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Media Satellite Observations API

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The Satellite Observations API provides links to satellite imagery, base maps, map layers and timestamp overlays for individual states and the whole of Australia.


Satellite Images

These calls are used to access the list of available satellite images. The images consist of the layers that have to be composited in the web browser or mobile app.

The images have the following layers:


The time stamp and satellite images are dynamic and change every time a new satellite image is made available. The base map and map layers are static. The same image can be used for every image in the animation.

There is a different โ€œTime Stamp & Copyright Overlayโ€ image for each satellite image in the animation. The copyright information must be shown on each satellite image retrieved through the Weather API.

The service only holds satellite images for 24 hours.

All images are 512x512 pixels in size.

The following type of satellite images are available:

infraredThese images are black and white and include terrain. Base maps are not required for this type of image.
infrared-alphaThese images show clouds as white and have a transparent alpha channel. This type of image requires a base map as the terrain has been removed.

1 By Area:

Description: This call is used to get a list of available images for a specific area.

Supported areas are:

nationalThis shows all of Australiahimawari
nswNew South Waleshimawari
ntNorthern Territorieshimawari
saSouth Australiahimawari
nwaNorthern Western Australiahimawari
swaSouthern Western Australiahimawari

See Additional Parameters below for additional filtering options.

API Call:

GET /countries/{countryCode}/observations/satelliteImages/{areaCode}?satellite={satellite}&type={type}


countryCodeauThis is the short code of the country that the weather information relates to.

Available codes are: au โ€“ Australia

This parameter is Mandatory.
areaCodenationalThis is the name of the area.

See above for a table of names.

This parameter is Mandatory.
satellitehimawariThis is the name of the satellite providing images. This parameter is optional, currently all images are provided via the Himawari satellites.

This parameter is Optional. The default behavior is for satellite=himawari.
typeinfraredThis is the name of the type of images you want to list.

This parameter is Optional. The default behaviour is for type=infrared.

See above for a table of supported types.


GET /countries/au/observations/satelliteImages/national?satellite=himawari&type=infrared-alpha

This example shows a request to get a list of infrared images with clear alpha channels showing the national view of Australia.

All images are 512x512 pixels in size.

To retrieve the images a separate call must be made to the asset service.

API Response:

            "label":"Wed 17 Jan, 10:30"
            "label":"Wed 17 Jan, 10:20"
            "label":"Wed 17 Jan, 10:10"
            "label":"Wed 17 Jan, 10:00"

Data fields:

Field NameData TypeDescription
basemapsarrayLists links to base map images.
layersarrayLists links to map layer images.
imagesarrayLists links to satellite images.
timestamp-overlaysarrayLists links to time stamp and copyright overlay images.

2 By specific Image Type:

Description: This call is used to get a list of available images for a specific area and satellite product.

API Call โ€“ infrared product:

GET /countries/{countryCode}/observations/satelliteImages/{areaCode}/infrared?satellite={satellite}

API Call - infrared-alpha product:

GET /countries/{countryCode}/observations/satelliteImages/{areaCode}/infrared-alpha?satellite={satellite}


countryCodeauThis is the short code of the country that the weather information relates to.

Available codes are: au โ€“ Australia

This parameter is Mandatory.
areaCodenationalThis is the name of the area.

See above for a table of names.

This parameter is Mandatory.
satellitehimawariThis is the name of the satellite providing images. This parameter is optional, currently all images are provided via the Himawari satellites.

This parameter is Optional. The default behavior is for satellite=himawari.

Additional Parameters

The results can be further filtered by the optional use of additional parameters. The additional parameters also allow access to previous results.

period4HThe period parameter represents the length of time going backwards from current time. This is case period can only be specified in hours (H). For example, 4H it the last 4 hours of radar images.

When period=current is used, the results show only the last satellite(s) image(s).

The maximum period allowed is 24 hours, that is, period=24H. The default behavior is period=1H
