version(s) | 1.2.5 |
Target Consumers | Externals/Datascape API TBC |
Consuming Applications/Processes | Externals/Datascape API TBC |
Design Center URL | https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/designcenter/designer/#/project/9d686f68-82a6-4894-b97e-035d1a3d033d |
Anypoint Exchange URL | https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/exchange/e952a1f4-b5bf-4939-8f29-d497de78c7af/rates-api-specification/minor/1.2/ |
Environment | Mulesoft URL |
DEV | https://mdc-rates-dev.au-s1.cloudhub.io/api |
QA | https://mdc-rates-test.au-s1.cloudhub.io/api |
PROD | https://mdc-rates.au-s1.cloudhub.io/api |
Endpoints |
GET /streets |
GET /properties |
GET /properties/{propertyNo} |
GET /properties/{propertyNo}/attributes |
GET /properties/{propertyNo}/charges |
POST /properties/{propertyNo}/online-certificate |
GET /properties/{propertyNo}/online-comparison/header |
GET /properties/online-comparison/header-proposed |
GET /properties/online-comparison/details-proposed |
GET /properties/online-comparison/details |
High Level Diagram
To Be Added
Integration Overview
The MDC interfaces are web services which return JSON.
GET calls
GET calls are supported by SOAP services and REST APIs hosted on TechOne via CIAnywhere.
POST calls
POST calls are supported by TechOne via SOAP Services.
Calls to web services are made over the Internet using HTTPS. The MDC web service API will allow calls from the Datacom specific IP address only.
For API specification summary, click on Summary in the left menu